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發布時間:2022-05-08 10:00:13

1. 求好聽的電影主題

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《赴宴》電視原聲帶 《鋼琴課》電影原聲
《怪物史萊克》電影原聲樂 《關於莉莉周的一切》電影原聲 《鬼娃新娘》電影原聲碟
《國家公敵》原聲樂 《海底總動員》原聲大碟 《海上鋼琴師》電影原聲
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《花樣年華》原聲帶 《幻影英雄》原聲大碟 《黃金眼》原聲樂 《角鬥士》原聲樂 《教父》原聲樂 《菊次郎的夏天》片曲
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《藍色生死戀》原聲樂 《廊橋遺夢》原聲樂 《臉頰緊貼月球》聲樂
《獵日風暴》配樂 《羅丹的情人》原聲樂 《麻辣教師》片曲
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《最後的莫希幹人》電影原聲 《最終兵器少女》OST
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2. 怪物史萊克1里的電影插曲

it is you--是你 電影《怪物史萊克》插曲
there is something that i see 從你看我的眼神中
in the way you look at me 我發現了一些東西
there s a smile 你的眼神里充滿了微笑
there s a truth in your eyes 和信任
but an unexpected way 但是以一中想不到的方式
on this unexpected day 在意想不到的一天
could it mean this is 那是不是就意味著
where i belong 你是我的歸屬
it is you i have loved all along 我一直愛著的就是你

it s no more mystery 沒有比這更神奇的了
it is finally clear to me 最後我明白了一切
you re the home my heart 你是我心靈的歸屬
searched for so long 你是我一直所要尋找的人
and it is you 是你
i have loved all along 我一直都愛的人

there were times i ran to hide 以前我還去掩飾
afraid to show the other side 我害怕把另一面展示給你看
alone in the night without you 在沒有你的孤獨的夜晚

but now i know just who you are 但是我現在知道你對我意味著什麼
and i know you hold my heart 我知道占據著我的靈魂
finally this is where i belong 這是我最後的歸屬
it is you i have loved all along 你是我一直都愛的人

it s no more mystery 沒有比這更神奇的了
it is finally clear to me 最後一切都明白了
you re the home my heart 你是我的心靈的寄居地
searched for so long 是我一直要找尋的
and it is you 是你
i have loved all along 我一直愛的人

over and over 一次又一次
i m filled with emotion 我滿是激情
your love, it rushes 你給我的愛
through my veins 在我的血液里奔涌澎湃

and i am filled 我陶醉於這
with the sweetest devotion 甜蜜愛情
as i, i look into 當我看著你
your perfect face 你那完美的面頰

it s no more mystery 沒有比這更神奇的了
it is finally clear to me 最後我明白了一切
you re the home my heart 你是我心靈的歸屬
searched for so long 你是我一直所要尋找的人
and it is you 是你
i have loved all along 我一直都愛的人

it s no more mystery 沒有比這更神奇的了
it is finally clear to me 最後我明白了一切
you re the home my heart 你是我心靈的歸屬
searched for so long 你是我一直所要尋找的人
and it is you 是你
i have loved all along 我一直都愛的人

3. 找電影《怪物史萊克》的背景音樂,是第一部的哦!第一部最經典了!


"All Star"
Written by Greg Camp
Performed by Smash Mouth
Courtesy of Interscope Records
Under licence from Universal Music Enterprises
Proced and Mixed by Eric Valetine

"On the Road Again"
Written by Willie Nelson
Performed by Eddie Murphy

Written by Mark Klingman and Buzzy Linhart
Performed by Eddie Murphy

"Whipped Cream"
Written by Naomi Neville
Performed by Herb Alpert & The Tijuana Brass
Courtesy of A&M Records
Under licence from Universal Music Enterprises

"Escape (The Piña Colada Song)"
Written and Performed by Rupert Holmes
Courtesy of MCA Records
Under licence from Universal Music Enterprises

"My Beloved Monster"
Written by Mark Everett (as E)
Performed by eels
Courtesy of DreamWorks Records

"You Belong to Me"
Written by Pee Wee King, Redd Stewart and Chilton Price
Performed by Jason Wade
Courtesy of DreamWorks Records

Written by Leonard Cohen
Performed by John Cale
Courtesy of Menhir Music

"Try a Little Tenderness"
Written by Harry M. Woods, Jimmy Campbell and Reginald Connelly (as Reg Connelly)
Performed by Eddie Murphy

"I'm a Believer"
Words and Music by Neil Diamond
Performed by Smash Mouth
Courtesy of Interscope Records
Under licence from Universal Music Enterprises
Proced and Mixed by Eric Valetine
Additional Vocals by Eddie Murphy

Music by Antonio Carlos Jobim
Lyrics by Norman Gimbel and Newton Mendonca
Performed by Antonio Carlos Jobim
Courtesy of Verve Records
Under licence from Universal Music Enterprises

"Welcome to Duloc"
Music by Mike Himelstein
Lyrics by Eric Darnell

"Bad Reputation"
Written by Joan Jett, Kenny Laguna, Richie Cordell and Marty Kupersmith
Performed by Joan Jett
Courtesy of Blackheart Records

"I'm on My Way"
Written by Charlie Reid and Craig Reid
Performed by The Proclaimers
Courtesy of Chrysalis Records, Ltd.
Under licence from EMI-Capitol Music Special Markets

"Merry Men"
Written by Kirby Tepper, Andrew Adamson and Conrad Vernon
Performed by Vincent Cassel

"Stay Home"
Written by Matt Mahaffey
Performed by Self
Courtesy of DreamWorks Records
Proced and Mixed by Eric Valetine

"Best Years Of Our Lives"
Written by David Jaymes and Geoff Deane (as Geoffrey Deane)
Performed by Baha Men
Courtesy of S-Curve Records
Proced by Michael Mangini and Steven Greenberg (as Steve Greenberg)

"Like Wow!"
Written by James Harry and Sandra St. Victor
Performed by Leslie Carter
Courtesy of DreamWorks Records

"It Is You (I Have Loved)"
Music by Harry Gregson-Williams, John Powell and Gavin Greenaway
Lyrics by Dana Glover
Performed by Dana Glover
Courtesy of DreamWorks Records
Proced by Gavin Greenaway and Harry Gregson-Williams


"Holding Out for a Hero"
Written by Dean Pitchford & Jim Steinman
Performed by Jennifer Saunders
Arranged and Proced by Harry Gregson-Williams
Co-Proced by Paul Oakenfold

"Livin' La Vida Loca"
Written by Desmond Child & Robi Rosa
Performed by Eddie Murphy & Antonio Banderas
Proced by Gustavo Santaolalla & Juan Campdonico
Associate Procer Anibal Kerpel

"Fairy Godmother Song"
Written by Andrew Adamson, Stephen Barton, Walt Dohrn, Harry Gregson-Williams,
Dave Smith & Aron Warner
Performed by Jennifer Saunders

Written by David Bowie
Performed by Butterfly Boucher featuring David Bowie
Courtesy of A&M Records
Under license from Universal Music Enterprises
David Bowie appears courtesy of ISO/Columbia Records, Under license to Sony Music Entertainment,

"Accidentally in Love"
Written by Adam Duritz, Dan Vickrey, David Immergluck, Matthew Malley & David Bryson
Performed by Counting Crows
Proced by Brendan O'Brien
Counting Crows appear courtesy of Geffen Records

Written by Steven Greenberg
Performed by Lipps, Inc.
Courtesy of The Island Def Jam Music Group
Under license from Universal Music Enterprises

"Little Drop of Poison"
Written by Tom Waits & Kathleen Brennan
Performed by Tom Waits
Courtesy of Jalma Music

"As Lovers Go"
Written by Christopher Ender Carrabba
Performed by Dashboard Confessional
Courtesy of Vagrant Records

"People Ain't No Good"
Written by Nick Cave
Performed by Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
Courtesy of Mute Records Ltd.
By Arrangement with Warner Strategic Marketing

"Ever Fallen in Love"
Written by Peter Shelley
Performed by Pete Yorn
Proced by Eric Valentine
Pete Yorn appears courtesy of Columbia Rcords

Written by Harry Nilsson
Performed by Eddie Murphy

"Le Freak"
Written by Nile Rodgers & Bernard Edwards
Performed by Chic
Courtesy of Atlantic Recording Corp.
By Arrangement with Warner Strategic Marketing

"Hawaii Five-O"
Written by Morton Stevens

"Theme from 'Rawhide'"
Written by Dimitri Tiomkin & Ned Washington
Performed by Eddie Murphy

"I Need Some Sleep"
Written by E
Performed by eels
Proced by Mark Oliver Everett
eels appear courtesy of DreamWorks Records

"Ain't No Stoppin' Us Now"
Written by Jerry Cohen, Gene McFadden & John Whitehead
Performed by Eddie Murphy

Written by Martin Charnin & Charles Strouse
Performed by Eddie Murphy

"Mission Impossible"
Written by Lalo Schifrin
Arranged by Stephen Barton
Proced by Harry Gregson-Williams

"I Love Bosco"
Courtesy of Bosco Procts, Inc.

"All By Myself"
Written by Eric Carmen & Sergei Rachmaninoff
Performed by Eddie Murphy

"Holding Out for a Hero"
Performed by Frou Frou
Proced by Guy Sigsworth

"You're So True"
Written & Performed by Joseph Arthur
Proced by Tom Rothrock
Joseph Arthur appears courtesy of Vector Recordings

4. 怪物史萊克1

你找的應該是這個《哈利路亞》,下面是下載地址和歌詞,希望對你有幫助。我個人比較喜歡它的主題曲,就是第一部片頭的那段曲子叫做《It is you I have loved》
歌名:Hallelujah 哈里路亞 -《Shrek 1 怪物史萊克1》電影原聲
歌手:Rufus Wainwright

I』ve heard there was a secret chord
That David played and it pleased the Lord
But you don』t really care for music do you?

It goes like this, the fourth, the fifth
The minor fall, the major lift
The baffled King composing Hallelujah

Hallelujah, hallelujah
Hallelujah, hallelujah

Your faith was strong but you needed proof
You saw her bathing on the roof
Her beauty in the moonlight overthrew you

She tied you to a kitchen chair
She broke your throne, and she cut your hair
And from your lips she drew the hallelujah

Hallelujah, hallelujah
Hallelujah, hallelujah

Maybe I』ve been here before
I know this room, I』ve walked this floor
I used to live alone before I knew you

I』ve seen your flag on the marble arch
Love is not a victory march
It』s a cold and it』s a broken hallelujah

Hallelujah, hallelujah
Hallelujah, hallelujah

There was a time when you let me know
What』s real and going on below
But now you never show it to me, do you?

And remember when I moved in you
The Holy Dark was moving too
And every breath we drew was hallelujah

Hallelujah, hallelujah
Hallelujah, hallelujah

Maybe there』s a God above
And all I ever learned from love
Was how to shoot at someone who outdrew you

And it』s not a cry you can hear at night
It』s not somebody who』s seen the light
It』s a cold and it』s a broken hallelujah

Hallelujah, hallelujah
Hallelujah, hallelujah

Hallelujah, hallelujah
Hallelujah, hallelujah
不好意思,我剛剛試過了那個下載地址好像不能下載,你在網路上搜索一下,輸入關聯詞「怪物史萊克原聲歌曲」「 hallelujah 」應該很容易就找的到下載鏈接

5. 怪物史萊克1中共有四首片尾曲.誰知道第二首叫什麼

片尾出字幕後4首歌:第1首是Stay Home;第2首是Best years of our lives;第3首是Like Wow!;第4首是It is you。這首最最最經典,也是主旋律,在每一部史萊克中均有出現,不同的節奏,不同的樂器與演奏方式,非常好聽啊。以上四首歌均收錄在Shrek OST里,樓上列出來的有些不對,OST只有13首歌,最後一首welcome to DULOC,是收錄在另一張Score配樂專輯里的,有27首,基本都是純音樂。

6. 怪物史萊克1片頭曲叫什麼名字

  1. 名稱:《ALL Start》

  2. 演唱者:Smash Mouth

  3. 發行時間:1999-07-05

  4. 所屬專輯:《Astro Lounge》

  5. 歌詞:

    somebody once told me the world is gonna roll me
    I ain't the sharpest tool in the shed
    She was looking kind of mb with her finger and her thumb
    In the shape of an "l" on her forehead
    Well the years start coming and they don't stop coming
    Fed to the rules and i hit the ground running
    Didn't make sense not to live for fun
    Your brain gets smart but your head gets mb
    So much to do so much to see
    So what's wrong with taking the back streets
    You'll never know if you don't go
    You'll never shine if you don't glow
    Hey now you're an all star get your game on, go play
    Hey now you're a rock star get the show on get paid
    And all that glitters is gold
    Only shooting stars break the mold
    It's a cool place and they say it gets colder
    You¾re bundled up now but wait 'til you get older
    But the meteor men beg to differ
    Judging by the hole in the satellite picture
    The ice we skate is getting pretty thin
    The waters getting warm so you might as well swim
    My world's on fire how about yours
    That's the way i like it and i never get bored
    Somebody once asked could i spare some change for gas
    I need to get myself away from this place
    I said yep what a concept
    I could use a little fuel myself
    And we could all use a little change
    Well the years start coming and they don't stop coming
    Fed to the rules and i hit the ground running
    Didn't make sense not to live for fun
    Your brain gets smart but your head gets mb
    So much to do so much to see
    So what's wrong with taking the back streets
    You'll never know if you don't go
    You'll never shine if you don't glow

7. 美國經典動畫片主題曲有哪些


獅子王,迪士尼最早於1994年推出的一部歌舞動畫冒險電影,其主題麴生生不息(Circle of life),曾獲得「奧斯卡金像獎最佳電影歌曲」提名。由迪士尼出品的其他經典作品還包括:小鹿斑比(主題曲Life is a song),美女與野獸(主題曲Beauty and the beast),機器人總動員(主題曲Beautiful destruction),白雪公主與七個小矮人(主題曲Some day my prince will come),木偶奇遇記(主題曲When you wish upon a star)等。

怪物史萊克,是夢工廠最早於2001年出品的經典動畫電影,主題曲叫All star。其他還有:馬達加斯加系列(主題曲I like to move it),功夫熊貓(主題曲Kung fu fighting),馴龍高手(主題曲Sticks and stones),穿靴子的貓(主題曲Americano),蜜蜂總動員(主題曲Here comes the sun)等。

玩具總動員系列,是皮克斯最早於1995年出品的經典動畫電影,其主題曲叫You have got a friend in me。由皮克斯公司出品的其他經典動畫電影還有:海底總動員(主題曲Beyond the sea),怪物電力公司(主題曲If I didn't have you),飛屋環游記(主題曲Nothing gonna change my love for you),蟲蟲特工隊(主題曲The time of your life),超人特工隊(主題曲The incredibles main theme),勇敢傳說(主題曲Touch the sky)等。

8. 怪物史萊克1 音樂裡面有一首歌詞有「哈利路亞」的歌詞

You Belong To Me


歌手:Jason Wade

See the pyramids around the Nile,


watch the sunrise from a tropic isle,


just remember darling all the while,


you belong to me,


See the marketplace in old Angier


send me photographs and souvenirs


just remember when a dream appears,


you belong to me,


And I'll be so alone without you,


maybe you'll be lonesome too,


Fly the ocean in a silver plane,


see the jungle when it's wet with rain,


just remember till you're home again ,


you belong to me,


Oh, I'll be so alone without you


maybe you'll be lonesome too


Fly the ocean in a silver plane,


see the jungle when it's wet with rain


just remember till you're home again ,


you belong to me



《You Belong To Me》是最早於1952年發行的單曲,演唱者Sue Thompson,由詞曲作者Pee Wee King, Redd Stewart和Chilton Price合作而成。




9. 好聽的電影主題曲。(越多越好)
























10. 怪物史萊克裡面都有什麼歌


1、 Stay Home

2、 I'm a Believer - Smash Mouth

3、 Like Wow! - Leslie Carter

4、 It Is You (I Have Loved) - Dana Glover

5、 Best Years of Our Lives - Baha Men

6、 Bad Reputation

7、 My Beloved Monster - Eels

8、 You Belong to Me - Jason Wade

9、 All Star - Smash Mouth

10、 Hallelujah - Rufus Wainwright

11、 I'm on My Way - The Proclaimers

12、 I'm a Believer (Reprise) - Eddie Murphy

13、 True Love's First Kiss


1、 Accidentally In Love - Counting Crows

2、 Holding Out For A Hero - Frou Frou

3、 Changes - Butterfly Boucher

4、 As Lovers Go (Ron Fair Remix) - Dashboard Confessional

5、 Funkytown - Lipps, Inc、

6、 I'm On My Way - Rich Price

7、 I Need Some Sleep - Eels


1、 Ever Fallen In Love - Pete Yorn

2、 Little Drop Of Poison - Tom Waits

3、 You're So True - Joseph Arthur

4、 People Ain't No Good - Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds

5、 Fairy Godmother Song - Jennifer Saunders

6、 Livin' La Vida Loca - Eddie Murphy

7、 Holding Out For A Hero - Jennifer Saunders











雖然個子嬌小,但英俊有餘,頭戴帽、腳穿靴、腰扎皮帶、配寶劍 性格,沉穩,冷靜。 並有著俠客佐羅一樣能把玩幾招的好劍法。







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