导航:首页 > 电影题材 > rainbow小马宝莉大电影主题曲


发布时间:2022-11-19 21:22:15

① 求一首歌的歌词,歌名rainbow,sia唱的

Rainbow (《小马宝莉大电影》电影主题曲) - Sia
I know you
You're a special one
Some see crazy where I see love
You fall so long
But soar so high
Big dreamer shoot for open sky
So much life in those open eyes
So much depth you look forward to life
When your wounds open
You will cry
Cry oh no and you'll question why
I can see a rainbow
In your tears as they're fallin' down
I can see your soul grow uoo
Through the pain as they hit the ground
I can see a rainbow
In your tears as the sun comes out
As the sun comes out
I am here
And I see your pain
Through the storms
Through the clouds the rain
I'm telling you
You cannot escape
You can do it
Just feel baby
I can see a rainbow
In your tears as they're fallin' down
I can see your soul grow uoo
Through the pain as they hit the ground
I can see a rainbow
In your tears as the sun comes out
As the sun comes out
Here comes the sun
Smiling down
Here comes the sun
Smiling down
Here comes the sun
Smiling now
Smiling now
I can see a rainbow
In your tears as they're fallin' down
I can see your soul grow uoo
Through the pain as they hit the ground
I can see a rainbow
In your tears as the sun comes out
As the sun comes out
I can see a rainbow
In your tears as they're fallin' down
I can see your soul grow uoo
Through the pain as they hit the ground
I can see a rainbow
In your tears as the sun comes out
As the sun comes out

② 我要《小马宝莉之彩虹摇滚》歌曲名称和歌词 歌词中文的

闪烁如虹《Shine Like Rainbows》
once upon a time
you came into my world and made the stars align

now I can see the signs
you pick me up when I get down so I can shine

shine like rainbows
shine like rainbows
shine like rainbows
shine like rainbows

friends you are in my life
and you can count on me to be there by your side
and when the music comes alive
you sing us songs to lift us up so we can shine
and the sound that we hear in our hearts
makes a crescendo
and the light that ignites in the dark
it makes us all giow
and shine like rainbows
we shine like rainbows
shine like rainbows
we shine like rainbows
weshine like rainbows

耳中音乐《Music To My Ears》


彩虹乐队《Rainbow Rocks》
We used to fight with each other,(Oh, woh-oh, woh-oh-woh-oh)
That was before we discovered(Oh, woh-oh, woh-oh-woh-oh)
That when your friendship is real(Oh, woh-oh, woh-oh-woh-oh)
Yeah, you just say what you feel
And the music,Yeah, the music,Gets us to the top
As we learn how the rainbow,Rainbow Rocks!
You can pick up the bass
(Oh, woh-oh, woh-oh-woh-oh)
And you can play the guitar
(Oh, woh-oh, woh-oh-woh-oh)
You can bang on the drums
(Oh, woh-oh, woh-oh-woh-oh)
Or you can sing like a star
And the music,Yeah, the music,Gets us to the top
As we learn how the rainbow,Rainbow Rocks!
As we learn how the rainbow,Rainbow Rocks!

③ 《小马宝莉大电影》的中文主题曲是谁演唱的



④ 小马宝莉大电影开头曲和片尾曲是啥给我发过来

大电影第一季:My little pony theme
大电影第二季:Equestra Girls Rainbow Rocks
大电影第二季:Shine Like Rainbows

⑤ 小马宝莉的片头曲是什么歌

片头曲是《My Little Pony - Friendship Is Magic Theme Song lyrics》,歌词如下
My Little Pony
My Little Pony
My Little Pony
I used to wonder what friendship could be
My Little Pony
Until you all shared its magic with me
Big adventure
Tons of fun
A beautiful heart
Faithfull and strong
Sharing kindness
It's an easy feat
And magic makes it all complete
You have My Little Pony
Did you know you're all my very best friends


My Little Pony, My Little Pony,
What is friendship all about?
My Little Pony, My Little Pony
Friendship is magic!
(My Little Pony)
I used to wonder what friendship could be.
(My Little Pony)
Until you all shared its magic with me.
When I was young I was too busy to make any friends.
Such silliness did not seem worth the effort it expends.
But my little ponies, you opened up my eyes
And now the truth is crystal clear, as splendid summer skies.
And it's such a wonderful surprise.
(My Little Pony)
I used to wonder what friendship could be.
(My Little Pony)
Until you all shared its magic with me.
When danger makes me wanna hide, you'll Rainbow Dash to my side,
Kindness is never in short supply, once smitten twice Fluttershy.
For honesty no pony can deny, you are the Applejack of my eye,
A heart that shines so beautiful, a Rarity to come by
And you all make fun and laughter as easy as Pinkie Pie!
(My Little Pony)
I used to wonder what friendship could be.
(My Little Pony)
Until you all shared its magic with me.
Our friendship's magic and it's growing all the time.
A new adventure waits for us each day is yours and mine.
We'll make it special every time!
We'll make it special every time!
(My Little Pony)
What a wonderful wonder friendship brings
(My Little Pony)
Do you know you're all my very best
(Friends!) Friends, you're my very best
(Friends!) Friends, you're my very best
(Friends!) Friends, you're my very best
(Friends!) Friends!

⑥ 求小马宝莉主题曲完整版歌词

My Little Pony, My Little Pony 我的小马驹,我的小马驹

What is friendship all about? 友谊有什么奥秘

My Little Pony, My Little Pony 我的小马驹,我的小马驹

Friendship is magic! 友谊如魔力

(My Little Pony) 我的小马驹

I used to wonder what friendship could be 我曾经好奇什么是友谊

(My Little Pony) 我的小马驹

Until you all shared its magic with me 直到你们与我分享魔力

When I was young I was too busy to make any friends 小时候我没朋友因为总是太匆忙

Such silliness did not seem worth the effort it expends 愚蠢的我不明白它的意义在何方

But my little ponies, you opened up my eyes 我的小马驹,你拓宽我眼光

And now the truth is crystal clear, as splendid summer skies 事实如水晶般明亮,如夏日般晴朗

And it's such a wonderful surprise 刹那间心花怒放

(My Little Pony) 我的小马驹

I used to wonder what friendship could be 我曾经好奇什么是友谊

(My Little Pony) 我的小马驹

Until you all shared its magic with me 直到你们与我分享魔力

When danger makes me wanna hide, you'll Rainbow Dash to my side 当危险无情地席来,你如云宝窜到我身边

Kindness is never in short supply, once smitten twice Fluttershy 从不感到缺少友善,羞涩柔柔赠予我关怀

For honesty no pony can deny, you are the Applejack of my eye 诚实守信千金也不换,我眼中你如苹果嘉儿般耀眼

A heart that shines so beautiful, a Rarity to come by 慷慨之心真绚烂,如珍奇般稀罕

And you all make fun and laughter as easy as Pinkie Pie! 你想要笑声愉快,有碧琪就简单

(My Little Pony) 我的小马驹

I used to wonder what friendship could be 我曾经好奇什么是友谊

(My Little Pony) 我的小马驹

Until you all shared its magic with me 直到你们与我分享魔力

Our friendship's magic and it's growing all the time 友谊如魔力,闪耀永不停息

A new adventure waits for us each day is yours and mine 等待着新的奇遇,每天属于我和你

We'll make it special every time! 我们赋予了它神奇

We'll make it special every time! 我们赋予了它神奇

(My Little Pony) 我的小马驹

What a wonderful wonder friendship brings 瞧友谊带来了惊喜

(My Little Pony) 我的小马驹

Do you know you're all my very best 与我分享友谊神奇魔力

(Friends!) Friends, you're my very best 与我分享魔力

(Friends!) Friends, you're my very best 与我分享魔力

(Friends!) Friends, you're my very best 与我分享魔力

(Friends!) Friends! 与我分享魔力


动画片《小马宝莉》,故事叙述一只叫暮光闪闪 (Twilight Sparkle)的小马为了执行导师塞拉斯提娅公主(Princess Celestia)给她的任务,与助手斯派克(Spike)一起来到小马镇学习有关友谊的魔法的知识。

其中她认识了苹果杰克(Applejack)、瑞瑞 (Rarity)、小蝶(Fluttershy)、云宝黛西(Rainbow Dash)与萍琪(Pinkie Pie)五位好朋友,每只小马都代表着友谊的每个元素,并在和谐水晶(Elements of Harmony)中,各扮演重要的关键元素。

此后,暮光闪闪(Twilight Sparkle)便与她认识的新朋友们开始了有趣的日常生活。

⑦ 小马宝莉全集 大电影(海妖的歌)


闪烁如虹《Shine Like Rainbows》(结尾曲听哭了,插画太美了!就如整个电影结局一样闪烁!)
耳中音乐《Music To My Ears》(建议低音炮播放)
彩虹摇滚《Rainbow Rocks》(主题曲很燃!不知为何南非世界杯即视感。。。)
摇尾巴《Shake Your Tail》(mv不错,瞬间也想一起摇摆了!)

玄机在我袖子里《Tricksup My Sleeve》(傲娇崔姐~讲述自己的魅力~)ps:名字有些无厘头···

极致玩乐的一天《Perfect Day For FUN》(讲述表演前的紧张准备,mv很欢乐!)
开始战斗《Let‘s Have A Battle》(塞壬招牌歌充满魔性,灵感取自美人鱼迷惑水手的歌曲改编!)
永远这么好《Better Than Never》(讲述了电影1与电影2之间校园里的变化,是独立mv)
我就是这么酷《Awesome As I Want To Be》(霸气云宝主场!你肯定也想再酷上20%!)
’听我们的咒语‘或‘明白我们如何拼写’《Under Our Spell》(讲述塞壬如何用美妙歌声控制人们,不要妄想从咒语解脱!)

欢迎来到秀场《Welcom To The Show》(讲述塞壬吸收足够的能量变身,而后半段用令人称绝的无缝拼接旋律来插入彩虹音爆的反制魔咒,明明是同一旋律但能分明出两种气场,后半段还加入了大师姐的觉醒,可以说是电影中的第二高潮)


⑧ 小马宝莉之彩虹摇滚中的所有歌曲


链接: https://pan..com/s/15_7S8gkLaK-vSQwgSE63eQ

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⑨ 小马宝莉之彩虹摇滚中所有歌曲

结尾曲《Shine Like Rainbows》如虹般闪耀:

《Better Than Ever》

《Tricks Up My Sleeve》

《Shake Your Tail》(舞马尾)

开头曲《Rainbow Rocks》:

《Rainbow Rocks》是小马国女孩2的主题曲,六位女孩轮流唱这首歌,歌曲既承接了小马国女孩1的剧情内容,同时也点出了第二部的主题,作为开场最合适不过了。

《Under Our Spell》:

《Under Our Spell》是彩虹摇滚中三位塞壬的参赛作品。

《Welcome to the Show》:

《Welcome to the Show》是彩虹摇滚里三位反派和主角们对决、对唱的歌曲。

《Lets Have a Battle》:

《Lets Have a Battle》是由最新出现的三位塞壬演唱的歌曲,富有煽动性,让人热血沸腾,忍不住就想要互相攀比,分出胜负。



苹果杰克,瑞瑞,萍琪,小蝶和云宝组成了名为“Rainbow Rock”的乐团,准备参加坎特拉高中举办的一场名为“鬃大赛事”的音乐节。但是,就如经典动画《Jem and the Holograms》一样,反派Adagio Dazzle、Sonata Dusk和Aria Blaze带着她们的乐队“Dazzling”登场了。



⑩ 小马宝莉大电影2主题歌叫什么

小马宝莉大电影2《彩虹摇滚》的英文名字叫做《Rainbow Rocks》

所以,主题曲也叫做《Rainbow Rock》(彩虹摇滚)




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