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发布时间:2024-12-19 14:57:12

① 电影中有哪些经典的离别,分手时的画面

  1. 《第六感生死缘》中布拉德皮特和弗兰妮在咖啡馆的一步一回头式告别(温情)

  2. 《失恋33天》画面有点多...

  3. 《速度与激情7》保罗沃克(兄弟情)

  4. 《海上钢琴师》1900和女孩在码头的分别

  5. 《大话西游之大圣娶亲》紫霞仙子死去

  6. 《加勒比海盗3》结尾威尔和伊丽莎白的告别

  7. 《断背山》中杰克开车远去在后视镜中看恩尼斯的画面

  8. 《偷心》裘德洛和波特曼在家里的分手片段

  9. 《爱乐之城》最后几分钟的后悔想象画面和离别时的微笑

  10. 《一天》中那句“I love you,so much. But I don't like you anymore”

  11. 《倩女幽魂》中小倩回到瓷坛中的片段

  12. 《一代宗师》宫二和叶问在酒楼中最后的谈话

  13. 《西西里的美丽传说》雷纳多帮玛琳娜捡完橘子后的画面

  14. 《泰坦尼克号》杰克和露丝在冰水中的对话

  15. 《被偷走的那五年》病房里拔掉氧气管的画面

  16. 《我脑中的橡皮擦》秀真留下一封信离开哲洙的片段

  17. 《这个杀手不太冷》波特曼被丢进排气管道到莱昂牺牲片段

  18. 《终结者2》施瓦辛格慢慢沉入炼钢水中的画面

  19. 《黑客帝国3》尼奥离开崔妮蒂只身前往机器世界的画面

  20. 《美国队长》美队驾驶九头蛇战机坠入冰海前和佩姬卡特的约定

  21. 《大鱼海棠》湫舍去自己天神的生命去挽救椿的爱情片段

  22. 《釜山行》孔侑变成僵尸后微笑着跳下火车的画面

  23. 《中南海保镖》中“你对香港还有什么留恋的吗”“我想没有了”

  24. 《独自等待》陈文买了礼物送给刘荣后委屈转身离去的画面

  25. 《头文字D》藤原拓海看到夏树和她情人后转身离去的《一路向北》

  26. 《旺角卡门》张曼玉送华仔上巴士的画面

  27. 《赎罪》中布莱尼奥想象中特纳和西西莉亚的分别画面

  28. 《海边的曼彻斯特》李和前妻偶遇的对话

  29. 《如果·爱》中金城武和周迅两度互相伤害离别的画面

  30. 《卧虎藏龙》李慕白死在俞秀莲怀中的画面

  31. 《少年派》中老虎离开派的画面

  32. 《前度》好多画面...

  33. 《霸王别姬》程蝶衣在段小楼面前自刎

  34. 《十二夜》陈奕迅和张柏芝的争执片段

  35. 《喜剧之王》“我养你啊”片段




② 影史上有哪些你记忆深刻的经典演讲片段


③ 求经典英语电影片段,两个人对白的那种,大约3分钟左右!

经典励志电影 ---- 肖申克的救赎


My wife used to say I'm a hard man
to know. Like a closed book.
Complained about it all the time.
She was beautiful. I loved her. But
I guess I couldn't show it enough.
I killed her, Red.

Andy finally glances to Red, seeking a reaction. Silence.

I didn't pull the trigger. But I
drove her away. That's why she
died. Because of me, the way I am.

That don't make you a murderer. Bad
husband, maybe.

Andy smiles faintly in spite of himself. Red gives his

shoulder a squeeze.

Feel bad about it if you want. But
you didn't pull the trigger.

No. I didn't. Someone else did, and
I wound up here. Bad luck, I guess.

Bad luck? Jesus.

It floats around. Has to land on
somebody. Say a storm comes
through. Some folks sit in their
living rooms and enjoy the rain.
The house next door gets torn out
of the ground and smashed flat. It
was my turn, that's all. I was in
the path of the tornado.
I just had no idea the storm would
go on as long as it has.
(glances to him)
Think you'll ever get out of here?

Sure. When I got a long white beard
and about three marbles left
rolling around upstairs.

Tell you where I'd go. Zihuatanejo.


Mexico. Little place right on the
Pacific. You know what the Mexicans
say about the Pacific? They say it
has no memory. That's where I'd
like to finish out my life, Red. A
warm place with no memory. Open a
little hotel right on the beach.
Buy some worthless old boat and fix
it up like new. Take my guests out
charter fishing.
You know, a place like that, I'd
need a man who can get things.

Red stares at Andy, laughs.

Jesus, Andy. I couldn't hack it on
the outside. Been in here too long.
I'm an institutional man now. Like
old Brooks Hatlen was.

You underestimate yourself.


Bullshit. In here I'm the guy who
can get it for you. Out there, all
you need are Yellow Pages. I
wouldn't know where to begin.
(derisive snort)
Pacific Ocean? Hell. Like to scare
me to death, somethin' that big.

Not me. I didn't shoot my wife and
I didn't shoot her lover, and
whatever mistakes I made I've paid
for and then some. That hotel and
that boat...I don't think it's too
much to want. To look at the stars
just after sunset. Touch the sand.
Wade in the water. Feel free.

Goddamn it, Andy, stop! Don't do
that to yourself! Talking shitty
pipedreams! Mexico's down there,
and you're in here, and that's the
way it is!

You're right. It's down there, and
I'm in here. I guess it comes down
to a simple choice, really. Get
busy living or get busy dying.

Red snaps a look. What the hell does that mean? Andy rises and
walks away. Red lunges to his feet.


(turns back)
Red, if you ever get out of here,
do me a favor. There's this big
hayfield up near Buxton. You know
where Buxton is?

Lots of hayfields there.

One in particular. Got a long rock
wall with a big oak at the north
end. Like something out of a Robert
Frost poem. It's where I asked my

ANDY (cont.)
wife to marry me. We'd gone for a
picnic. We made love under that
tree. I asked and she said yes.
Promise me, Red. If you ever get
out, find that spot. In the base of
that wall you'll find a rock that
has no earthly business in a Maine
hayfield. A piece of black volcanic
glass. You'll find something buried
under it I want you to have.

What? What's buried there?

You'll just have to pry up that
rock and see.


④ 求 经典电影英语对白片段集锦

终结者:斯瓦辛格,I will be back!

⑤ 经典英语电影片段三到五分钟独白的配音台词

《勇敢的心》 WILLIAM WALLACE:“Fight,and you may die.Run,and you''ll live at least a while.

And dying in your beds many years from now.

Would you be willing to trade?

All the days from this day to that,

for one chance,just one chance,

to come back here and tell our enemies

that they may take our lives,

but they''ll never take our Freedom!



⑥ 求经典英语电影对话白 一段对话的

Princess Ann: At midnight, I'll turn into one pumpkin and drive away in my glass slipper.
Joe Bladley: And that will be the end of the fairy tale.

Princess Ann: I have to leave you now. I'm going to that corner there and turn. You must stay in the car and drive away. Promise not to watch me go beyond the corner. Just drive away and leave me as I leave you.
Joe Bladley: All right
Princess Ann: I don't know how to say goodbye. I can't think of any words.
Joe Bladley: Don't try




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