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发布时间:2024-09-21 01:33:22

❶ 查理·普斯最火十首歌




❷ 求成龙电影《A计划》的背景音乐

1、《Project A》成龙

2、《The Symphony No.5 Of Beethoven》黎小田


4、《The Pirates》黎小田

5、《Any Time》黎小田

6、《At The VIP Club》黎小田

7、《ad Mood And Dragon's Joke》黎小田

8、《The Chase》黎小田

9、《Beating The Retreat》黎小田

10、《The Raid In The Dark》黎小田

11、《Dinving From The Clock Tower》黎小田

12、《Project A Proceeds》黎小田

13、《The Last Duel In The Island》黎小田

14、《Project A (Male Chorus)》黎小田






❸ 注意力:attention有几种用法

My job? To take that most precious of gifts you give me, your attention , and use it against you.,——Now You See Me,我的工作?是接受你给我最珍贵的礼物,你的 注意力 ,使用它来欺骗你。,——《惊天魔盗团》, 一、你知道attention有几种含义吗? , interj. , 立正;注意 used for ordering soldiers to stand to attention,At ease! Attention!,稍息!立正!, n. , 1.注意,留心,专注 the act of listening to, looking at or thinking about sth / *** carefully,Certain failures will require immediate attention.,有些故障需要立即引起重视。, 2.注意力,关注 interest that people show in *** / sth
,They have been directing their whole attention to this international conflict.,他们把全部的注意力都集中在这次国际纠纷上。, 3.照料,照顾,关怀 special care, action or treatment,Each year more than o million household injuries need medical attention.,每年有超过200万起家中受伤事件需要医疗处理。, 4.保养,修理 consideration with a view to action,The roof needs attention.,屋顶需要修理了。, 5.殷勤 that *** does to try to please you or to show their interest in you,Mother was a little dizzy from so much attention.,人家对她如此殷勤,母亲有些飘飘然。, 二、下面我们来学习一下含有attention的常见短语 ,attention span,1、注意广度 2、集中注意力的时间,with attention,留心地, 注意地, 三、接下来,做个小测试 ,Films with big stars always attract great _______.,有大明星演出的电影总是引起很大的兴趣。

❹ 《饥饿游戏》电影经典台词



1、There’s this one girl that I had a crush on forever. But I don’t think she actually recognize me until the Reaping. 有一个女孩我一直迷恋着。但我觉得她是直到招募时才知道我这个人。

2、You’re just dreaming. 你只是在做梦。

3、Happy Hunger Games. 饥饿游戏快乐!

4、And may the odds be ever in your favor. 希望好运永远眷顾你。

5、The freedom has a cost. 自由是有代价的。

6、I won’t be here anymore. You’re all she has. 我不会在这里了。你就是她的一切了。

7、No matter what you feel, you will be there for her. 不管你的感觉如何,你都要在那里保护她。

8、Hope. It is the only thing stronger than fear. 希望。它是唯一比恐惧更强烈的事情。

9、A lot of hope is dangerous. 一个很大的希望是危险的。

10、I don’t think winnings gonna help me at all. Because she came here with me. 我不认为胜利会帮助我,因为她跟我一起来到这里。

11、I should’ve gone to you . I should’ve just gone out to the rain。 我应该去看你,我应该走出去到雨里。

12、Promise me, you’ll not gonna risk your life for me. I’m not gonna let you. 答应我,你不要因为我而去冒生命的危险。我不会让你这么做的。

13、Now from I gonna die,I wanna still being me. 哪怕死了,我还是我自己。

14、Happy hunger games and may the odds be ever in your favor! 饥饿游戏快乐,愿好运永远与你相伴!


Teamer(male): If you can't scare them, give them something to root for.

Seneca: Such as?

Teamer(male): Young love.

Mayor: So you like an underdog?

Seneca: Everyone likes an underdog.

Mayor: I don't. Have you been out of there? 10? 11? 12?

Seneca: Not personally. No.

Mayor: Well, I have. There are lots of underdogs. Lots of coal, too. Grow crops, minerals, things we need. There are lots of underdogs. And I think if you could see them. You would not root for them either. I like you. Be careful.

Broadcast: Attention, Tributes, Attention. The regulations requiring a single victor have been suspended. From now on, two victors may be crowned if both originate from the same district. This will be the only announcement.

Katniss: Peeta.

(Finding Peeta)

Katniss: Oh, my god! Peeta! Peeta!

Peeta: Hi.

Katniss: It's okay. What was it?

Peeta: A sword. It's bad, huh?

Katniss: It's gonna be fine.

Peeta: Katniss. Katniss.

Katniss: No! I'm not gonna leave you. I'm not gonna do that.

Peeta: Why not?

Katniss: Nobody's gonna find you in here.

Peeta: They already found me.

Katniss: We'll just get your some medicine.

Peeta: Katniss, I don't get many parachutes.

Katniss: We'll figure something out.

Peeta: Like what?

Katniss: Something.

Peeta: Medicine?

Katniss: No. Soup. I'll do it.

Peeta: That's nice.

Katniss: You fed me once.

Peeta: I think about that all the time. How I tossed you that bread.

Katniss: Peeta...

Peeta: I should have gone to you. I should have just gone out in the rain and...

Katniss: You feel hot.

Peeta: I remember the first time I saw you. Your hair in two braids instead of one. And I remember when you sang in the music assembly. "Who knows The Valley Song?" And you hand shot straight up.

Katniss: Stop.

Peeta: After that, I watched you going home every day. Every day.

Katniss: Well, say something.

Peeta: I'm not good at saying something.

Katniss: Then come here. Please. Even if I don't make it...

Peeta: Stop it.

Broadcast: Attention, Tributes. Attention. Commencing at sunrise, there will be a feast tomorrow at the Cormucopia. This will be no ordinary occasion. Each of you needs something desperately. And we plan to be generous hosts.

Katniss: Your medicine.

Peeta: You're not going alone.

Katniss: Yeah? You need it, and you can't walk.

Peeta: Katniss, you're not gonna risk your life for me. I'm not gonna let you.

Katniss: You would do it for me. Wouldn't you?

Peeta: Why are you doing this?


Peeta: Now there's no way I'm letting you go.

Katniss: Peeta...

Peeta: Please. Stay.

Katniss: Okay.

Peeta: I'll stay.







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