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❶ 尋找一部電影!講述二戰德國戰敗後,德軍大批戰俘被運去蘇聯西伯利亞集中營


《極地重生》是由Hardy Martins執導,賓納.貝達文、Hardy Martins等人主演的一部戰爭片,於2001年12月27日在德國上映。





二戰末期,德國軍人科利基文斯(米高·文度 Michael Mendl)在戰爭中淪為戰俘,被處以25年的刑期,而此時他懷孕的妻子和女兒則完全沒有他的消息,只能求神保佑他還能活著回來。




❷ 求一部老電影,主角好像叫糞坑小次郎,一個日本農夫被抓到中國當鬼子後來踏上回家之路的搞笑故事

大追擊 (1982)?逗罩

❸ 宗大偉撤僑死了嗎





❹ 怎麼評價《敦刻爾克》這部電影




❺ 一部俄羅斯的電影愛情,戰爭,有個小夥子打下一個坦克放假回家路上遇到一個姑娘,忘了叫什麼名字

士兵之歌 Баллада о солдате (1959)

二戰期間,19歲的通訊兵阿廖沙(弗拉迪米爾·伊瓦紹夫 Vladimir Ivashov飾)在衛國戰爭中用反坦克槍擊毀了德軍的兩輛坦克而受到嘉獎。但阿廖沙請求將軍不必為他授獎,只希望給他幾天假回家探望一次母親(安東尼娜·馬克西莫娃 Antonina Maksimova飾)。於是阿廖沙踏上了為期只有六天的歸家旅程。途中,阿廖沙邂逅了天真無邪的少女舒拉(讓娜·普羅霍蓮柯 Zhanna Prokhorenko飾),兩人一見鍾情。然而他們乘坐的火車被炸,他救死扶傷耽擱了不少時間。當阿廖沙終於回到家鄉時,只來得及和母親在田邊說幾句話就要返回前線。可這一去,阿廖沙就再沒有回來

❻ 求一部二戰老電影!

極地重生 So weit die Füße tragen(2001)

導演: 哈迪·馬汀斯
編劇: Bastian Clevé / Bernd Schwamm / Hardy Martins
主演: 邁克爾·門德爾
類型:劇情 / 戰爭
製片國家/地區: 德國
語言: 德語 / 俄語
片長:158 分鍾
又名: As Far As My Feet Will Carry Me
二戰末期,德國軍人科利基文斯(米高·文度 Michael Mendl)在戰爭中淪為戰俘,被處以25年的刑期,而此時他懷孕的妻子和女兒則完全沒有他的消息,只能求神保佑他還能活著回來。經過漫長的跋涉,一行戰俘被送到了一個勞改場,那裡沒有圍牆也沒有柵欄,然而極度的嚴寒和千里冰原則成了難以逾越的屏障。這里位於西伯利亞東部,初到之時,由於天氣和疾病,很多人都不幸死去,然而非人的礦工生活,才是真正的煉獄。科利基文斯從來沒有忘記遠方的親人,一次失敗的逃亡讓他飽受看守的虐待,然而這卻更加堅定了他要逃出這里的決心。後來在年邁的醫生的幫助下,科利基文斯才得以逃離勞改場,從此獲得回家的希望。可是在他面前的,將是長達14000公里的「死亡之地」,在被積雪覆蓋的千里冰原,科利孤身一開始了漫長的回家之路……

❼ 二戰納粹集中營電影,男主角講集中營解放後一路回家的故事,二次遇到同一聰明波蘭人,最後到家喝牛奶

《劫後餘生》 LaTregua, (1997)

❽ 萬里歸途好看嗎







❾ 翻譯,急需英文翻譯!大家幫幫忙吧!

這篇文章翻譯成英文是:The name of a lead from Australia, two from Australia had a white actor to proce chaos and hatred in the eyes of Australia's papers. Students fly, walk in the blood and fire, love and hate in.
Video from an Australian Aboriginal and white half-breed born in Nara point of view, demonstrating the management of white rule in 1939, has no lack of attachment disorder crafty brave world full of human good-quality state. Before the emergence of Australia as part of the grand and beautiful scenery, account of the relationship between related people, describes the story of a context is not very complicated, fast paced, lively, attractive men and women also have the love, people are relaxed. Charming scenery of by many media as the Australian Landscape, without exaggeration. Using the latter part of the intensification of contradictions, superb repeatedly, and brutal nature of war in the flash, the overall atmosphere of solemn, sanctity, no use to set off its magnificent solemnity, to grasp comparatively place.
As a publicity stunt of epic, the film has its own unique label. Have a pretty good story, drive cattle through the half to overcome the difficulties in Australia, to expose a conspiracy, and brought a mixture of love and affection on the children of mixed marriages, war, human well-being of the thinking of sublimation, plot coherence, attention to detail and performance figures emotional ups and downs, has a realistic human face. There are spectacular panoramic scene shows a degree of rhythm and relaxation grasp the desolation of war destroyed the atmosphere of rational management scene, at least the performance required for a large one way. The emergence of indigenous people often elderly bring a little magic aura of Marxism, for some seemingly impossible with a mysterious plot to give answers to the Aboriginal peoples themselves.
Movie subtitles introced at the beginning of what the Australian "stolen generation", at the end of it with the subtitles set the white government finally abandoned in 1937, Australian Aboriginal assimilation policy, the 2008 Australian Prime Minister apologized to the stolen generation. The first one in black and white it is obvious that racism, colonialism, and critical point and shows great depth, but was short of a World War II history and the white settlers to glorify the struggle to defend their homes unoriginal. Is a general framework for conception is one thing, a line, joined the middle of love, adventure, war, white values of the ingredients. Comments cries and wants to have both large with the money skill.
Strive to free the heroine is not the values of the colonialists, who imposed the original half-breed people, regardless of what kind of selfless noble mind, two different classes and races in that time has irreconcilable opposites. Video to follow his last half-breed Nara with indigenous grandfather stepped away from modern civilization, the road home is considered to restore the film's theme, and represents the mainstream ideology of the white man to give up the assimilation of indigenous Australia, returned to Aboriginal a free and truly democratic expression. Whether it is training for the white church service, or support of ecation by the white kind, which is nothing but wishful thinking are colonialists, the values instilled. • Lars Von Trier filmed a • "Mandalay" is a trilogy, following the United States "Dog Town" after the second film, was calm and deep into a white value system of democracy to save the changes serfdom of black story, and finally been hurt by this change, more acute, do not respect the values of different ethnic name of the class under the banner of slavery to save the rule of real inspiration.
The film shape the heroic struggle of the main theme of the white models, no wonder the Australian version has been rendered as "Gone with the Wind." "Gone with the Wind" is reflected in the survival of Americans in this class, dedication and indomitable spirit of the venture, while the film is echoed around the Aboriginal "stolen generation" of history back and repent, and not the original people to bring the eyes to see their aquatic life in the white hot how to create life and combat evil, to rescue Aboriginal children, create the legend of white heroism. Generation from the show to see the pioneering spirit in the state that there worthy of note, with epic prototype. But the whole subject irrelevant, did not play the Australian and European history of nepotism and historical origin of the scale can be said that under the influence of the Hollywood film instry, Epic Films have created a small surprise for mediocre. If a few more like Mel • Ji Pusen drastic as the real thing to show some Hollywood film director is the contribution. Film not only has a hot scene that exists. Video English name "Australia", unworthy of the name, degrading its name.
Indigenous populations of scenarios to bring the magic though is the real highlight of the entire film, the seemingly impossible is what they see in the world, the so-called magic but we perceive to be the most common, white is the creation of all the fact strange, from another point of cleaning up the muddy world.



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