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⑴ 電影 後天 的中英文簡介 100字左右

The day after tomorrow is a science fiction film proced by 20th century fox.


Directed by Roland emmerich, the film stars Dennis quaid, jake gyllenhaal, Amy rosen and Sarah ward.


It was released in the United States on May 28, 2004.


The film mainly tells the story of the greenhouse effect caused by the earth's climate change.








⑵ 電影《後天》的英文名叫

電影中文片名:《後天》(又名《末日浩劫》、《明日之後》) 英文片名:《The Day After Tomorrow》


⑶ 電影後天的主旨是什麼


英文片名:《The Day After Tomorrow》

導 演:羅蘭德-艾默里克 Roland Emmerich

領銜主演: 丹尼斯-奎德 傑克-吉倫荷


中影發行集團公司 華夏電影發行公司



冰河世紀的威脅 嚴重的溫室效應


注意到溫室效應所帶來的恐怖後果,《後天》導演羅蘭-艾默里奇決心讓《後天》成為全球首部完全「碳中和」(carbon-neutral)的A級製作: 「拍片時大量使用的燈光、發電機和燃料,都讓溫室效應更加嚴重,我們努力讓排放出來的二氧化碳被中和吸收掉來彌補地球?鋇纈啊逗筇臁泛吐錐氐摹拔蠢瓷�幀弊櫓?Future Forests)合作,由未來森林計算拍攝這部電影將會製造的二氧化碳總量,然後在加州跟不丹種植森林!不僅如此,導演還出資購買省電燈泡到牙買加以及協助美國低收入戶家庭省電計劃!真正做到不惡化溫室效應,證實賣座電影也能愛護地球。






自然災難的大集合 超逼真特效



狡猾的羅蘭·艾默里奇幾乎把所有關於水的災難片里的元素都調動起來了,《天地大沖撞》中的洪水,在這次變成了冰川溶化後的滔天巨浪,狂湧入紐約市,《龍卷風》中的颶風,此次變得更加強大,掀起汽車和房屋已如家常便飯,它甚至把整個洛杉磯都撕裂殆?;褂性凇逗筇臁分興�賾械娜玷腫影憒笮〉謀�⑾�鞫��蟊 ┓繆└哺橇誦碌呂錚�肺耷襖�拇蟊┯甓冀吁嘍�礎W詈蠡褂杏捎謔鼙�ㄆ謨跋於�緯傻耐蚶銼�猓�桓齟游叢諞�簧先緔吮普娉魷止�謀�蛹駝瓜衷諼頤敲媲啊5苯裼疤澄ㄓ小逗筇臁吩諭�皇奔洌�鹽奘�跏澇幟淹懲吃蟻蛉思洹?


在這部影片中,給人最震撼之感的就是極其驚人和逼真的特效。歷史上罕見或從未有過的驚心動魄的曠世災難這次真實地展現在我們眼前。影片中,最經典的畫面就是紐約市"速凍"前後的畫面,沖天巨浪狂涌進紐約市,自由女神被淹沒,萬巷瞬息沉沒在汪洋之中,萬噸巨輪竟被沖進樓宇之間。而轉瞬間,氣溫驟降,浩瀚汪洋中的紐約城又變成冰封世界,茫茫冰原上,只留下自由女神的頭像,象徵著人類文明城市大半也永埋入冰雪中。人類和人類所創造的世界在大自然面前顯得如此渺? T詿舜危?0世紀福斯公司花足了心血,融合了《鳥》、《龍卷風》、《天地大沖撞》等災難的視覺奇觀。

《後天》雖只拍攝了380個特效鏡頭,但它們卻是導演艾默里奇職業生涯中最復雜的鏡頭,艾默里奇談到在一個活動拖車里虛擬出紐約城被冰凍起來的效果時說, 「這是我首先想像出的一個場景,所有的道具都是為影片而特殊製作的,但他們看起來必須能夠以假亂真,無論是洶涌的洪水,還是呼嘯而來的暴風雪,所有的特效必須沒有任何破綻。所以我們在六個特殊製作的布景房間里像變戲法一樣輪換著進行拍攝,海嘯、地震……這樣,看起來所有的災難就彷彿真真切切地發生在地球上一樣。」


三、1.25億美元巨制 全球同步上映

2002年7月,二十世紀福斯公司打敗了派拉蒙、夢工?⒒非蚝突�尚值艿惹康校�沼誶賴謾逗筇臁返牡纈芭納閎ǎ�⒀�冒��鍥?《獨立日》、《酷斯拉》) 這位擅長科幻災難題材的導演,而製作成本高達1億2500萬美元,將近90%的預算都用來製作特技效果。而且由於某些特效場面的製作難度過大,福斯公司決定將部分片段重新製作,所以該片的公映日期推遲了一年。本片原定2003年夏天上映,最終成為今年暑期的鳴鑼大片。奎德扮演名為霍爾的古氣候學教授,而他所要解決的難題比他以往面臨的問題要困難得多:解救冰凍的地球。







⑷ 關於《後天》的翻譯

嗯,第一,翻譯講究簡潔。——Conciseness is the soul of translation.
第二, the day after tomorrow 的習慣譯法是「後天」,這個,地球人全知道!所以,估計當時譯這個片名的人比較懶,看到自己認識的,頌辯又是從小就熟悉的就不去動腦子再想別的了吧。。

第三,let's draw a comparision between 「後天」,「明天以後」或「明天以後的一天。 比較了一下,我想說,翻譯不像數學題往往僅有一個標准答案。 這幾個翻譯都挺不錯的,關鍵看個人的緩櫻汪喜好了椰~~ 不是嘛~~?

記得我們上翻譯課的時候譯一句廣告一堂課能出現上百個version (版本),老師也很難評判哪一個是最好的。。




⑸ 「後天」這部電影大概講什麼。(英文)

the day after tomorrow

The green-house effect movie is given an account of brings about the earth climate different unexpected turn of events , the whole world is caught in second glacier discipline story soon. Entire the large amount of tip special efficiency having assembled piece, since climate different unexpected turn of events is to freeze up abruptly because the air temperature comes down rapidly first from seawater in the film, big unwieldy bells will be frozen Cheng Bing Zhu , appearance therefore including the free goddess , Eiffel Tower , London extremely grand sight. Bring about climate different unexpected turn of events certainly except the capital blotting out the sky and covering up the earth has described a green-house effect piece, the earth is caught in second glacier century story. Denis · Kuide plays Professor scientist Hall who studies the climate changes , he is based on the law observing and studying the prehistoric climate's , suggests that the grave green-house effect will bring about air temperature dramaThe descend , terrestrial general enters glacier moment hypothesis once again. Result , this prophecy have become reality , the tornado , seaquake and snowstorm have arrived in quick succession , human being has been caught in front futile doom great calamity. The resident who tells an American president to announce to the south of latitude 30 degrees N to the whole world withdraws from Professor Hal from the equator nearby , to the north resident needs to be ready for keeping warm. Meanwhile, Hal is informed that his son mountain lady gives no consideration to danger one people goes to natural calamities New York in invading unexpectedly rescue a girl friend , he also is daring regardless of personal danger the field goes to ice and snow cover lower north area being in progress rescue, in the process being rescued and being saved, film has interweaved exquisite cordial affection expressed out by moving emotion and big disaster servants between father and son. Can't will the moving emotion interweaving to be inscribed in self's heart between father and son and men and women detailed besides natural threat.

⑹ 急需電影 《the day after tomorrow》〈後天〉的對白

分類: 娛樂休閑 >> 電影




1. [last lines]

Parker:Have you ever seen the air so clear?

2. Jason Evans:Okay. What happened?

Jack Hall:Well, we had to get inside in kind of a hurry, so I sort of pushed you in.

Jason Evans:I should be used to you pushing me around.

3. [watching the "Hollywood" sign being destroyed by a tornado]

Bart Chopper Reporter:This tornado just came and erased the Hollywood sign. The Hollywood sign is gone. It's just shredded.

4. Gomez:Booker! What's going on, here?

Booker:They just issued a tornado warning in Los Angeles.

5. Simon:What are the odds of o buoys failing?

Terry Rapson:Remote.

[another buoy seen on the puter screen fails]

Terry Rapson:Make that three.

6. [Franks falls through a shopping mall's roof and hangs by his rope]

Jack Hall:Frank! Are you all right?

Frank Harris:I'm fine! Just dropped in to do a little shopping.

7. Judith:Books can be good for something other than burning.

8. Tina:[making out] Shouldn't you be monitoring the weather or something?

Bob:This is L.A... what weather?

9. Jack Hall:I think we are on the verge of a major climate shift!

10. Terry Rapson:We'll be fine.

11. Terry Rapson:[over the phone] Several hours ago, three helicopters went down over Scotland. They crashed because the fuel in their lines froze.

Jack Hall:At what temperature does...

Terry Rapson:[interrupting] Negative one hundred and fifty degrees Fahrenheit.


Terry Rapson:They had to look it up!

12. Elsa:What book is that?

Jeremy:The Guttenburg Bible.

Elsa:You think God is going to save you?

Jeremy:No, I don't believe in God.

Elsa:You seem to be holding onto the book very tightly.

Jeremy:I'm protecting it. This Bible is the first book ever published. It represents the dawn of the age of reasoning. As far as I'm concerned, the written word is mankind's greatest achievement. Laugh if you want. But if Western Civilization is destroyed, I want to save one little piece of it.

13. [they're snowed in at Scotland]

Terry Rapson:We've got our own genny, enough tea and biscuits to sink a ship. We'll be fine! As long as the loo doesn't back up again.

14. Brian Parks:Man you've got some serious petition.

Sam Hall:Please.

Brian Parks:I bet he's really rich too.

Sam Hall:Shut up.

15. News Reporter:If you look over behind me, that's a tornado. Yes! A ister in Los Angeles. It's one of many tornadoes that are destroying our city. There's another one! That's the Los Angeles skyline! It's unbelievable! It's huge! I've never seen anything like that.

16. J.D.:Sam, just tell her how you feel.

17. Jack Hall:I think we've hit a critical desalinization point.

18. Jason Evans:[as a shelf of ice is breaking off] I didn't do anything!

19. Jason Evans:I didn't do anything!

20. Simon:[their final lines in the movie] Gentlemen,


Simon:To England!

Terry Rapson:To mankind!

Dennis:To Manchester United!

21. Jack Hall:Our climate is fragile. The ice caps are disappearing at a dangerous rate.

Vice President Becker:Dr. Hall, our economy is every bit as fragile as the environment. Perhaps you should keep that in mind before making sensationalist claims.

Jack Hall:Well, the last chunk of ice that broke off was the size of Rhode Island. A lot of folks would say that was pretty sensational.

22. RAF #1:[trying to start plummeting helicopter] Come on, you bastard! Come on!

23. J.D.:[showing the other students the museum] I couldn't let you guys leave New York without seeing the Natural History Museum.

Sam Hall:[under his breath] Of course not, it's the world's finest collection of stuffed animals.

24. Jack Hall:I will e for you, do you understand me?

25. Jason Evans:What's going to happen to us?

Jack Hall:What do you mean?

Jason Evans:I mean "us"? Civilization? Everyone?

Jack Hall:Mankind survived the last ice age. We're certainly capable of surviving this one. The only question is, will we be able to learn from our mistakes?

26. Jason Evans:[as he meets a geous woman] Hi, I'm Jason!

27. Terry Rapson:[after Simon suggests that the scotch might serve as fuel to keep them alive] Are you mad? That's a 12-year-old scotch!

28. Terry Rapson:We found something extraordinary... extraordinary and disturbing, that is. You remember saying in New Delhi about how melting of the polar ice can disrupt the North Atlantic current?

Jack Hall:Yes.

Terry Rapson:Well... I think it's happening.

29. Jack Hall:[on Sam failing calculus] I'm not angry. I'm disappointed.

Sam Hall:Do you wanna hear my side of it?

Jack Hall:Sam, how can there be o sides?

Sam Hall:Hey, look, I got every question right on the final and the only reason Mr. Spengler failed me was because I didn't write out the solutions.

Jack Hall:Why not?

Sam Hall:I do them in my head.

Jack Hall:Did you tell him that?

Sam Hall:I did. He said he didn't believe me. He said that if he couldn't do them in my head then I must be cheating.

Jack Hall:Well, that's ridiculous! How can he fail you for being *** arter than he is?

Sam Hall:That's what I said.

Jack Hall:[ *** irks] You did? How'd he take it?

Sam Hall:He flunked me, remember?

30. Jeremy:Friedrich Nietzsche? We can't burn that! He's one of the most important thinkers in 19th Century!

Elsa:Please! Nietzsche was a chauvinist pig who was in love with his sister.

Jeremy:He was not a chauvinist pig!

Elsa:But he was in love with his sister.

Brian Parks:Uh, excuse me, guys? Yeah, we got a whole section on tax laws down here we can burn.

31. Laura Chapman:Everything I've ever cared about, everything I've worked for, it's all been in preparation for a future that no longer exists. I know you always thought I took the petition too seriously. You were right. It was all for nothing.

Sam Hall:No, I just said that to avoid admitting the truth.

Laura Chapman:The truth about what?

Sam Hall:About why I joined the team. I joined it because of you.

32. Laura Chapman:I've got one. Your favorite vacation?

Sam Hall:You mean besides this one?

33. [as Brian works on a radio]

Statue of Liberty Guard:You should get some help with that.

Campbell:Sir, I'm the president of the electronics club, the mathematics club, and the chess club. If there is a bigger nerd in here, please point him out.

34. Jack Hall:Professor, I think it's time you got out of there.

Terry Rapson:I'm afraid that time has e and gone, my friend.

Jack Hall:What can we do?

Terry Rapson:Save as many as you can.

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⑺ 電影後天的英文名字是The day after tomorrow

就是 The Day After Tomorrow

⑻ 災難片<後天>的英文簡介

The Day After Tomorrow 《後天》

starring: Dennis Quaid, Jake Gyllenhaal, Emmy Rossum, Dash Mihok, Jay O Sanders丹尼斯-奎德、傑克-吉倫哈爾、艾米-羅森、莎拉-沃德
director: Roland Emmerich 羅蘭德-艾默里克
studio: 20th Century Fox 發行公司:二十世紀福斯影片公司

級別rating: PG-13
上映時間release date: May 28, 2004
片長runtime: 124 minutes

synopsis 內容大綱
What if we are on the brink of a new Ice Age? This is the question that haunts climatologic Jack Hall. Hall's research indicates that global warming could trigger an abrupt and catastrophic shift in the planet's climate. While Jack warns the White House of the impending climate shift, his 17 year-old son Sam finds himself trapped in New York City where he and some friends have been competing in a high school academic competition. He must now cope with the severe flooding and plummeting temperatures in Manhattan. Having taken refuge inside the Manhattan Public Library, Sam manages to reach his father by phone. Jack only has time for one warning: stay inside at all costs. As full-scale, massive evacuations to the south begin, Jack heads north to New York City to save Sam. But not even Jack is prepared for what is about to happen--to him, to his son, and to his planet.

⑼ 電影後天

《後天》是大陸上映時根據電影原名《The Day After Tomorrow》的直譯,很爛的翻譯。


英文名: The Day After Tomorrow

中文名: 後天 | 末日浩劫 | 末日世界 | 明日過後 | 明日之後

⑽ 電影《後天》的英文簡介

Plot Summary:
This movie takes a big-budget, special-effects-filled look at what the world would look like if the greenhouse effect and global warming continued at such levels that they resulted in worldwide catastrophe and disaster, including multiple hurricanes, tornadoes, tidal waves, floods and the beginning of the next Ice Age. At the center of the story is a paleoclimatologist (a scientist who studies the ways weather patterns changed in the past), Professor Jack Hall (Quaid), who tries to save the world from the effects of global warming while also trying to get to his son, Sam (Gyllenhaal), who was in New York City as part of a scholastic competition, when the city was overwhelmed by the chilling beginnings of the new Ice Age. In addition to all of the other challenges Dr. Hall faces, he's also going against the flow as humanity races south to warmer climes, and he's nearly the only one going north...



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