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《The Stranger》(Albert Camus)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读




书名:The Stranger

作者:Albert Camus

译者:Matthew Ward


出版社:Everyman's Library




Albert Camus’s spare, laconic masterpiece about a Frenchman who murders an Arab in Algeria is famous for having diagnosed, with a clarity almost scientific, that condition of reckless alienation and spiritual exhaustion that characterized so much of twentieth-century life.

Possessing both the force of a parable and the excitement of a perfectly executed thriller, The Stranger is the work of one of the most engaged and intellectually alert writers of the past century.

Translated by Matthew Ward

"Matthew Ward has done Camus and us a great service. This is now a different and better novel for its American readers."--Chicago Sun Times


Born in Algeria in 1913, Albert Camus published The Stranger–now one of the most widely read novels of this century–in 1942. Celebrated in intellectual circles, Camus was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1957. On January 4, 1960, he was killed in a car accident.

❸ 查找我的iphone里的stranger是什么意思

The Stranger 陌生人 (1946年电影) ; 异乡人 ; 陌生人 ; 异乡人
Hello Stranger 你好,陌生人 ; 你好 ; 陌生人 ; 英
Stranger Aeons 更奇怪的时期 ; 更稀罕的期间 ; 万古陌生人
1.He was rifled down by a stranger.
2.They chucked the stranger out of the room.
3.The horse kicks when a stranger walks near him.

❹ 西德尼·谢尔顿的电影

1941年,创作《Gambling Daughters 》(编剧)
《Borrowed Hero》 (编剧)
《Mr. District Attorney in the Carter Case 》(编剧)
《巴拿马之南》 英文原名:《South of Panama》(编剧)
1942年,创作《Fly-By-Night》 (编剧)
《She's in the Army》(编剧)

《单身汉与时髦女郎》,英文原名:《The Bachelor and the Bobby-Soxer 》(编剧)
1948年,创作《花开蝶满枝》 英文原名:《Easter Parade 》(编剧)
1949年,创作《金粉帝后》 英文原名:《The Barkleys of Broadway》(编剧)
1950年,创作《Nancy Goes to Rio 》(编剧)
《飞燕金枪》,又译《安妮,拿起你的枪》英文原名:《Annie Get Your Gun》(编剧)
1951年,创作《Three Guys Named Mike》(编剧)
《No Questions Asked》(编剧)
《Rich,Young and Pretty》(编剧)
1953年,创作《Remains to Be Seen》(编剧)
《Dream Wife》(导演、编剧)
1955年,创作《春宵脂粉客 》 英文原名:《You're Never Too Young 》(编剧)
1956年,创作《鸟与蜜蜂》 英文原名:《The Birds and the Bees 》(编剧)
《Anything Goes 》(编剧)
《两傻捉尸记》 英文原名:《Pardners》(编剧)
1957年,创作《The Buster Keaton Story 》(导演、编剧、制作人)
1961年,创作《All in a Night's Work 》(编剧)

1962年,创作《江湖女》 英文原名:《Billy Rose's Jumbo 》(编剧)
1964年,谢尔顿和荧屏精华公司合作,构思撰写和制作《梦见精灵》(注:此作译名不详。疑与下文《太空仙女恋》为同一作品,即:《I Dream of Jeannie 》)
1965年,创作《太空仙女恋》 英文原名:《I Dream of Jeannie 》(编剧、制作人),并于1967年获得艾美奖的杰出喜剧作品成就奖提名。
1970年,第一部小说《裸脸》(英文原名:《The Naked Face》)出版。
1974年,第二部小说《午夜另一面》(英文原名:《The Other Side of Midnight》)。
1974年,创作《Buster and Billie 》(导演)
1975年,《镜子里的陌生人》(英文原名:《A Stranger in the Mirror》)出版。
1977年,创作影视版《午夜情挑》 英文原名:《The Other Side of Midnight》(编剧)
1979年,创作《Hart to Hart 》(编剧)
影视版《血统》 英文原名:《Bloodline》(编剧)
1980年,《天使的愤怒》(英文原名:《 Rage of Angels 》)出版。
1982年,第六部小说《谋略大师》(英文原名:《Master of the Game》)。
1983年,创作影视版《天使的愤怒》英文原名:《 Rage of Angels 》(编剧、制作人)
1984年,创作电影版《谋略大师》(电影版又一译名为:《游戏高手》) 英文原名:《Master of the Game》 (编剧)
影视版《裸脸》 英文原名:《 The Naked Face 》(编剧)

1986年,创作《天使的愤怒续集》 英文原名:《Rage of Angels: The Story Continues》(编剧、制作人)
创作影视版《假若明天来临》 英文原名:《If Tomorrow Comes》(编剧)
1987年,第八部小说《众神的风车》(英文原名:《Windmills of the Gods》)。
1988年,小说《时间之砂》(英文原名:《The Sands of Time》)。
1988年,创作影视版《众神的风车》 英文原名:《Windmills of the Gods》 (编剧)
1990年,第十部小说《午夜的回忆》(英文原名:《Memories of Midnight》,《午夜另一面》的续集)。
1991年,第11本小说,《世界末日的阴谋》(英文原名:《The Doomsday Conspiracy》)
创作续集性质的《I Still Dream of Jeannie》 (编剧)
影视版《午夜的回忆》 英文原名:《Memories of Midnight 》(演员、编剧、制作人)
1992年,创作《Zvezda sherifa》(编剧)
第12本小说,《星光黯淡》(英文原文:《The Stars Shine Down》)
1994年,西德尼·谢尔顿出版了他的第13部小说《世无定事》(英文原名:《Nothing Lasts Forever》)。
1994年,创作《Hart to Hart: Home Is Where the Hart Is》 (编剧)
1995年,出版第14部小说《祸起萧墙》(英文原名:《Morning,Noon & Night》)
创作《Hart to Hart: Two Harts in 3/4 Time》(编剧)
1996年,创作《Hart to Hart: Harts in High Season》(编剧)
1997年,《天衣无缝》(又名《恶魔的游戏》,英文原文:《The Best Laid Plans》)出版。

1998年,《告诉我你的梦》(又名《消失的地平线》,英文原名《Tell Me Your Dreamst》)出版。
2000年,出版第十六部小说《灭顶之灾》(英文原名《The Sky is Falling》)
2004年,第十七部小说《你怕黑吗》出版(英文原名《Are You Afraid of the Dark》)
2005年,自传体小说《我的另一面》出版(英文原名《The Other Side of Me》)
2008年,出版《天衣无缝》(英文原文:《Mistress of the Game》)

1,The Naked Face (1970) 裸面
2,The Other Side of Midnight (1973) 午夜的另一面
3,A Stranger in the Mirror (1976) 镜子里的陌生人
4,Bloodline (1977) 朱门血痕
5,Rage of Angels (1980) 天使的愤怒
6,Master of the Game (1982) 谋略大师
7,If Tomorrow Comes (1985) 假如明天来临
8,Windmills of the Gods (1987) 众神的风车
9,The Sands of Time (1988) 时间之沙
10,Memories of Midnight (1990) 午夜的回忆
11,The Doomsday Conspiracy (1991) 世界末日的阴谋
12,The Stars Shine Down (1992) 命运之星
13,Nothing Lasts Forever (1994) 世无定事
14,Morning,Noon and Night (1995) 祸起萧墙
15,The Best Laid Plans (1997) 天衣无缝
16,Tell Me Your Dreams (1998) 告诉我你的梦
17,The Sky Is Falling (2001) 灭顶之灾
18,Are You Afraid of the Dark? (2004) 你怕黑吗?
19,The Other Side of Me (2005) 自传:我的另一面
2008年,出版了Tilly Bagshawe根据Master of the Game (1982) 谋略大师,所续写的Sidney Sheldon's Mistress of the Game。

⒈《裸脸》(The Naked Face,1970):黑龙江朝鲜民族出版社1985(《裸脸》),作家出版社1988(《假面》),译林出版社(《裸面》)
⒉《子夜的另一面》(The Other Side of Midnight,1974):甘肃人民出版社1985(《午夜情》),海南人民出版社1985(《狰狞的夜》),甘肃人民出版社1986(《情与仇》),百花文艺出版社1989(《罪恶与爱情》),中国藏学出版社1994(《午夜情挑》)。
⒊《镜子里的陌生人》(A Stranger in the Mirror,1976):吉林人民出版社1988(《明星的坠落》),黑龙江人民出版社1988(《镜子里的陌生人》),宝文堂书店1988(《镜子里的陌生人》),北京日报出版社1989(《罪孽的诱惑》)。
⒌《天使的愤怒》(Rage of Angels,1980):江苏人民出版社1982,德宏民族出版社1995。
⒍《游戏高手》(Master of the Game,1982):黑龙江朝鲜民族出版社1985(《女强人》),安徽文艺出版社1986(《滴血的钻石》),黄河文艺出版社1986(《谋略大师》),鹭江出版社1987(《赛场老手》),湖南人民出版社1987(《竞技场上的女人》),中国藏学出版社1994(《游戏高手》)。
⒎《假若明天来临》(If Tomorrow Comes,1985):漓江出版社1986(《假若明天来临》),上海文化出版社1986(《来自地狱的女人》),海南人民出版社1986(《有朝一日》),译林出版社(《假如明天来临》)
⒏《诸神的风车》(Windmills of the Gods,1987):春风文艺出版社1987(《魔鬼的罗网》),黑龙江朝鲜民族出版社1987(《特殊使命的女人》),江苏文艺出版社1987(《魔鬼的风车》),宁夏人民出版社1988(《上帝的风车》)。
⒐《时间之砂》(The Sands of Time,1988):湖南人民出版社1988(《四修女》),法律出版社1989(《险恶的逃亡》),哈尔滨出版社1989(《落难的修女》),中国藏学出版社1994(《时间之砂》),北京春秋出版社1989(《流逝的岁月》)
⒑《子夜的回忆》(Memories of Midnight,1990,《子夜的另一面》续集):译林出版社1991(《午夜魂》),浙江文艺出版社1991(《子夜的回忆》)。
⒒《世界末日的阴谋》(The Doomsday Conspiracy,1991):中国文联出版公司1991(《世界末日阴谋》),译林出版社1992(《世界末日的阴谋》),四川文艺出版社1995(《末日追杀》)。

❺ communication with a stranger的全文翻译

communication with a stranger_有道翻译
英 ['streɪn(d)ʒə]
美 ['strendʒɚ]

n. 陌生人;外地人;局外人
n. (Stranger)人名;(瑞典)斯特朗格;(英)斯特兰杰


Stranger 陌生人,新来者,陌路
The Stranger 异乡人,陌生人 (1946年电影),陌生人
Hello Stranger 你好,陌生人,你好,陌生人

❻ The stranger这本小说讲的什么


❼ 求电影 直到云雾消散时/乱云飞渡/Till the clouds roll by 1946

是 Till The Clouds Roll By (1946)吗??


这是一部美国著名音乐家杰罗姆·科恩(Jerome Kern)的传记片。杰罗姆·科恩在音乐剧的发展历史上是不可缺少的人物。他被称作是“现代美国音乐剧之父”和美国剧场音乐的先驱。他于1927年创作的《演艺船》是百老汇音乐剧早期阶段最为重要的作品,开启了剧本音乐剧的先河。



❽ H.G.Wells的简介,《隐形人》的背景(时间地点)及读后感。需全英文!!急需感谢

Herbert George Wells (21 September 1866 – 13 August 1946),[1] better known as H. G. Wells, was an English writer best remembered today for the science fiction novels he published between 1895 and 1901: The Time Machine, The Island of Doctor Moreau, The Invisible Man, The War of the Worlds, When the Sleeper Wakes, and The First Men in the Moon. Wells and Jules Verne are each sometimes referred to as "The Father of Science Fiction".[2]

He was an outspoken socialist and a pacifist; his later works becoming increasingly political and didactic. His later novels were more realistic; they covered lower middle class life (The History of Mr Polly) and the 'New Woman' and the Suffragettes (Ann Veronica). He was a prolific writer of both fiction and non-fiction, and proced works in many genres, including contemporary novels, history, and social commentary.

The Invisible Man
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Not to be confused with Invisible Man, a novel written by Ralph Waldo Ellison.
For other uses, see The Invisible Man (disambiguation).
The Invisible Man

First edition cover
Author H.G. Wells
Country United Kingdom
Language English
Genre(s) Science fiction novel
Publisher C. Arthur Pearson
Publication date 1897
Media type Print (Hardback & Paperback)
Pages 278 pp
The Invisible Man is an 1897 science fiction novella by H.G. Wells. Wells' novel was originally serialised in Pearson's Magazine in 1897, and published as a novel the same year. The Invisible Man of the title is Griffin, a scientist who theorises that if a person's refractive index is changed to exactly that of air and his body does not absorb or reflect light, then he will be invisible. He successfully carries out this procere on himself, but cannot become visible again, becoming mentally unstable as a result.

Plot summary
The story starts in the English village of Iping in West Sussex, as curiosity and fear are started up in the inhabitants when a mysterious stranger arrives to stay at the local inn, The Coach and Horses. The stranger wears a long, thick coat, gloves, his face is hidden entirely by bandages, large goggles, and a wide-brimmed hat. The stranger is extremely reclusive and demands to be left alone, spending most of his time in his room working with a set of chemicals and laboratory apparatus, only venturing out at night. He quickly becomes the talk of the village as he unnerves the locals.

Meanwhile, a series of mysterious burglaries occur in the village in which the victims catch no sight of the thief. One morning when the innkeepers pass the stranger's room, they enter in curiosity when they notice the stranger's clothes are scattered all over the floor but the stranger is nowhere to be seen. The furniture seems to spring alive and the bedclothes and a chair leap into mid-air and push them out of the room. Later in the day Mrs. Hall confronts the stranger about this, and he reveals that he is invisible, removing his bandages and goggles to reveal nothing beneath. As Mrs. Hall flees in horror, the police attempt to catch the stranger, but he throws off all his clothes and escapes.

The Invisible Man flees to the downs, where he frightens a tramp, Thomas Marvel, with his invisibility and forces him to become his lab assistant. Together with Marvel, he returns to the village where Marvel steals the Invisible Man's books and apparatus from the inn while the Invisible Man himself steals the doctor's and vicar's clothes. But after the theft, Marvel attempts to betray the Invisible Man to the police, and the Invisible Man chases after him, threatening to kill him.

Marvel flees to the seaside town of Burdock where he takes refuge in an inn. The Invisible Man attempts to break in through the back door but he is overheard and shot by a black-bearded American, and flees the scene badly injured. He enters a nearby house to take refuge and dress his wound. The house turns out to belong to Dr. Kemp, whom the Invisible Man recognises, and he reveals to Kemp his true identity — Griffin, a brilliant medical student whom Kemp studied with at a university.

Griffin explains to Kemp that after leaving the university he was desperately poor, and determined to achieve something of scientific significance, he began work on an experiment to make people and objects invisible, using money stolen from his own father, who committed suicide after being robbed by his son. Griffin experimented with a formula that altered the refractive index of objects, thus ensuring that the light would not bend when passing through, thereby making them invisible. He performed the experiment using a cat, but when the cat's owner, Griffin's neighbour, realised the cat was missing she made a complaint to their landlord, and Griffin wound up performing the invisibility procere on himself to hide from them. Griffin theorizes part of the reason he can be invisible stems from the fact he is albino, mentioning that food becomes visible in his stomach and remains so until digested, with the bizarre image passing through air in the meantime.

After burning the whole house down to cover his tracks, he felt a sense of invincibility from being invisible. However, reality soon proved that sense misguided. After struggling to survive out in the open, he stole some clothing from a dingy backstreet shop and took residence at the Coach & Horses inn to reverse the experiment. He then explains to Kemp that he now plans to begin a Reign of Terror (The First Year of the Invisible Man), using his invisibility to terrorise the nation with Kemp as his secret confederate.

Realising that Griffin is clearly insane, Kemp has no plans to help him and instead alerts the police. When the police arrive, Griffin violently assaults Kemp and a policeman before escaping, and the next day he leaves a note on Kemp's doorstep announcing that Kemp will be the first man killed in the Reign of Terror. Kemp remains cool and writes a note to the Colonel, detailing a plan to use himself as t to trap the Invisible Man, but as a maidservant attempts to deliver the note she is attacked by Griffin and the note is stolen.

Just as the police accompany the attacked maid back to the house, the Invisible Man attacks Kemps house by smashing the windows with rocks and an axe, he then breaks in through the back door and makes for Kemp. Keeping his head cool, Kemp bolts from the house and runs down the hill to the town below, where he alerts a navvy that the Invisible Man is approaching. The crowd in the town, witnessing the pursuit, rally around Kemp. When Kemp is pinned down by Griffin, the navvy strikes him with a spade and knocks him to the ground, where he is violently assaulted by the workers. Kemp calls for the mob to stop, but it is too late. The Invisible Man dies of the injuries he has received, and his naked and battered body slowly becomes visible on the ground after he dies. Later it is revealed that Marvel has Griffin's notes, with the invisibility formula written in a mix of Russian and Greek which he cannot read, with pages washed out.

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