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发布时间:2023-10-12 14:45:58

Ⅰ 《托尼·霍克:直到轮子脱落》免费在线观看完整版高清,求百度网盘资源

链接: https://pan..com/s/1RNkNTF9tOWbGCcBDkwz3vg

?pwd=g71j 提取码: g71j
导演: Sam Jones
类型: 纪录片
制片国家/地区: 美国
语言: 英语
上映日期: 2022-03-12(西南偏南电影节)、2022-04-05(美国)
片长: 135分钟
The film is a wide-ranging, definitive look at Hawk’s life and iconic career, and his relationship with the sport with which he’s been synonymous for decades. Hawk, born in San Diego, Calif., is a pioneer of modern vertical skating and one of the most influential skateboarders of all time. The documentary will feature unprecedented access, never-before-seen footage, and interviews with Hawk, and prominent figures in the sport including Stacy Peralta, Rodney Mullen, Mike McGill, Lance Mountain, Steve Caballero, Neil Blender, Andy MacDonald, Duane Peters, Sean Mortimer, and Christian Hosoi.

Ⅱ 托尼·考克斯的电影作品

《美梦连篇》Nice Dreams (1981)
《矮仔军大闹彩虹村》Under the Rainbow (1981)
Jekyll and Hyde... Together Again(1982)
Penitentary 2 (1982)
《星球大战VI:绝地归来》Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi (1983)
《伊渥克大冒险》Caravan of Courage: An Ewok Adventure (1984)
《伊渥克族:恩多之战》Ewoks: The Battle for Endor (1985)
《EO船长》Captain EO (1986)
Midget Fight (1986)
《比佛利山庄停车场》Valet Girls (1986)
Hollywood Zap! (1986)
《太空炮弹》Spaceballs (1987)
《我将让你XXX》I'm Gonna Git You Sucka (1988)
《甲壳虫汁》Beetlejuice (1988)
《风云际会》Willow (1988)
《太空侵略者》Spaced Invaders (1990)
《黑暗城市》The Dark Backward (1991)
Mom and Dad Save the World (1992)
《城市呆侠》Blankman (1994)
《沉默的火腿》The Silence of the Hams (1994)
《小妖精2之恐怖密月》Leprechaun 2 (1994)
《鬼食人第四集》Ghoulies IV (1994)
《星期五》Friday (1995)
《一个头两个大》Me, Myself & Irene (2000)
Back by Midnight (2002)
《希伯来铁锤》The Hebrew Hammer (2003)
《圣诞坏公公》Bad Santa (2003)
《火线救援》Rescue Me (2004)
《约会电影》Date Movie (2006)
TV: The Movie (2006)
《史诗电影》Epic Movie (2007)
《谁是你的球童?》Who's Your Caddy? (2007)
《灾难大电影》Disaster Movie (2008)
《喧嚣生活》The Hustle (2008)
《黄沙武士》The Warrior's Way (2010)
《遇见莫妮卡》Meet Monica Velour (2010)
The Legend of Awesomest Maximus (2010)
Psych (2010)
Meet Monica Velour (2010)
《枪、女孩和赌博》Guns, Girls and Gambling (2011)
《魔境仙踪》Oz: The Great and Powerful (2013)

Ⅲ 托尼·贾电影全集

2006年 《笼中兽》 合作:成龙




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