『壹』 “爆米花”英语怎么说
名词解释 :爆米花(Popcorn),一种膨化食品,很受年轻人欢迎,可作为日常零食。爆米花有许多意想不到的变化,传统的只加盐和少许融化的奶油,或是裹上甜甜的焦糖,还有与戈尔根朱勒干酪混和的完美组合。爆米花是令人惊喜的下酒零食,可在孩子的生日宴会,利用棒透了的食谱来做逗趣的点心。你知道怎么用英语表达吗?
A group of researchers from Cologne University has concluded that chewing makes us immune to film advertising.
For their experiment, the researchers invited a group of 96 people to a cinema to watch a movie preceded by a series of adverts. Half of the participants were given free popcorn throughout the session, the other half only received a small sugar cube which immediately dissolved in their mouths.
A test at the end of the screening showed that the adverts had left no effect on those viewers who had chewed popcorn, while the other participants showed positive psychological responses to the procts they had encountered in the ads.
文中的 popcorn 就是“爆米花”的意思,popcorn(爆米花)和coke(可乐)是观众看电影时经常吃的零食(snacks),常见的零食还有:pistachio(开心果),cookie(饼干),beef jerky(牛肉干),sunflower seeds(瓜子)等。
第二段中的session指的是(进行某活动连续的)一段时间,如:This is a recording session. (这是一段录音的时间。),也可以指“会议”,如:in session(在开会),a ministerial session(部长级的会议)。
『贰』 边看电影边吃爆米花是一件及美的事英语
It's a pretty happy thing to eat popcorn while watching a movie.
『叁』 看电影和爆米花英语单词怎么写
看电影see a movie