导航:首页 > 观影指南 > 我如何度过我的假期电影


发布时间:2024-09-28 10:44:35

① 我的五天假期是怎样度过的写一篇英语作文80词

In my vacation, I studied in the first day. I got up at around 8 in the morning. After breakfast I did my homework for 2 hours. I watched tv for one hour afternoon. And then I exercised for one hour. For the rest four days of the vacation, I did a lot of things. I watched a movie with my parents. After that, We went shopping in department store. My parents bought a pair of shoes for me. Then we bought a lot of thing books in a bookstore. And I read the books all day. On the last day, I cleaned my room myself. May vacation was really interesting



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