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大卫·波德维尔 David Bordwell
1947年7月23日出生,美国当代电影理论家和作家,其在美国电影学术界的地位相当于美国电影资料馆的创始人雅克·雷铎(Jacques Ledoux)教授。为威斯康辛-麦迪逊大学(UW-Madison)传播学院退休名誉教授,目前仍担任法国电影资料馆(Cinemathèque Française)的顾问。
《好莱坞的叙述方式:现代电影中的故事及其形式》Bordwell, David (2006). The Way Hollywood Tells It: Story and Style in Modern Movies. Berkeley: University of California Press.

《聚光灯下:电影的场面调度》Bordwell, David (2005). Figures Traced in Light: On Cinematic Staging. Berkeley: University of California Press.

《电影艺术:形式与风格》(第七版)Bordwell, David, Kristin Thompson (2003). Film Art: An Introction, Seventh edition, New York: McGraw-Hill. (第五版由北京大学出版社出版)

《娱乐王国:香港电影的秘密》Bordwell, David (2000). Planet Hong Kong: Popular Cinema and the Art of Entertainment. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. (香港三联书店出版社出版,海南出版社引进)

《电影形式艺术史》Bordwell, David (1997). On the History of Film Style. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.

《后理论:重建电影研究》David Bordwell and Noël Carroll (1996)Post-Theory: Reconstructing Film Studies. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press. (中国社会科学出版社出版)

《世界电影史》Bordwell, David, Kristin Thompson (1994 (2002)). Film History: An Introction. New York: McGraw-Hill. (北京大学出版社出版)

《爱森斯坦的电影》Bordwell, David (1993). The Cinema of Eisenstein. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.

《意义的产生:电影运作技巧》Bordwell, David (1989). Making Meaning: Inference and Rhetoric in the Interpretation of Cinema. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.

《小津和电影诗意》Bordwell, David (1988). Ozu and the Poetics of Cinema. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

《故事片的叙事》Bordwell, David (1985). Narration in the Fiction Film. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press.

《古典好莱坞电影:1960年以前的电影类型与形式》Bordwell, David, Janet Staiger and Kristin Thompson (1985). The Classical Hollywood Cinema: Film Style and Mode of Proction to 1960. New York: Columbia University Press.

《卡尔·德莱叶的电影》Bordwell, David (1981). The Films of Carl-Theodor Dreyer. Berkeley: University of California Press.

《法国印象派电影:文化、理论与形式》Bordwell, David (1974). French Impressionist Cinema: Film Culture, Film Theory, and Film Style, Reprint 2002, North Stratford, NH 03590: Ayers Company Publishers, Inc.



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