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發布時間:2022-04-03 11:59:23

❶ 海洋之歌電影百度雲,最好是中英字幕。




❷ 《海洋之歌》的主題是什麼


❸ 求資源]海洋之歌1080p 百度雲


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❹ 電影 海洋之歌 片尾曲是什麼

song of the sea

❺ 海洋之歌


❻ 求《海洋之歌》主題曲《le chant de la mer》英文版歌詞

Remind Me (feat. Carrie Underwood) - Brad Paisley
brad we didn't care if people stared

we'd make out in a crowd somewhere
somebody'd tell us to get a room

it's hard to believe that was me and you

now we keep saying that we're okay

but i don't want to settle for good not great
i miss the way that it felt back then
i wanna feel that way again
been so long that you'd forget
the way i used to kiss your neck
carrie remind me' remind me
so on fire so in love
way back when we couldn't get enough
remind me' remind me
remember the airport dropping me off
we were kissing goodbye and we couldn't stop
i felt bad 'cause you missed your flight
but that meant we had one more night
do you remember how it used to be
we'd turn out the lights and didn't just sleep
remind me
baby remind me
ohhhh so on fire so in love
that look in your eyes that i miss so much

remind me baby remind me

i wanna feel that way

yeah i wanna hold you close

oh if you still love me
don't just assume i know

ohh baby remind me remind me

ohhh do you remember the way it felt
you mean back when we couldn't control ourselves
remind me yeah remind me
all those things that you used to do
that made me fall in love with you

remind me oh baby remind me
yeah you'd wake up in my old t-shirt

all those mornings i was late for work
remind me oh baby remind me
oh baby remind me baby remind me

baby remind me

❼ 求電影《海洋之歌》主題曲樂譜及歌詞!!!就是小女孩吹海螺的那個旋律


❽ 電影海洋之歌的解析


❾ 海洋之歌電影主提曲名

Song Of The Sea,同名主題曲!

❿ 海洋之歌推廣曲叫什麼 海洋之歌中文主題曲叫什麼

Broken clouds along the blue horizon
The sun is setting and the wind is dying down
Outward bound, there is music all around
Can you hear it, it's the song of the sea
Soundings taken at the edge of darkness
The widest silences the heart can ever hear
Dan Fogelberg
You can steer to the stars along your lee
Set you bearings to the, the song of the sea
Oh and the song is as ancient as the days
And the winds upon the waves
Let it carry you away, so far away
Trim my sails to greet the breaking morning
Past the headlands to the rolling open sea
And it comes to me, i have never felt so free
Oh and the song is as ancient as the days
And the winds upon the waves
Let it carry me away, so far away
Some were meant to watch the world from windows
And never look beyond the road beneath their feet
But for me, i was always meant to be
One forever chasing the song of the sea
The song of the sea
The song of the sea



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