導航:首頁 > 電影題材 > 最後一首歌電影主題曲


發布時間:2024-12-17 04:26:33

A. 王力宏和劉亦菲的電影中的最後一首歌的名字是什麼

插曲:《杜U Love Me》 演唱:王力宏
概念主題曲:《伯牙絕弦》 演唱:王力宏
主題曲:《你不知道的事》 演唱:王力宏
片尾曲:《夜車》 演唱:曾軼可
插曲: 《美》 演唱:王力宏
插曲: 《十八般武藝》 演唱:王力宏
插曲: 《每個人都會》 演唱:方大同
插曲:《天涯海角》 演唱:王力宏(杜明漢演唱會歌曲)
插曲:《唯一》 演唱:王力宏
插曲: 《破曉》杜明漢


B. 夕陽之歌是日本哪部電影的主題曲


C. 五十度灰最後一首歌

歌曲名字是《Say you love me》(說你愛我), - Jessie Ware (傑西·薇爾)


Say you love me to my face

I need it more than your embrace

Just say you want me

That's all it takes

Heart's getting thorn

From your mistakes

'Cause I don't wanna fall in love

If you don't wanna try

But all that I've been thinking of

Is maybe that you're mine

Baby it looks as though

We're running out of words to say

And love's floating away

Just say you love me just for today

And don't give me time

'Cause that's not the same

Want to feel burning flames

When you say my name

Want to feel passion flow into my bone

Like blood through my veins

'Cause I don't wanna fall in love

If you don't wanna try

But all that I've been thinking of

Is maybe that you're mine

And baby it looks as though

We're running out of words to say

And love's floating away

Won't you stay

Won't you stay

Slowly slowly you run for me

But do you know me at all

Some one told me

Love controls everything

But only if you know

'Cause I don't wanna fall in love

No no no no no no

If you don't wanna try

Cuz I try sometime

But all that I've been thinking of

I just stay

Cause maybe that you're mine

You're mine

'Cause I don't wanna fall in love

If you don't wanna try

But all that I've been thinking of

Is maybe that you're mine

Baby it looks as though

We're running out of words to say

And love's floating away

Won't you stay

Won't you stay


《五十度灰》(Fifty Shades of Grey)是環球影業出品的一部愛情片,改編自英國女性作家EL·詹姆絲所寫的同名小說,由薩姆·泰勒·伍德執導,傑米·道南、達科塔·約翰遜聯合主演。




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