导航:首页 > 观影指南 > 如何看待国产电影的崛起英语作文


发布时间:2023-05-06 10:24:02

『壹』 关于介绍中国电影的英语作文


Grand Masters is a Kung Fu movie, directed by the famous director Karwai Wong, representing the legend life of Kung Fu master, Ye Wen.


The movie stars from mainland and Hong Kong co-star in this film, attracting many movie fans’attraction.


Tony Leung Chiu Wai and Zhang Ziyi are the leading roles. The movie focuses on the legend stories of mutual martial arts ring the Republic of China.


In order to truly show the moves and spirits of the four Kung Fu branches, Wing Chun, the Eight Diagrams, Bachi and Ying Yie.


the director Karwai Wong collected a large amount of precious materials in the period of Republic of China, visited more than one hundred descendants across the country in three years.


Besides, the leading roles went to learn Kung Fu for many years. As a result, we can enjoy a beautifully proced and fantastic Kung Fu movie.


I watched it in the cinema, feeling it’s so great that I couldn’t describe it in language. I desperately love this film.


『贰』 四级英语作文为什么电影那么受欢迎


Movies are popular because people are great watchers. They like to watch other peoples' lives. They like to live vicariously. By going to movies, we can escape our own lives, share other emotions, and imagine ourselves as someone else.


Many of our lives are not as adventurous or glamorous as the lives in movies. We do not battle evil all day long and then go back to our luxurious penthouse apartment. We just go to school, do our homework, et, talk to our friends, and sleep. We need a little excitement in our lives and we find excitement at the movies.


Humans are very emotional people. We all like to cry and laugh. Fortunately, there is not much to cry about in my life so I like to go to sad movies where my heart strings can be tugged. I also like to go to comedies so I can laugh. I tend to cry and laugh more in a dark movie theater than I do in broad daylight.


Now I am a student, but I know someday I will be a scientist or a politician or a famous model. When I go to the movies, I can see my role models. I see how they act, what they wear, how they talk. I can prepare myself for the day when I will be like them.


Even though my life is quiet, I can go to the movies and watch someone else's life. I can share their emotions and their everyday life. I wonder if they would like to share mine.


『叁』 如何看待"国产影片集体崛起"问题







『肆』 电视和电影的影响 英语作文

影视艺术是在影视合流的大背景下对电影和电视艺术的合称。但就影视创作的现状而言,影视并未真正合流。笔者认为,影视合流的真正形式是传统的电影制作机构参与电视节目的制作,而电视节目机构也加入电影故事片的生产发行。至今, 中国 的各级电视台并没有投资电影故事片的生产,据说中央电视台曾经决策每年投资数千万元扶持国产电影,但这个决策的执行并不明晰。国家主管部门用行政命令的方式将中央新闻纪录电影制片厂和北京 科学 教育电影制片厂划拨给中央电视台,但这两个电影制片厂没有成为电视台的电影制作机构,而是演变成电视台的两个电视节目制作中心,中央台通过收购节目的方式对其实施经营管理。国家电影事业管理局下辖的电影卫星频道节目制作中心(电影频道),虽对外号称中央台六频道,但与中央台没有任何隶属关系,中央台只为其提供播出服务。电影频道成立之初的主要节目是播出各电影制片厂各个时期的电影故事片,随着频道运作的成熟和观众的不断要求,电影频道开始制作一些与电影有关的电视专栏节目。1999年,由于片源日渐萎缩,电影频道开始投资制作电视电影(一种称作专为电视台播放而制作的影片)在电视上播放,同时,电影频道依靠丰厚的广告收入获取了巨额利润,先后参与投资了《春天的狂想》、《我的1919》、《横空出世》等主旋律电影故事片。电影频道的经营可以看作是影视合流的雏形,也许将来会成长为中国电影电视业的巨人,但现阶段由于行业法规不健全、行政手段干预等因素,电影频道还谈不上真正意义的电视节目制作机构,也没有电影故事片的出品权。 与影视制作分割的体制相适应的电影电视教育体制也呈现一种分割状态。原属于广播电视系统的北京广播学院曾经是中国电视教育的惟一高等学府,原属文化系统的北京电影学院曾经是中国电影教育的惟一高等学府。广播电影电视部成立以后,这两家学院都划到统一的旗下,但是电影电视教育并无任何交流。1995年,北京电影学院开始酝酿成立电视系,于1996年招收了第一届电视节目制作本科生,1998年,电视系成立的事搁浅,96级电视节目本科班转入导演系 学习 ,明确培养方向为纪录片导演。北京电影学院导演系负责纪录片教学的孔都副教授认为:“电影学院导演系增设纪录片专业,是顺应影视事业总体格局演变的举措”。据笔者了解,近十年以来,国产电影票房直线下降,各国营电影制片厂的生产日渐萎缩,电影学院毕业生求职的眼光从原来的电影厂转向电视台和一些民间的影视节目制作机构、广告公司等。电影学院希望成立电视系,建立电视教育体系,扩大毕业生的就业渠道是在这种背景下采取的措施。虽然成立电视系的愿望落空,但在电影学院导演系,本科生到三年级后分为三个专业方向,一是传统的故事片导演、二是纪录片导演、三是电视节目编导。应该说,电影学院已经意识到影视合流的大趋势,并顺应这个大趋势在专业教学方面作了相应调整。再看看北京广播学院,这个中国电视人的摇篮,为中国电视事业输送了大量记者、播音员、主持人、摄像、节目编导、制片人。随着电视的普及,观众对电视节目的要求越来越高,特别在中国,观众有收看电视剧的传统,电视剧的播出量占整个电视节目播出的五分之一强,但广院电视剧制作人才的培养在这个领域中的 影响 远不及电视新闻、播音、纪录片、专栏节目。究其原因,虽然广院从1979年就开始招收电视导演专业,但专业培养目标一直不是很明确,凡是与电视有关的导演都纳入培养之列,也没有教师专门 研究 电视剧导演培养的基本 方法 和步骤;第二,由于只有导演专业和摄像专业,电视剧制作的其他专业如表演、录音、美术、制片都没有开设,学生在校很难进行系统的电视剧制作练习,同时,学生毕业进入 社会 以后,很难以集团军的形式集聚创作力量拍摄有影响力的作品。中国电影第五代之所以在世界范围内产生广泛影响,很重要的一点就是创作集体的主要成员都是大学同学,观念容易沟通、创作心态统一,作品也是批量投入社会。与第五代电影导演是同代人的电视剧导演杨阳是广院79级导演专业的毕业生,1998年因执导电视连续剧《牵手》才在社会上产生广泛影响,可以说她的成名比第五代电影导演晚了大约14年(第五代的开山之作《黄土地》诞生于1984年)。在2000年1月广院电视学院影视艺术技术系成立大会上,作为校友的杨阳深有感触地说,这些年有种单打独斗的感觉,很羡慕电影学院的同行,他们往往都是同学在一起合作,创作之外的精力消耗就少了许多。看来,以集团军的方式为培养目标,使毕业生踏入社会后尽快做出成绩,从而扩大学校的社会声誉,是当前影视教育的一个明智之举

『伍』 写一篇关于电影评价的英语作文八年级上。急!急!急!

李弯衫A review of "The Smurfs"
It is sunny today. I am excited, It’s not because of the nice weather but “The Smurfs”, a 3D movie published by Sony Pictures Releasing (Argentina). The content of the movie is very amusing and funny for children. The scene and color are grandiose and magnificent. I think it's a successful motivation. Time goes fast! On the way home, the audiences are falling in love with those lovely smurfs. What a nice movie !
《鲁宾逊漂闹薯流记》哪腔读后感(A Review of Robinson Crusoe)
This is a novel by the English author Daniel Defoe, published in 1719. It is one of the most popular adventure novels in all literature. It is the story of Bobinson Crusoe, an Englishman who is shipwrecked in a lonely tropical island. He builds himself a hut, grows his own food, and becomes self-sufficient. After 23 years he meets with a group of cannibals and rescues one of their prisoners, a young native whome he calls Friday.Crusoe and his“man”Friday become close friends, and when they are finally rescued four years later, both return to England.
Robinson Crusoe was partly based on the actual deeds of Alexander Selkirk, an 18th-century Scottish sailor who spent almost five years alone on a desert island. This novel is famous for its lovely details and its expression of belief in man's ability when left alone in nature

『陆』 随着电视的普及电影受到很大冲击的英语作文,对此谈看法

I prefer to watch movies at a theater rather than on television.I prefer theaters because movies on television are always interrupted by commercials.I also like to watch exciting movies on a big screen. The special effects look better in the theater than on television.If I don’t have enough time or money to go to the theater,I rent movies at the video store near my house.Watching a movie on videocassette is better than watching a movie broadcast on television.

『柒』 初一英语作文:你对电影的看法_300字

型禅Of all kinds of movies,纯橘 I like edies best. I think they're interesting. My favorite actor is Jackie. I like his movie King of Comedy. I think it’做租团s a successful edy. For action movies, I like The Lord of the Ring best. It’s exciting. I like documentaries because they’re true stories. I like only some thrillers. Many thrillers are scary and boring.

『捌』 为什么今天国产电影这么受欢迎 写一篇英语作文

1. 写作前先想好自己可能会用到的词汇比如:国产电影Chinese film, 《你好,李焕英》 Hi Mom等;
2. 列好提纲:
(1)开头: 谈一下国产电影受欢迎的现象,可以结合《你好,李焕英》来描述。 比如:This winter vacation I watched a hit movie named Hi Mom, the box office of which soared to 5 billion. It got me thinking about rapidly developing Chinese film.
(2) 中间:主要谈为什么如此受欢迎?具体原因因人而异。下面我介绍几点我认为的原因。
a. 经济发展,技术提高。With the development of society and economy, Film technology is also improving with the excellent special effects and the high picture quality.
b. 明星效力。Star power is an important factor. You may follow a movie just because it has actors you like in it.
c. 电影内容。The film subject takes into account the preferences of most people.
(3) 结尾:总结一下对电影发展的希冀。The popularity of domestic films cannot be separated from the joint efforts of the country and the people.

『玖』 关于电影的英语作文带翻译



With the fast development of science and technology and the widespread of internet, watching movies has increasingly been one of the most popular forms of entertainment. As far as I am concerned, we can get some benefits from watching movies.


In the first place, watching movies is one of the ways to broaden our horizon. Through watching different types of movies, we can enjoy various cultures of different countries, dynasties, regions and different instries. Second, we can learn something useful from movies to solve the problems in our lives. By watching some movies which is closely relative to our lives, we are able to get some lessons from the ways to solve problems in the movies. Finally, it is an effective way to develop our imagination. For example, through watching science fiction films, we have a chance to get in touch with the imagined world and some new ideals, which has a great contribution in arousing our interest and imagination.


All in all, the advantages of watching movies are not limited in relaxing and entertaining, but also in other aspects. Therefore, we should think about what we have learned from the movie after watching it.



I think movie critics who are berating this film are biased for that reason, and ignoring the quality of the movie, which is a pleasant comedy from start to finish with some heartwarming and profound scenes.

Just Like Heaven is just about the best movie so far this year, and I've seen about fifity of them. As a comedy it's funnier than Bewitched or The Man, not quite as funny as The Wedding Crashers but far more refined. In addition to comedy it's got heart and spirit.

Reese Witherspoon plays a busy doctor who gets into a tragic car accident early in the film, and then the story follows Mark Ruffalo, who rents her apartment. Before long he sees her ghost, who can't remember who she is, and after a rocky start helps her to find out. Where the story goes from there is more important, but I don't want to give away any more of the plot.

It remains a pleasant comedy even through the profound life-and-death parts of the story; for only the second time this year Hollywood's made a film that addresses a current issue without preaching their liberal agenda (the other was The Island, which showed immoral consequences of cloning). I think movie critics who are berating this film are biased for that reason, and ignoring the quality of the movie, which is a pleasant comedy from start to finish with some heartwarming and profound scenes. Though it's a comedy, this is at least the second or third most important film I've seen this year next to The Great Raid, which was a true story, and perhaps The Island.



瑞茜·威瑟斯彭扮演一位忙碌的医生进入悲惨的车祸的早期电影,然后故事随着Mark Ruffalo她租的公寓。不久,他看到她的鬼魂,他不记得她是谁,和岩石后开始帮她找到的。的故事有更重要的是,但是我不想放弃任何更多的情节。





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