导航:首页 > 电影资讯 > 今天晚上将会有一场电影英语


发布时间:2024-08-18 05:28:27

㈠ 今天晚上电影院有电影英语

There is a movie at the cinema tonight.
At the theater there is a film on this evening.

㈡ 今天晚上会有一部电影上映用英语怎么说

There will be a movie released this evening

㈢ “今天晚上将有一场新电影上映”英语有几种翻译

There will be a new movie show on the screen tonight.
This evening a new movie will on.
A new movie is going to be shown tonight.
A new movie will be shown on the screen tonight.



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