導航:首頁 > 電影題材 > 美國愛情故事電影主題曲


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Ⅰ 婆媳的戰國時代 趙之泉吹的那口琴是什麼曲子


Ⅱ 老電影《愛情故事》的音樂是誰唱的、叫什麼

1970年風迷一時的老電影《愛情故事》Love Story主題曲Where Do I Begin.獲得當年奧斯卡最佳原創音樂獎.安迪威廉姆斯Andy Williams演唱.

Ⅲ 求美國電影愛情故事主題曲英文歌詞

There You'll Be

When I think back on these times

And the dreams we left behind

I'll be glad 'cause I was blessed to get

To have you in my life

When I look back on these days

I'll look and see your face

You were right there for me

In my dreams

I'll always see you soar

Above the sky

In my heart

There always be a place
For you for all my life

I'll keep a part
Of you with me

And everywhere I am

There you'll be

And everywhere I am

There you'll be

Well you showed me how it feels

To feel the sky within my reach
And I always will remember all
The strength you gave to me
Your love made me make it through
Oh, I owe so much to you

Ⅳ LOVE STORY 愛情故事 這首歌是誰唱的

奧斯卡歌曲love story是電影Love Story Arthur Hiller(中文名《愛情故事》)的主題曲,自1970年電影放映以來,便被人們傳頌 love story 歌手:Andy Williams Where do I begin To tell the story of how great a love can be The sweet love story that is older than the sea The simple truth about the love she brings to me Where do I start With her first hello She gave new meaning to this empty world of mine There』d never be another love, another time She came into my life and made the living fine She fills my heart She fills my heart with very special things With angels?songs , with wild imaginings She fills my soul with so much love That anywhere I go I』m never lonely With her around, who could be lonely I reach for her hand-it』s always there How long does it last Can love be measured by the hours in a day I have no answers now but this much I can say I know I』ll need her till the stars all burn away And she』ll be there How long does it last Can love be measured by the hours in a day I have no answers now but this much I can say I know I』ll need her till the stars all burn away And she』ll be there love story 我從哪裡開始 來講述這個偉大的愛情故事 這個甜蜜的愛情故事比海還要久遠 一個簡單的道理關於她給我的愛 我從哪裡開始 從她的第一次 「您好」 她使我空虛的世界變得有意義 我別無它愛 再一次 她進入了我的生命使我的生活變得美妙 她裝滿我的心靈, 她用非常特殊的東西彌漫填充我的心 用天使歌曲 用強烈的想像 她用愛來充斥我的靈魂 無論我到任何地方 我不會寂寞. 和她在一起有誰會感到寂寞 我牽著她的手 它永遠在那兒 愛會持續多久 愛可以用小時來衡量嗎? 我現在沒有答案,但我可以說: 我知道我需要她,直到所有星星燃盡 她將會在那裡。

Ⅳ 《此情可待》是哪部電影的主題曲







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