导航:首页 > 相关讯息 > 促成一部电影的成功英语翻译


发布时间:2023-01-10 10:04:52

1. 用英语翻译这个句子 这部电影极大地鼓舞了为成功而努力拼搏的年轻人

This movie has dramaticly encouraged the young people who are striving for success.
望采纳 谢谢

2. 英语翻译

What a new movie theater piece of black September a funny thing a funny comedy is a great actor a successful tragedy of my favorite comedy with my father wants to go to see a movie these phrases translated into English

3. 英文翻译:一部成功的动作电影

a successful action


4. 请帮忙翻译成英语,急,翻译:此书被拍成电影,获得巨大的成功。


This book was made into a movie and was a huge hit.


A huge damage will be caused.


如果没有对应的英文名,要按汉语拼音翻译成:Jin Long Wei
但英文的公司名一般是一个单词,因此很多中国的公司会找一个特别的单词(音近或好听、好叫的)来作为公司名,个人认为:Kinowai 是个不错的名字,与中文的“金龙威”读音相近,英文也好发音,外国人叫起来也顺。


请问这句话是因为我知道了什么事,而使我不再与你同路;还是因为我知道了我不再与你同路,所以.....如果是前者,那大概是Because I know (that + 句子) 或则 Because of + 物, we did not on the same road again.后者的话大概是Because I know that we did not on the same road again, + 句子.这里后面一定要有句子,不然是错误的语法.


The performance was such a suess that we were all proud of it.


You live for the first Yangtze River, I live the end of the Yangtze River, day and night-You may think, Gongyin the Yangtze River Water


But most of the domestic sales, sold in Europe, the implementation of the European Pharmacopoeia standards for the quantity of goods only on the number of the table

But the major part is in the domestic sale, sells to Europe, to carry out the European pharmacopoeia standard cargo quantity is only on table quantity


Yes,gentlemen, the power of union is unlimited, let's get together to make a miracle.


Thirteen thousand five hundred and enty-nine million o hundred and fifty-seven thousand three hundred and enty-five.

那部小说被成功的拍成电影 怎么翻译

The novel was made into a film suessfully.

5. Speed 是一部成功的动作片 用英语翻译

speed is a successful action movie

6. 英语翻译

1.JUDY来也好,去也好,一切随她便.as somebody pleases
Judy comes or not as she pleases.
2.他的第一部电影大获成功,一夜之间成了名.leap to fame
His first film was a big success, and he leaped to fame overnight.
Sometimes I felt that it's very difficult to distinguish Australian English and American English.
4.我首先要说的是我不愿到这儿来.in the first place
What I would say in the first place is that I don't want to come here.
5超短裙已经不流行了,长裙倒又流行了.out of fashion
Mini skirts are out of fashion now and are taken place by long skirts.
6.她老是批评别人,因此她的朋友对她的批评感到厌烦.get tired of
She is always criticising and her friends are getting tired of this.
Her application is very indifferent, otherwise...

7. 促成的英语翻译 促成用英语怎么说

[词典] facilitate; help to bring about; [农] forcing; help to materialize; cause;
That deal would create, in effect, the world's biggest airline.

8. 那部小说被成功的拍成电影 怎么翻译

The novel was made into a film successfully.



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