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发布时间:2022-03-14 21:31:36

❶ 电影《葬礼上的死亡》背景音乐,出现很多次,很欢快的音乐。

Death at a Funeral-HDtrailer

❷ 电影《死侍》片尾曲叫什么

电影《死侍》片尾曲是:《Careless Whisper》和《Angel of the Morning》

《Careless Whisper》是英国组合威猛乐队(Wham)的一首歌曲,由乔治·迈克尔演唱,词曲由乔治·迈克尔和安德鲁·瑞吉里谱写,收录在乐队第二张录音室专辑《Make It Big》中,于1984年7月24日由史诗唱片和哥伦比亚唱片共同发行。

1984年9月17日,在《滚石》杂志选出的“1984年最佳100首歌曲”中,该首歌位居第24位。 1985年2月16日,该首歌在美国公告牌百强单曲榜登顶,并连续了三周,拿下来当年的年终榜冠军。此外,该首歌还拿下了全球24个国家的单曲榜冠军。该首歌的全球销量超过了六百万张。



完整歌曲的时间长达六分半钟,但唱片公司为了打歌宣传而用了另外剪辑约五分钟的版本。虽然《Careless Whisper》获得了各种积极地评论,不过乔治·迈克尔在日后接受记者访问时,他却表示对这首歌曲不是很满意,他觉得写的可以再更好。




Time can never mend

The careless whispers of a good friend

To the heart and mind ignorance is kind

There's no comfort in the truth

Pain is all you'll find

Should've known better

I feel so unsure

As I take your hand and lead you to the dance floor

As the music dies something in your eyes

Calls to mind the silver screen

And all its sad good-byes

I'm never gonna dance again

Guilty feet have got no rhythm

Though it's easy to pretend

I know your not a fool

Should've known better than to cheat a friend

And waste the chance that I've been given

So I'm never gonna dance again

The way I danced with you

Time can never mend

The careless whispers of a good friend

To the heart and mind

Ignorance is kind

There's no comfort in the truth

Pain is all you'll find

I'm never gonna dance again

Guilty feet have got no rhythm

Though it's easy to pretend

I know your not a fool

Should've known better than to cheat a friend

And waste this chance that I've been given

So I'm never gonna dance again

The way I danced with you

Never without your love

Tonight the music seems so loud

I wish that we could lose this crowd

Maybe it's better this way

We'd hurt each other with the things we'd want to say

We could have been so good together

We could have lived this dance forever

But noone's gonna dance with me

Please stay

And I'm never gonna dance again

Guilty feet have got no rhythm

Though it's easy to pretend

I know your not a fool

Should've known better than to cheat a friend

And waste the chance that I've been given

So I'm never gonna dance again

The way I danced with you

(Now that you're gone) Now that you're gone

(Now that you're gone) What I did's so wrong

That you had to leave me alone

The End

《Angel of the Morning》是Nina Simone、Juice Newton演唱的一首歌曲,收在专辑《Juice》中


"Angel of the Morning"有多个录制版本,是多位歌者的热门单曲,如Nina Simone, Juice Newton, Merrilee Rush, P.P. Arnold, Olivia Newton-John, The Pretenders/Chrissie Hynde, Dusty Springfield, Mary Mason, Melba Montgomery/ Billie Davis.

这首歌由纽约词曲者Chip Taylor谱写创作,最初他想邀Connie Francis演唱,但Connie认为此曲风格不适合自己而拒绝了合作邀请。此后,在1968年Merrilee Rush录制了这一单曲,并得到巨大反响。但最受欢迎的版本出自Juice Newton,录制于1981年并收入其《Juice》专辑,并打入Billboard Hot 100榜单,排名第四。

"Angel of the Morning"曾出现在多部影视作品中,如2000年,薇诺娜·赖德与安吉丽娜·朱莉主演的电影《移魂女郎》(Girl, Interrupted)。1996年,汤姆·克鲁斯主演的电影(Jerry Maguire)。以及1995年《老友记》S2E6,“宝宝落在巴士上了”这一集中,Chrissie Hynde客串并现场弹唱了“Angel of the Morning”。以及2016年《死侍》电影的片头


Angel of the Morning

There'll be no strings to bind your hands

Not if my love can't bind your heart

And there's no need to take a stand

For it was I who chose to start

I see no need to take me home

I'm old enough to face the dark

Just call me angel of the morning, angel

Just touch my cheek before you leave me, baby

Just call me angel of the morning angel, angel

Then slowly turn away

I won't beg you to stay with me

Maybe the sun's light will be dim

And it won't matter anyhow

If morning's echo says we've sinned

Well it was what I wanted now

And we were victims of the night

I won't be blinded by the light

Just call me angel of the morning angel, angel

Just touch my cheek before you leave me, baby

Just call me angel of the morning, angel

Then slowly turn away

I won't beg you to stay with me

Through the tears of the day,

Of the years, baby, baby, baby.

Just call me angel of the morning angel, angel

Just touch my cheek before you leave me, baby.

❸ 电影电视剧中主角死掉时用来渲染气氛煽情的背景音乐有哪些


❹ 滞留之死电影的所有背景音乐

《滞留之死》是由马克斯·阿德勒 贾斯汀·钱 Alexa Nikolas Christa B. Allen 杰森·布莱尔众多实力明星联手打造的欧美

❺ 100部经典电影的经典死亡镜头 的背景音乐是什么

Empty Room-Zack Hemsey 搜狗上能搜到的

❻ 一部外国恐怖电影,一听到这个音乐就的死,而且这个音乐换不掉,也就待死,还会被用舌头舔开后脑勺被吃


❼ 电影惨死中的英文歌曲插曲叫什么


❽ X战警死待电影洗衣服那段的背景音乐是什么


❾ 死侍电影里的插曲都有哪些

1、桥上的rap:salt-Npepa《Shoop》、DMX《X Gon‘Give it to ya》

2、死侍被折磨时的bgm:《Mister Sandman》



5、死侍跳进垃圾车的bgm:《So Far Gone》

6、死侍倒地比划爱心时的bgm:《You're the Inspiration》

7、结尾男女主角kiss的bgm:《Careless whisper》

歌手:Salt-N-Pepa,Salt-N-Pepa组合成立于1986年,是史上最成功的女子Rap组合。1993年,Salt-N-Pepa以她们的多白金专辑《Very Necessary》(shoop所属专辑)重返乐坛,赢得1995年格莱美最佳说唱奖。


10、死侍追踪Ajax下落、死侍服装改进:Deadpool Rap 这首歌是死侍电影中的原创说唱。

11、死侍钢力士弹头前往废品站(这废品站居然有跟天空母舰似的船):X Gon' Give It to Ya
歌手:Dmx,美国说唱歌手,原名Earl Simmons,1970年12月18日出生于美国马里兰州的巴尔的摩市。

12、结尾死侍与女友拥吻:Careless Whisper
威猛乐队由两位小学时代的好友组成,他们是乔治·迈克尔(George Michael)和安德鲁·维治利(Andrew Ridgeley)。 从小他们便热衷于音乐。高中毕业后,他们失业在家,但这也使得他们能更加致力于歌曲的创作。

13、接下来是电影bgm公路飙车打斗戏:Maximum Effort

14、调侃完棕色裤子后开始,爆头三杀,一直到把人插成“串”:Twelve Bullets

15、把Ajxa从摩托上打下来一直到被钢力士扔飞:Man in a Red Suit


死侍(Deadpool)是美国漫威漫画旗下反英雄,初次登场于《新变种人》(New Mutants)第98期 (1991年2月)。本名韦德·温斯顿·威尔逊(Wade Winston Wilson),原是一名身经百战的特种兵,为了治愈身患癌症的自己而参加X武器(Weapon X)计划,并被注入了金刚狼的基因得以延续生命,代价是他的容貌被毁。


❿ 电影里面每当主角死去后都会放的背景音乐是什么

how do i live 看看是不是这首经典英文歌



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