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发布时间:2022-09-23 17:15:48

Ⅰ 电影生化危机2放到6分47秒时Valentine(穿蓝衣服的那个)进警局开枪打僵尸时的背景音乐是什么


Ⅱ 电影生化危机2中Valentine(穿蓝衣服的那个)进警局开枪打僵尸时的背景音乐是什么

"No Way Out"
Performed by Elia's Lonely Friends Band
Written by Elia Cmiral
Proced by Elia Cmiral
Published by Constantin Music Verlags GmbH, Munich (BMI)

"Run for Your Life"
Performed by Elia's Lonely Friends Band
Written by Elia Cmiral
Proced by Elia Cmiral
Published by Constantin Music Verlags GmbH, Munich (BMI)

"In the War Zone"
Performed by Elia's Lonely Friends Band
Written by Elia Cmiral
Proced by Elia Cmiral
Published by Constantin Music Verlags GmbH, Munich (BMI)

Written by Dani Davey, Paul Allender, Martin Powell, Dave Pybus and Adrian Erlandson
Published by Universal Music Publishing Ltd. administered by Universal-Polygram International Publishing,
Inc. (ASCAP) and Zomba Music Publishers Ltd. administered by Zomba Enterprises, Inc. (ASCAP)
Performed by Cradle of Filth
Courtesy of Roadrunner Records

"Digging Up the Corpses"
Written by DevilDriver and Ross Hogarth
Published by Abbadon Music Publiushing (ASCAP), Maple Bonsai Music (ASCAP), Jeffrey Kendrick,
Jon Miller and John Boecklin and Hoax Finoax Music (BMI)
Performed by DevilDriver
Courtesy of Roadrunner Records

"The End of Heartache"
Written by Killswitch Engage
Published by 800 Pound Gorilla Music (SESAC), administered by Bicycle Music Company and Notting Hill Music Inc. (BMI) o/b/o itself and Budmo Music (BMI)
Performed by Killswitch Engage
Courtesy of Roadrunner Records GmbH, Munich

Written by Slipknot
Published by EMI April Music, Inc./Music That Music (ASCAP)
Performed by Slipknot
Courtesy of Roadrunner Records

Ⅲ 求国产零零漆中周星驰摘白玫瑰被袁咏仪开枪打的那段背景音乐(注意,不是什么李香兰,秋意浓,徘徊)


Ⅳ 歌名是‘勇往直前’,是国产007电影里的插曲,是李香琴开枪射阿七时的背景音乐!资源很少


Ⅳ 求国产007中在赖有为家中打斗时的背景音乐,就是袁咏仪开枪射星爷时的音乐

国产007中的背景音乐《徘徊》`不是钢琴版``听起来像是小号或是萨克斯!切记!不是歌神的《李香兰》OR《秋意浓》!而且电影里的也不是歌神唱的``是HK一个不出名的歌手叫吴敬樽唱的``很接近生活`切记`《徘徊》``不是钢琴版的``听起来像是萨克肆OR小号的`呵呵 还不是钢琴的啊 晕 只能找到钢琴的了 http://www.gangqinpu.com/pu/2006/20066/2006619/200661911152793446.mid http://piano.ccjt.net/pu/2006/20066/2006619/200661911152793446.mid

Ⅵ 求音乐 《无耻混蛋》里的狙击手和恋人在放电影时互相开枪打死对方的背景音乐

《无耻混蛋》是著名大师Ennio Morricone配乐的。去找找他的2009年专辑吧。

Ⅶ 电影石破天惊里面的那个很震撼的背景音乐叫什么名字

1、hummell gets the rockets
2、Rock House Jail

Ⅷ 电影机械师中,史蒂夫在他爸死的那天在家喝酒,开枪时的那个背景音乐叫什么啊

Chris Thomas King的 Why Blues



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