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發布時間:2024-03-19 10:58:05

A. i see your monster是什麼電影的主題曲

《I See Your Monsters》是電影《復仇者聯盟4:終局之戰》的主題曲。

《I See Your Monsters》歌曲原唱是Katie Sky,收錄發行於2014年5月11日的專輯《Monsters》中。



I see your monsters

I see your pain

Tell me your problems

I'll chase them away

I'll be your lighthouse

I'll make it okay

When I see your monsters

I'll stand there so brave

And chase them all away

In the dark we we

We stand apart we we

Never see that the things

That we need are staring right at us

You just want to hide hide hide

Hide never show your smile smile

Stand alone when you need someone it's the hardest thing of all

That you see are the bad bad bad

Bad memories take your time and you'll find me

I see your monsters I see your pain

Tell me your problems I'll chase them away

I'll be your lighthouse I'll make it okay

When I see your monsters I'll stand there so brave

And chase them all away

I could see the sky sky

Sky beautiful tonight night

When you breathe why can't you see

The clouds are in your head

I would stay there there

There's no need to fear fear

And when you need to talk it out

With someone you can trust

What you see are the bad bad bad

Bad memories take your time

And you'll find me

I see your monsters I see your pain

Tell me your problems I'll chase them away

I'll be your lighthouse I'll make it okay

When I see your monsters

I'll stand there so brave

And chase them all away

I'll chase them all away

You've got the chance to see the light

Even in the darkest night

And I'll be here like you were for me

So just let me in

'Cause I see your monsters I see your pain

Tell me your problems I'll chase them away

I'll be your lighthouse I'll make it okay

When I see your monsters

I'll stand there so brave

I see your monsters I see your pain

Tell me your problems I'll chase them away

I'll be your lighthouse I'll make it okay

When I see your monsters

I'll stand there so brave

And chase them all away

以上內容參考QQ音樂-I See Your Monsters

B. 求激動人心的熟悉輕音樂,最好是美國影視大片背景音樂的

Grand Theme
仙劍奇緣 仙劍奇俠傳
Trailer Not Released 太極旗飄揚
shibing 太極旗飄揚

原聲大碟 《100首最佳電影古典音樂原聲》6CD[MP3!]

C. 求一些美國電影的經典主題曲、片尾曲、插曲。希望是比較新的電影曲,因為老的經典歌曲大家已經很熟悉了。

1.偷心 the blower's daughter
2.復仇的人 answer
3.天使之城 angle
4.巴黎我愛你 we all in the dance
5.殺死比爾 good nightmoon
6.bj單身日記 all by myself
7.教父 speak softly love
8.曾經 if you want me(不知道算不算)
9.這個殺手不太冷 the shape of heart
10.怪物史萊克 Hallelujah
先寫十個 還有摔角手,穿越時空愛上你,玫瑰人生等等
推薦下色戒 返老還童 香奈兒傳 羅拉快跑 兩小無猜 巴黎我愛你 的整張原聲大碟

D. 《victory》是哪個電影的主題曲


《Victory》並不屬於某一部電影配樂,雖然它被用與《霍比特人3:五軍之戰》的宣傳片中,但它並沒有出現在電影《霍比特人3》的正式影片中。《Victory》是Two Steps From Hell(地獄咫尺)的單曲,收錄於《Battlecry》專輯,是Two Steps From Hell最受歡迎的歌曲。



Victory在YouTube的觀看人數為6513萬(2019年11月5日)以上,創造了 Two Steps From Hell 的新紀錄,是2019年 TSFH 最受歡迎的歌曲。讓人震撼的女聲和合唱,以及氣勢磅礴的旋律,足以征服聽眾的內心。



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