導航:首頁 > 電影題材 > 以英文動畫電影為主題的手抄報


發布時間:2023-01-26 11:03:53

Ⅰ 飛屋環游記英語手抄報


let's do: Head, head, touch your head. Face, face, touch your face. Nose, nose, touch your nose. Mouth, mouth, touch your mouth.

學習水果單詞時,自編以下let's do: Apple, apple, draw an apple. Pear, pear, draw a pear.









8、還有一個小小的我,me,me就是我,日子過得so happy.

Ⅱ 壞蛋聯盟英文手抄報



Ⅲ 獅子王六年級手抄報(英語)


1、"The lion King" the magnificent vision and the magnificent soundtrack, this animated film made an epic temperament, let the audience refreshing. ——《獅子王》宏大的視野和磅礴的配樂,這部動畫電影拍出了史詩的氣質,讓觀眾耳目一新。

2、」The film, based on Shakespeare's play Hamlett, is an animated version of "the revenge of the prince, " and many viewers have even fallen in love with Shakespeare's play.——影片改編自莎士比亞的戲劇《哈姆雷特》,用動畫形式演繹了一出「王子復仇記」,甚至有很多觀眾因為這部電影而迷上了莎士比亞戲劇。

3、The heat wave of "the lion king" has swept across the world, being distributed in 27 different languages, warmly received by audiences in 46 countries and regions, and won the hearts of millions of viewers around the world.——《獅子王》的熱浪席捲了世界各地,被配置成27種不同語言,在46個國家和地區都受到觀眾的熱烈歡迎,並贏得了世界上數以百萬觀眾的心。

4、"The lion King" , with its gorgeous colors, touching music, exaggerated forms, humorous and witty language and humanized movements, the stories of Simba, Nana, Mufasa, Shimon, PUMBAA and scar, and hyenas have won the hearts of children in countless countries.——《獅子王》以絢麗的色彩、動人的音樂、誇張的形態、幽默機智的語言和人性化的動作,使辛巴、娜娜、穆法沙、西滿、彭彭與刀疤、鬣狗之間的故事贏得了無數不同國度兒童的喜愛。

5、Its film music filled with strong world music style, successfully created the film African Land Natural Friends Hun momentum of life. Enter "the Lion King" , it shows us a new and magnificent world, let us experience the love and adventure of life moved.——它的電影音樂洋溢著濃厚的世界樂風,成功地營造出了片中非洲大地自然友鄰渾的生命氣勢。進入《獅子王》里,它向我們展示了一個新生的壯闊世界,讓我們體驗到愛與冒險的生命感動。

Ⅳ 初一的英語小報,以電影哈利波特為主題!!怎麼做幫幫忙啊!急

那樣的話不能字數太多,單詞量也不要太多。我建議LZ這樣做:報頭可以彩繪一個「Harry potter」的圖案,再畫個漂亮的金色飛賊。報紙可以分成以下幾個板塊:第一個板塊,來一點哈利波特的英文介紹,這個很簡單網上也很多。第二個板塊來一小段哈利波特的精彩片段,最好是第一第二冊的,單詞簡單。第三個板塊來一點哈利波特詞典,網上也很多,比如金色飛賊的英文、魁地奇、飛天掃帚之類的魔法詞。第四個板塊來一點哈利波特經典電影台詞,搞笑的、感人的都行。這樣就差不多了,會畫畫的話再畫一幅魁地奇比賽的圖做插圖,報角畫一個騎著掃帚的戴眼鏡小巫師。基本這樣就行了,資料網上都有,基本不用太動腦筋,就是自己安排一下版面就行了。

Ⅳ 尋夢環游記手抄報英文


Ⅵ 冰雪奇緣英文電影手抄報內容如下 要英語的


Ⅶ 英語電影手抄報內容《小黃人》

minons are some small robots in a movie.they are yellow,and they always wear blue trousers.some have one eye and some have two eyes.their arms and legs are short, so they look very funny.bananas are their favrite food.mimions are small.but they are very smarl,minions work hard and they have diffcrent jobs.some work as poliemen some work as tennis players and some work as teachers many peopje like bkese cute yellaw robots.let s meet three of them

Despicable Me 2 is a 2013 American 3D computer-animated family action comedy film and the sequel to the 2010 animated film Despicable Me.Steve Carell, Russell Brand, and Miranda Cosgrove reprise their roles. Kristen Wiig, who played Miss Hattie in the first film, voices agent Lucy Wilde. Ken Jeong, who played Talk Show Host, voices Floyd Eagle-san.

Ⅷ 關於MY favorite movie為題目,做一個英語手抄報

關於MY favorite movie為題目,做一個英語手抄報如圖所示:





Ⅸ 以英文電影和英文歌為主題的手抄報,標題用什麼好


Ⅹ 英文電影介紹手抄報英文版圖片帶中文介紹圖片


A big problem ", hand written film express"


By 1, and the invention of the movie projector bet

如今,電影作為一種大眾娛樂方式,已經融入我們的生活當中。但是,你是否知道當初電影的發明是為了裁判一次打賭?也許,我們要感謝那次打賭,感謝它給我們帶來的電影。 1872年的一天,在美國加利福尼亞州一個酒店裡,斯坦福與科恩發生了激烈的爭執:馬奔跑時蹄子是否都著地?斯坦福認為奔跑的馬在躍起的瞬間四蹄是騰空的;科恩卻認為,馬奔跑時始終有一蹄著地。爭執的結果誰也說服不了誰,於是就採取了美國人慣用的方式打賭來解決。他們請來一位馴馬好手來做裁決,然而,這位裁判員也難以斷定誰是誰非。這很正常,因為單憑人的眼睛確實難以看清快速奔跑的馬蹄是如何運動的。 裁判的好友———英國攝影師麥布里奇知道了這件事後,表示可由他來試一試。他在跑道的一邊安置了24架照相機,排成一行,相機鏡頭都對准跑道;在跑道的另一邊,他打了24個木樁,每根木樁上都繫上一根細繩,這些細繩橫穿跑道,分別繫到對面每架照相機的快門上。

Now, as a form of mass entertainment, film has been integrated into our lives. But, did you know that the invention of the film is to judge a bet? Perhaps, we want to thank the bet, thank you for the movie we brought. One day 1872. In California, a hotel, Stanford and Cohen happened a heated argument: hoof is a horse running? Stanford says running horse in the leap moment hooves is vacated; Cohen thinks, horse running always have a hoof. The outcome of the dispute can not convince anyone, so he took a bet on the way Americans used to settle. They hired a horse players to make a decision, however, the referee also cannot decide which is right and which is wrong. This is normal, because the person's eyes do not see the fast running of the horseshoe is how to exercise. The friends -- British photographer Mai Buri knew about the matter, said by him to try. He placed the on the side of the runway 24 camera, in a row, the camera lens are aligned with the runway. On the other side of the runway, he played 24 wood piles, each timber are tie a piece of string, the string across the track, respectively, the Department of to the opposite each camera shutter.

一切准備就緒後,麥布里奇牽來了一匹漂亮的駿馬,讓它從跑道一端飛奔到另一端。當跑馬經過這一區域時,依次把24根引線絆斷,24架照相機的快門也就依次被拉動而拍下了24張照片。麥布里奇把這些照片按先後順序剪接起來。每相鄰的兩張照片動作差別很小,它們組成了一條連貫的照片帶。裁判根據這組照片,終於看出馬在奔跑時總有一蹄著地,不會四蹄騰空,從而判定科恩贏了。 按理說,故事到此就應結束了,但這場打賭及其判定的奇特方法卻引起了人們很大的興趣。麥布里奇一次又一次地向人們出示那條錄有奔馬形象的照片帶。一次,有人無意識地快速牽動那條照片帶,結果眼前出現了一幕奇異的景象:各張照片中那些靜止的馬疊成一匹運動的馬,它竟然「活」起來了!

After everything is ready, Mai Buri brought a beautiful horse, let it run from one end to the other end of the runway. When the horse racing through this area, in turn, the 24 lead to break down, the 24 camera shutter is pulled and took 24 photos. Bridge put the photos in sequence. Each of these two images is very small, and they form a coherent picture of each. Referee according to this group of photos, finally see the horse in the run there is always a hoof on the ground, not Siti vacant to determine Cohen won. Could said story here may be over, but the bet and the judgement of the strange way has caused people's great interest. Mai Buri once again to show people that recorded horse photo image. Once, someone unconscious quickly affect the photo belt appeared in front of the a singular sight: the picture in the stationary horse folded into a sport horse horse, it unexpectedly "live" up!


Biologist Marlay get inspiration from here. He tried to use pictures to study the animal's movement. Of course, first of all have to solve the problem of continuous photography, because the way Bridge's photography is too cumbersome, not practical. Malai is a wise man, after several years of unremitting efforts, finally in 1888 to proce a light "fixed film for the camera", which is the ancestor of modern cameras. From then on, many inventors are looking at the development of the movie camera. On December 28, 1895, French Lumiere brothers in Paris "Coffee Museum" for the first time with his invention of the projection photography al-purpose machine show the "train" in the movie, the film marks the formally birth.


, of course, the birth of film in the end of the 19th century fundamentally said is the comprehensive result of the combination of science and technology and art, before the birth of the film, many inventors have the birth of the film made a contribution of hard work and basic. In addition to the above mentioned scientific inventor, there are many, such as the United States of America's great inventor, Edison, et al. And Stanford and Cohen's gambling events as make the blend of scientific technology in along with the change of catalyst, quickly led to film and proce, movie the great art of knocking the door of the 20th century.



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