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發布時間:2024-12-03 16:26:58

⑴ 綠野仙蹤簡介(英文)


The hero of the story is a little girl named Dorothy. She holds a dog and lives in the middle of the Kansas prairie with her uncle Henry and sister-in-law em.


Because of a tornado, she and her little dog were swept into a strange world. They went to find the immortal and let themselves go home.


On the way, she met "the scarecrow without brain", "the tin man without heart" and "the lion without courage". They became friends.


There are many strange things on the way to find the immortal with Dorothy.


Finally, the scarecrow became the leader of the Emerald City, the tin man became the leader of the Winky people, and the lion became the king of an ancient forest.


Dorothy and her little dog came home.


⑵ 一兩分鍾的簡單電影獨白(英文)

《海上鋼琴師》 經典獨白作者:艾略特(Thomas Stearns Eliot)
國籍:英國 This is the way the world ends
Not with a bang but a whimper

All that city. You just couldn't see the end to it. The end? Please? You please just show me where it ends? It was all very fine on that gangway. And I was grand too, in my overcoat. I cut quite a figure. And I was getting off. Guaranteed. There was no problem. It wasn't what I saw that stopped me, Max. It was what I didn't see. You understand that? What I didn't see. In all that sprawling city there was everything except an end. There was no end. What I did not see was where the whole thing came to an end. The end of the world...

Take a piano. The keys begin, the keys end. You know there are eightyeight of them, nobody can tell you any different. They are not infinite. You are infinite. And on these keys the music that you can make is infinite. I like that. That I can live by.

You get me up on that gangway and you're rolling out in front of me a keyboard of millions of keys, millions and billions of keys that never end, and that's the truth, Max. That they never end. That keyboard is infinite. And if that keyboard is infinite, then on that keyboard there is no music you can play. You're sitting on the wrong bench. That's God's piano.

Christ! Did, did you see the streets? Just the streets… There were thousands of them! And how do you do it down there? How do you choose just one? One woman, one house, one piece of land to call your own, one landscape to look at, one way to die...

All that world is weighing down on me, you don't even know where it comes to an end, and aren't you ever just scared of breaking apart at the thought of it? The enormity of living it?

I was born on this ship, and the world passed me by, but two thousand people at a time. And there were wishes here, but never more than fit between prow and stern. You played out your happiness, but on a piano that was not infinite. I learned to live that way.

Land? Land is a ship too big for me. It's a woman too beautiful; it's a voyage too long, a perfume too strong. It's a music I don't know how to make. I could never get off this ship. At best, I can step off my life. After all, I don't exist for anyone. You're an exception, Max, you're the only one who knows I'm here. You're a minority, and you better get used to it. Forgive me, my friend, but I'm not getting off.









⑶ 我以前看了一部電影歐美電影裡面的女孩叫愛麗絲,到了最後還出來了一個皇後還是公主,她藏了好多女人的人

那你可以查查「奧茲國歷險記」這個名字,綠野仙蹤是民國時的譯名,或者直接查英文名the wizard of OZ。如果你看的是真人版,片子感覺質量很差了,那可能就是1939年的最老一版。片子是彩色的而且不是很舊的話,很有可能是重返奧茲國(又譯回到綠野),是1985年拍的。(我強烈覺得你看的應該是這個)





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