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發布時間:2024-07-13 11:03:16

Ⅰ 印度電影《RRR》中有哪些細思恐極的細節


克雷文在《洛杉磯時報》讀到一系列文章,裡面詳細描述了一種名為猝死綜合症(SUNDS)的疾病,這種疾病的發病率正在逐漸年輕化。遇難者大多是東南亞人,他們中的許多人是來自越南戰爭和柬埔寨紅色高棉(Khmer Rouge)致命統治等沖突的難民。當然,這些人並不是被住在夢里的夢魘給殺死的。心臟病學教授馬特奧·瓦塔(Matteo Vatta)表示,這些死亡發生在睡眠期間,因為心臟減慢了跳動,使得發生急性心臟性死亡。常見的還有原發性腦死亡,這種事由於睡眠中做惡夢。大腦皮質活動包括情緒沖動通過皮質下部和植物神經,對心臟及呼吸功能都有影響,腦供血不足,甚至腦缺血缺氧,而導致腦抑制加深,由昏睡到昏迷不可逆轉而發生睡眠中腦死亡。

Ⅱ 湯姆克魯斯主演的電影<壯志凌雲>中的主題曲叫什麼

<Danger Zone>
歌手:Kenny Loggins 專州做輯:Top Gun
By Giorgio Moroder, Tom Whitlock

Revvin' up your engine
Listen to her howlin' roar
Metal under tension
Beggin' you to touch and go

Highway to the Danger Zone
Ride into the Danger Zone

Headin' into twilight
Spreadin' out her wings tonight
She got you jumpin' off the track
And shovin'念跡蘆仔帶 into overdrive

Highway to the Danger Zone
I'll take you
Ride into the Danger Zone

You'll never say hello to you
Until you get it on the red line overload
You'll never know what you can do
Until you get it up as high as you can go

Out along the edges
Always where I burn to be
The further on the edge
The hotter the intensity

Highway to the Danger Zone
Gonna take you
Ride into the Danger Zone

Highway to the Danger Zone
Highway to the Danger Zone

Highway to the Danger Zone
Gonna take you
Ride into the Danger Zone

Highway to the Danger Zone
Highway to the Danger Zone
Highway to the Danger Zone
Gonna take you
Ride into the Danger Zone
Highway to the Danger Zone
Ride into the Danger Zone



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