导航:首页 > 相关讯息 > 我看了一部电影英文


发布时间:2022-04-22 00:01:21

⑴ 今天我看了一部电影,名字叫XXX。翻译成英文

I watched a film named xxx today.

名为… 用named十分恰当,从结构和文意上看都很合适

⑵ 去年我看了一部电影翻译成英语

Last year I watched a Japanese horror movie "9877"--which actually scared me a lot.Since then,I decided not to watch horror movie anymore.

⑶ “今天我看了一部很棒的电影”这句话用英语怎么说呢

Today, I saw a great movie!

⑷ 我昨天看了一部电影英语

1.I saw a movie yesterday.2.I bought a new bag the day before yesterday.3.I played football yesterday.4.I saw a UFO in 1997.5.I listened to an English song the day before yesterday.

⑸ 我在星期六看了一部电影怎么用英语说

I saw a film on Saturday./I went to cinema on Saturday.
美语:I watched a movie this Saturday.

⑹ 我昨天看了一部电影现在我把它向你们分享用英语怎么翻译

中文思维:I watched a film last night, and I want to share it with you guys by now.
外文思维:I enjoyed a film last night, and I want to share it with you guys by now.
定语从句:I want to share a film with you guys, which I enjoyed last ningt.

⑺ 我在网上看了一部电影用英语怎么说

I saw a movie on the Internet.

⑻ 最近我看了一部电影用英语怎么说

Recently I have seen a film called Avatar.It tells us that we should protect the environment.It is a film that is worth seeing.

⑼ 上周四我看了一部电影英文

英文可以是,I saw a movie last Thursday.

⑽ 昨天我看了场电影,用英文怎么说

I see a movie yesterday.



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