1. 小马国女孩第1部第1小时第7分钟那首歌的歌词(务必看问题补充)
本来我不看小马国女孩,但是看到你帮我点了那么多赞就帮你找了下,下面是你要的东西: 插曲-(Daniel Ingram)This is our big night 歌词(非4399复制粘贴): This is our big night 盛大的夜晚 We made it happen 成功渡过难关 Now let's party all night 来狂欢一整晚 We're here now and we worked so hard to make it come around 此时此地,大家全力化险为夷 To tonight so let's try to make it last forever 让今晚成为永恒的追忆 The school lights so bright, beat is pumping through the night 灯光亮丽,节奏律动响彻这夜晚 Party's starting, DJ's got the music just right! 派对开启,DJ音乐选得赞! Six friends on the way up now 六好友携手向上 Six friends here to show you how 六姊妹情谊昭彰 This is our big night 盛大的夜晚 This is our big night 盛大的夜晚 This is our big night! 盛大的夜晚! 这首曲子我已经帮你做成MP3了,可以直接听: http://pan..com/s/1nuohGrn