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發布時間:2023-02-23 07:03:05

㈠ 美國電影Evolution(進化)的一首插曲




這首歌出版於1976年,是眾多迪斯科舞曲中出類拔萃的精品之一。電影<<新丁駕到>>里主角扔火機時的背景音樂 也選用了此歌。

Once I was a boogie singer
Playin' in a rock and roll band
I never had no problems
Burnin' down the one night stands
And everything around me
Got to start to feelin' so low
And I decided quickly
To disco down and check out the show

Yeah, they were dancin' and singin'
And movin' to the groovin'
And just when it hit me
Somebody turned around and shouted
Play that funky music, white boy
Play that funky music right
Play that funky music, white boy
Lay down that boogie and play that funky music till you die
Till you die, oh till you die

I tried to understand this
I thought they were out of their minds
How could I be so foolish
To not see I was the one behind
So still I kept on fighting
Losing every step of the way
I said I must go back there
And check to see if things still the same


Now first it wasn't easy
Changin' rock-and-rollin' minds
And things were getting shaky
I thought I'd have to leave it behind
But now it's so much better
I'm funking out in every way
But I'll never lose that feelin'
Of how I learned my lesson that day


They shouted play that funky music
Play that funky music
Play that funky music
Gotta keep on playin' funky music
Play that funky music {Fade}

㈡ 美國電影進化中的一首插曲,就是在舞會上放的一首背景樂

我知道 是chasing pavement



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