导航:首页 > 电影题材 > 写关于毕业的电影的英语题材


发布时间:2024-05-23 05:41:46

『壹』 十大英文励志电影






『贰』 有谁知道好莱坞经典影片《毕业生》的主题思想是什么


『叁』 鐢靛奖姣曚笟鐢熺殑鑻辨枃绠浠

After a successful stint away at an eastern college, twenty-one year old
Benjamin Braddock returns to his parents' Los Angeles area home a
graate. Although the world should be his oyster, Ben is instead in a
state of extreme anxiety as he has no idea what to do with his life,
which is made all the more difficult since everybody asks him what he
plans on doing or tells him what he should do. In his confused state
ring which he would rather be alone to wallow in self-pity, he is easy
prey for the aggressive Mrs. Robinson, the wife of his father's
business partner who he's known all his life and who seces him.
Thinking about and then eventually succumbing to her advances only adds
to his anxiety and confusion as he hides what they're doing from the
rest of the world, and as he needs more than just sex in a relationship,
sex which is all she wants from him. His confusion is lessened but his
life becomes more complicated when he is reacquainted with Elaine
Robinson, the Robinsons' daughter who too is home from college at
Berkeley and who he has not seen since high school. Despite a rocky
start directed largely by the wants of Mrs. Robinson, Ben and Elaine
start to fall for each other. In this complicated situation, Ben has to
try to figure out how at least to start to strive for what he believes
should be that successful post-graate life.

『肆』 学英语必看的20部电影





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