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1. 演講電影推薦


1. 《國王的演講》(《The King's Speech》)——影片講述了1936年英王喬治五世逝世,王位留給了艾伯特王子,但約克郡公爵艾伯特因患口吃,無法在公眾面前發表演講,這令他接連在大型儀式上丟丑。後在語言治療師萊納爾·羅格的治療下,克服障礙,在二戰前發表鼓舞人心的演講的故事。

2. 《偉大辯手/的辯論家》(《The Great Debaters》)——根據真實事件改編,講述了馬文·托爾森教授為了幫助來自於社會最底層、備受壓迫的黑人學生,通過不懈努力帶領著黑人辯論隊員們進入哈佛大學最高辯論殿堂的故事。

3. 《錄取通知》(《Accepted》)——正面臨高中畢業的巴特比·蓋恩斯,接連向8所大學投出入學申請信卻全被拒絕,雖然他一直對美國教育系統和教學方式的合理性心存質疑,但迫於社會與家庭的壓力,只得想辦法自救——自己創立了一所大學。隨後,在新學校「任何人都能來上學」的宣傳口號下,越來越多被大學拒收的畢業生加入其中,然而,隨著學校的名氣越來越大,引起了另外一座同名的名牌大學的校長的注意,這時,巴特比·蓋恩斯的行為已經構成了詐騙罪,面臨牢獄之災,他是如何過關的呢?

4. 《心靈捕手》(Good Will Hunting)——一位麻省理工的數學系教授在公告欄寫下了一道難題,無人能解,最終竟然被一個年輕的學校清潔工威爾輕松地解開了。教授看中了威爾過人的數學天賦,想栽培他。但威爾是個叛逆的問題少年,令人頭疼。最終,在心理學家桑恩教授的幫助下,威爾最終打開心扉,消除了人際隔閡,找到了知我。

5. 《美麗人生》(La Vita è bella)——這是一部很催淚、看完不忍再看第二遍的電影,講述了一對猶太父子被抓進了納粹集中營,樂觀善良的父親圭多發揮自己的想像力用善意的謊言騙兒子說他們其實只是在玩兒一個游戲,以至於在如此殘酷的集中營生活中,兒子幼小的童心沒有受到傷害,但最終父親自己卻沒逃過慘死的命運的故事。

2. 英語電影片段,演講用

Fear can hold you prisoner, hope can set you free. A strong man can save himself, a great man can save another.

Prison life consists of routine, and then more routine.

These walls are kind of funny like that. First you hate them, then you get used to them. Enough time passed, get so you depend on them. That's institutionalized.

I find I'm so excited. I can barely sit still or hold a thought in my head. I think it the excitement only a free man can feel, a free man at the start of a long journey whose conclusion is uncertain. I hope I can make it across the border. I hope to see my friend, and shake his hand. I hope the Pacific is as blue as it has been in my dreams. I hope.

I guess it comes down to a simple choice: get busy living or get busy dying.

There's not a day goes by I don't fell regret. Not because I'm in here, or because you think I should. I look back on the way I was then, a young, stupid kid who committed that terrible crime. I want to talk to him. I want to try and talk some sense to him, tell him the way things are. But I can』t. That kid's long gone and this old man is all that's left. I got to live with that. Rehabilitated? It's just a bullshit word. So you go on and stump your form, sonny, and stop wasting my time. Because to tell you the truth,I don't give a shit.

Some birds aren't meant to be caged, that's all. Their feathers are just too bright...

3. 一篇英語演講稿,介紹一部電影。高一水平,不要太難讀起來順口,演講時間限制在一分鍾以內


Forrest Gump, A man with a low IQ has accomplished great things in his life and been present ring significant historic events - in each case, far exceeding what anyone imagined he could do. The film chronicles his accidental experiences with some of the most important people and events in America from the late 1950's through the 1970's including a meeting with Richard Nixon, fighting in Vietnam, etc. The problem is, he's too stupid to realize the significance of his actions.Yet, despite all the things he has attained, his one true love eludes him. "Forrest Gump" is the story of a man who rose above his challenges, and who proved that determination, courage, and love are more important than ability.

I feel that much of Gumps'appeal is his downright sense of doing the right thing regardless of the people and situations around him and we see that in this film. That being the case maybe we all wish we could be just a little more like that, the innate goodness and not the trade-offs we make as we go down lifes' highways.

The movie has it all too,drama,comedy and it challenges societal norms as well. Then there are the almost endless quotes from the movie that have slipped into everyday speech. They are too numerous to say at this point.One of the toppers for me in the movie is when Forrest is in a quandary about life and wondering as Lt.Dan said we all have a destiny and his Moms where we are all just floating around like a feather in the wind. Forrest's character puts into a term that I think is pretty to the point,I think it is a little bit of both. From my experiences in life it does sure seem to be that way. So if you have not seen the movie,see it soon you are in for a real treat. If you did not like it, give it a try again and hopefully you will see it for the great story it is!

4. 純正英式英語發音的電影有哪些










英格蘭南部上層階級說的英語被稱為RP(Received Pronunciation),它來源於中部與南部的發音最早發源於倫敦,在牛津詞典中被定義為「英格蘭南部的英語標准口音」。

作為標准口音有各種各樣的名稱,standard English(標准英語),Queen's English(女王英語), Oxford English(牛津英語), BBC English(BBC英語) public school English(公立學校英語) posh English(優雅英語)。


5. 英語演講一部電影,一分鍾,講清主人公

1《天生一對》At the first time I saw the film, I was deeply touched by the naught and lovely twins, Especially the first time they were met at the school. It is very interesting, then I was touched by the content of the film, I think the love Is very important In our life, whenever you are, wherever you live, no matter what the situations we face, love is always in there, in our heart, it not changed by the environment we are, the true love is not change, it is can make us feel great no matter what the mood we are in,The film gave me a good lesson about love after I saw it, the love about parents, the love between family members, from the film we can seen that the time has make the family apart, they live far away from each other, but what makes the family reunion, I think all the people can know the reason, it is about love, because they love each other very much, although they are apart along time, but the heart get close each other, the good end of this film can tell us above.The true love is not changed by other peoples, in the film, the Meredith want to marry Nick because his property, but endless,so I think money can make many things come true, we can many things we want, when it comes to love, money can not make love come true forever, I think this film is a good example about life, so we should love each other in the family and cherish the relationships we made.2,暮光之城(有好多系列啊,取第一部吧~)TwilightMain article: Twilight (novel)Bella Swan moves from Phoenix, Arizona to live with her father in Forks, Washington to allow her mother to travel with her new husband, a minor league baseball player. After moving to Forks, Bella finds herself involuntarily drawn to a mysterious, handsome boy, Edward Cullen. She eventually learns that he is a member of a vampire family who drinks animal blood rather than human. Edward and Bella fall in love, but James, a sadistic vampire from another coven, is drawn to hunt down Bella. Edward and the other Cullens defend Bella. She escapes to Phoenix, Arizona, where she is tricked into confronting James, who tries to kill her. She is seriously wounded, but Edward rescues her and they return to Forks, having killed James.來自亞利桑那州鳳凰城的貝拉搬來與她那在福克斯華盛頓的父親同住,為了讓她的母親前往與她的新丈夫---一個小聯盟棒球選手旅行。搬到福克斯後,貝拉發現自己不由自主地被一個神秘的英俊少年愛德華庫倫吸引。她終於得知他是一個專喝動物的血的吸血鬼家庭,而不是人類。愛德華和貝拉在戀愛,但詹姆斯,來自另一集團的虐待狂吸血鬼,要追捕貝拉。愛德華和其他人保護貝拉。她逃到亞利桑那州鳳凰城,在那裡她將面對的是試圖殺死她的詹姆斯。她嚴重受傷,但愛德華救她回到了福克斯,並殺死詹姆斯。----------------------------------------------------------3,蝴蝶效應The Butterfly EffectThe Butterfly Effect is a provocative thriller that represents an intriguing new direction for Ashton Kutcher and features a dynamic ensemble cast including Amy Smart, Ethan Suplee, Eric Stoltz, and more.Some people want to forget the past. Others want to change it. Ashton Kutcher (Just Married) stars as Evan Treborn, who ties his emotional scars in althood to the frequent blackouts he had as a child. As he begins to unravel intensely personal truths about his childhood circle of friends, Evan decides to risk everything in a bold attempt to change the past, hoping to save the people he loves even if it means destroying everything he knows.

6. 英語演講稿介紹一部電影,題目怎麼寫

《A film touching the deepest in your heart》
這是給電影《A beautiful mind》(美麗心靈)的演講稿標題,請參考
祝你好運!Good luck!


7. 關於辯論或演講的英文電影

1.費城 philadelphia,湯姆·漢克斯,丹澤爾·華盛頓主演的



3.去年的nixon and frost,雖然不是辯論不過兩個人之間的對話很有看頭



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