『壹』 推薦<越獄>類型的美國大片
中文名稱:越獄 第二季
英文名稱:Prison Break Season 2
版本:更新第1集[HR HDTV]
導演:Brett Ratner
演員:Wentworth Miller as 邁克爾·斯科菲爾德
Dominic Purcell as 林肯·布倫斯
Robin Tunney as 維羅妮卡·多諾萬
Amaury Nolasco as 蘇克雷·費爾南多
Wade Williams as Captain Brad Bellick
Peter Stormare as 約翰 阿布魯奇
Paul Adelstein as 保羅 克里曼
Robert Knepper as 帝博格
Marshall Allman as LJ
Sarah Wayne Callies as 唐克雷蒂 ·莎拉
【簡 介】:
Michael Scofield是一頭陷於絕境欲拚死一搏的怒獅,他的兄弟Lincoln Burrows幾個月就將被以謀殺罪處以死刑,但Michael堅信他是被冤枉的。為了拯救了自己的手足,Michael搶劫了一家銀行,因此而被與Lincoln關進同一所監獄-- 福克斯河州立監獄。作為一名建築工程師,他對監獄的建設藍圖了如指掌,帶著Lincoln逃出生天也成為Michael入獄的唯一目的。
年長的犯人改造官Bellick教會了Michael很多監獄的生存之道。後來,在獄友Sucre的幫助下,Michael開始與其他幫派廣泛結盟,包括前匪首John Abruzzi,和聲名狼藉的劫機犯Charles Westmoreland。在監獄外,Michael只有一個盟友--他的辯護律師和老友Veronica Donovan,她也是Lincoln的前女友。
其間,Lincoln 15歲的兒子LJ,由於沒有了Michael叔叔的正面影響而開始到處瞎混。其他的角色還包括監獄醫生Sara Tancredi,囚犯Warden Pope,他偽裝出與Michael幾乎如同父子一般的關系。
An engineer (Wentworth Miller) installs himself in a prison he helped designed in order to help his brother (Purcell), a death-row inmate who insists he didn't not commit the crime for which he's been sentenced to die, escape.
This drama focuses on a prison designer who gets himself thrown into one of his own prisons to help his falsely accused brother escape death row. Described as in the vein of The Great Escape , the series will unfold over 22 episodes, charting the course of a single break.
ftp://PB:[email protected]/Prison.Break.Season2.EP01_S-Files.rmvb
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