⑴ 殺死比爾,中的插曲是什麼
1.Bang Bang (My Baby Shot Me Down) - Nancy Sinatra
2.That Certain Female - Charlie Feathers
3.The Grand Duel (Parte Prima) - Luis Bacalov
4.Twisted Nerve - Bernard Herrmann
5.Run Fay Run - Isaac Hayes
6.Green Hornet - Al Hirt
7.Battle Without Honor or Humanity - Tomoyasu Hotei
8.Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood - Santa Esmeralda
9.The Flower of Carnage - Meiko Kaji
10.The Lonely Shepherd - Zamfir
11.Ironside excerpt - Quincy Jones
⑵ 殺死比爾中的插曲
⑶ 有誰知道《殺死比爾》的主題曲《goodnight moon》的詞曲作者名字
歌手:shivaree 法國
想必您看過《殺死比爾2》,從女主角烏瑪·瑟曼的復仇宣言開始,昆汀為我們引薦了Shivaree慵懶性感的另類流行曲。當然昆汀的「引薦」只是一個楔子,你要是找來Shivaree的專輯,會發現一些更好聽的曲子,只是這首Goodnight Moon更適合影片而已。
如果你聽過昆汀·塔倫蒂諾當年為《低俗小說》所選取的電影原聲曲目,那麼你會發現《殺死比爾》系列電影原聲的風格跟前作實際上遵循著一些同樣的規則。Pulp Fiction也恰如其分地說明了昆汀·塔倫蒂諾的電影原聲風格,一是Pulp低俗或者世俗,這位看錄影帶長大的導演,不會像那些正兒八經的經典電影一樣,用枯燥乏味的長篇管弦樂編配來實現電影配樂的功能。他所鍾愛的音樂大多是很街頭化的,從《殺死比爾 2》的原聲中,人們也能看得出昆汀·塔倫蒂諾的音樂口味確實比較廣泛,從搖滾、非主流、鄉村、爵士、拉丁到電子,面面俱到,然而幾乎所有的曲子都會把一種具有公路片風情的節奏感放在首位。
⑷ 殺死比爾主題曲
shivaree - goodnight moon - 殺死比爾
殺死比爾 沒有榮譽或人性的戰爭
殺死比爾 孤獨的牧羊人
殺死比爾 不要讓我誤會
殺死比爾 女護士口哨
⑸ 殺死比爾1中片頭曲叫什麼
《Bang Bang(My Baby Shot Me Down)》是歌王法蘭克·辛納查(Frank Sinatra)之女南希·辛納查(Nancy Sinatra)唱的。南希為「007」影片《鐵金剛勇破火箭嶺》(You Only Live Twice)唱過主題曲《You Only Live Twice》
⑹ 殺死比爾里的插曲
"Bang Bang (My Baby Shot Me Down)" by Nancy Sinatra – 2:40
"That Certain Female" by Charlie Feathers – 3:02
"The Grand Duel (Parte Prima)" by Luis Bacalov – 3:24
"Twisted Nerve" by Bernard Herrmann – 1:27, from the homonymous film.
"Queen of the Crime Council" by Lucy Liu and Julie Dreyfus – 0:56
"Ode To Oren Ishii" by The RZA – 2:05
"Run Fay Run" by Isaac Hayes – 2:46
"Green Hornet Theme" by Al Hirt – 2:18
"Battle Without Honor or Humanity" by Tomoyasu Hotei – 2:28
"Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood" by Santa Esmeralda – 10:29
"Woo Hoo" (cover The Rock-A-Teens) by The's – 1:59
"Crane/White Lightning" by The RZA and Charles Bernstein – 1:37
"The Flower of Carnage" by Meiko Kaji – 3:52
"The Lonely Shepherd" by Gheorghe Zamfir and James Last – 4:20
"You're My Wicked Life" by David Carradine, Julie Dreyfus and Uma Thurman – 1:14
"Ironside" (excerpt) by Quincy Jones – 0:16
"Super 16" (excerpt) by Neu! – 1:06
"Yakuza Oren 1" by The RZA – 0:22
"Banister Fight" by The RZA – 0:21
"Flip Sting" (SFX) – 0:04
"Sword Swings" (SFX) – 0:05
"Axe Throws" (SFX) – 0:11
"A Few Words from the Bride" by Uma Thurman – 0:42
"Goodnight Moon" by Shivaree – 4:03
"Il Tramonto" by Ennio Morricone – 1:15
"Can't Hardly Stand It" by Charlie Feathers – 2:48
"Tu Mirá" (edit) by Lole y Manuel – 4:00
"Summertime Killer" by Luis Bacalov – 3:39
"The Chase" by Alan Reeves, Phil Steele, and Philip Brigham – 1:03
"The Legend of Pai Mei" by David Carradine and Uma Thurman – 2:06
"L'Arena" by Ennio Morricone – 4:46
"A Satisfied Mind" by Johnny Cash – 2:50
"A Silhouette of Doom" by Ennio Morricone – 2:54
"About Her" by Malcolm McLaren – 4:49
"Truly and Utterly Bill" by David Carradine and Uma Thurman – 0:47
"Malagueña Salerosa" by Chingon – 4:05
"Urami Bushi" by Meiko Kaji – 3:33
Hidden Track: "Black Mamba" by The Wu-Tang Clan – 2:38 (Appears at the end of Urami Bushi, after a lengthy period of silence.)
⑺ 電影殺死比爾的所有插曲
一、Bang Bang、演唱:Nancy Sinatra
二、That Certain Female、演唱:Charlie Feathers
三、The Grand Duel (Parte Prima)、演唱:Luis Bacalov
四、Twisted Nerve、演唱:Bernard Herrmann
五、Queen Of The Crime Council、演唱:Lucy Liu
六、Ode To Oren Ishii、演唱:vincent tempera
七、Run Fay Run、演唱:Isaac Hayes
八、Green Hornet、演唱:Al Hirt
九、Battle Without Honour演、唱:布袋寅泰
十、Don't Let Me Be Misundersto演、唱:Santa Esmeralda
十一、Woo Hoo、演唱:The's
十二、Cranewhite Lightning、演唱:Rza
十三、The Flower Of Carnage、演唱:Meiko Kaji
十四、The Lonely Shepherd、演唱:Zamfir
十五、The Lonely Shepherd、演唱:Zamfir
十六、You're My Wicked Life、演唱:David Carradine
十七、Ironside Excerpt)、演唱:Quincy Jones
十八、Super 16、演唱:Neu!
十九、Yakuza Oren 1、演唱:Rza
二十、Banister Fight、演唱:Rza
The Bride(烏瑪·瑟曼 飾)以前是毒蛇暗殺小組的殺手,企圖通過結婚來脫離血腥的生活,但是她的同僚以及所有人的老闆比爾(大衛·卡拉丁 飾)的到來破壞了這一切。比爾不顧有孕在身的The Bride,開槍打中了她的頭。
大難不死的The Bride在一家醫院醒來,就立刻開始著手從德克薩斯到沖繩、東京以及墨西哥的復仇之旅。
動作片《殺死比爾》由昆汀·塔倫蒂諾執導,由烏瑪·瑟曼、劉玉玲、千葉真一等實力派演員人聯袂主演,故事講述了一個新娘(烏瑪·瑟曼Uma Thurman飾)在自己的婚禮上遭到了暗殺,婚禮瞬間變成了一片狼籍的紅色。
⑻ 電影殺死比爾主題曲的中文歌詞
Well no one told me about her
The way she lies
Well no one told me about her
How many people cried
Well no one told me about her
The way she lies
Well no one told me about her
How many people cried
But it』s too late to say you』re sorry
How would I know?
Why should I care?
Please don』t bother to find her
She』s not there
Well no one told me about her
Well no one told me about her
How many people cried
But it』s too late to say you』re sorry
How would I know?
Why should I care?
Please don』t bother trying to find her
She』s not there
She』s not there…
她沒有… …
⑼ 關於電影《殺死比爾》的主題曲……