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发布时间:2024-12-02 20:35:52

① 《斗鱼》背景音乐的那个英文歌曲叫什么

Till The End (插曲 于皓之爱) 歌词

All these precious moments With you by m
y side
这许多珍贵的片段 都有你在我的身边
Must ba a gift from heaven that's holdin
g me all right
一定是份上天的礼物 整夜拥抱着我
I don't know how I found you I'm thankfu
l that I have
出奇不意地认识了你 多感谢我能遇见你
Now that I have a love so true To hold t
o keep to share
现在我拥有可一份珍爱 可以去珍惜、拥有跟分享
In mt heart Ican no longer hoa inside
我的心 再也无法隐藏
All of the love I used to hide
I'll always be with you until the very e
In this world there is no place I'd rath
er be
You are my life my soul my girl
你是我的生命 我的灵魂 我的女孩
And through it all I know
That you'recome to see that you're the o
ne till the end
你已明白你就是我心所属 直到最后
All friends around me Say you'd be gone
too soon
我周围的朋友 都说你很快会离开我
Bady i'm gonna make then see
宝贝 我会让他们看到
We've found our way back home
We'll always be till the end



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