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電影片段 英文怎麼說

電影片段英文:Movie clips



英 [ˈmuːvi] 美 [ˈmuːvi]






英 [klɪps] 美 [klɪps]








Movie clips近義詞:footage、film clips


英 [ˈfʊtɪdʒ] 美 [ˈfʊtɪdʒ]





2、film clips

英 [fɪlm klɪps] 美 [fɪlm klɪps]





Ⅱ 英語電影片段精彩對白


Ⅲ 英語電影:片段


Ⅳ 求一個經典英語電影片段的對話

一《Shawshank Redemption肖申克的救贖》
1.You know some birdsare not meant to be caged, their feathers are just too bright.
2.There is something inside ,that they can't get to , that they can't touch.That's yours.
那是一種內在的東西, 他們到達不了,也無法觸及的,那是你的。
3.Hope is a good thing and maybe the best of things. And no good thing everdies.

二《Forrest Gump 阿甘正傳》
1.Life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get.
2.Stupid is as stupid does.
3.Miracles happen every day.
4.Jenny and I was like peas and carrots.
5.Have you given any thought to your future?
6.You just stay away from me please.
7.If you are ever in trouble, don't try to be brave, just run, just run away.
8.It made me look like a ck in water.
9.Death is just a part of life, something we're all destined to do.
10.I was messed up for a long time.
11.I don't know if we each have a destiny, or if we're all just floating aroundaccidentally——like on a breeze.

三《The Lion King獅子王》
1.Everything you see exists together in a delicate balance.
2.I laugh in the face of danger.
3.I'm only brave when I have to be. Being brave doesn't mean you go looking fortrouble.
4.When the world turns its back on you, you turn your back on the world.
5.It's like you are back from the dead.
6.You can't change the past.
7.Yes, the past can hurt. But I think you can either run from it or learn fromit.
8.This is my kingdom. If I don't fight for it, who will?
9.Why should I believe you? Everything you ever told me was a lie.
10.I'll make it up to you, I promise.

四《Gone with The Wind 亂世佳人》
1.Land is the only thing in the world worth working for, worth fighting for,worth dying for. Because it is the only thing that lasts.
土地是世界上唯一值得你去為之工作, 為之戰斗, 為之犧牲的東西,因為它是唯一永恆的東西。
2.I wish I could be more like you.
3.Whatever comes, I'll love you, just as I do now. Until I die.
4.I think it's hard winning a war with words.
5. Sir, you're no gentleman. And you miss are no lady.
6.I never give anything without expecting something in return. I always getpaid.
7.In spite of you and me and the whole silly world going to pieces around us, Ilove you.
8.I love you more than I've ever loved any woman. And I've waited longer foryou than I've waited for any woman.
9.If I have to lie, steal, cheat or kill, as God as my witness, I'll never behungry again!
10.Now I find myself in a world which for me is worse than death. A world inwhich there is no place for me.
11.You're throwing away happiness with both hands. And reaching out forsomething that will never make you happy.
12.Home. I'll go home. And I'll think of some way to get him back. After all,tomorrow is another day.

1.Outwardly, I was everything a well-brought up girl should be. Inside, I wasscreaming.
2.We're the luckiest sons-of-bitches in the world.
3.There is nothing I couldn't give you, there is nothing I would deny you, ifyou would not deny me. Open you're heart to me.
4.What the purpose of university is to find a suitable husband.
5.Remember, they love money, so just pretend like you own a goldmine and you'rein the club.
6.All life is a game of luck.
7.I love waking up in the morning and not knowing what's going to happen, orwho I'm going to meet, where I'm going to wind up.
8.I figure life is a gift and I don't intend on wasting it. You never know whathand you're going to get dealt next. You learn to take life as it comes at you.
9.To make each day count.
10.We're women. Our choices are never easy.
11.You jump, I jump.
12.Will you give us a chance to live?
13.God shall wipe away all the tears from their eyes, and there shall be nomore death. Neither shall there be sorrow or dying, neither shall there be anymore pain, for the former world has passed away.

六《Sleepless in Seattle西雅圖不眠夜》
1.Work hard! Work will save you. Work is the only thing that will see youthrough this.
2.You make millions of decisions that mean nothing and then one day your ordertakes out and it changes your life.
3.Destiny takes a hand.
4.You know, you can tell a lot from a person's voice.
5.People who truly loved once are far more likely to love again.
6.You know it's easier to get killed by a terrorist than get married over theage of 40.
7.You are the most attractive man I ever laid ears.
8.Why would you want to be with someone who doesn't love you?
9.When you are attracted to someone it just means that your subconscious is attractedto their subconscious, subconsciously. So what we think of as fate, is just twoneuroses knowing they are a perfect match.
10.Everybody panics before they get married.
11.Your destiny can be your doom.
12.The reason I know this and you don't is because I'm younger and pure. So I'mmore in touch with cosmic forces.
13.I don't want to be someone that you're settling for. I don't want to besomeone that anyone settles for.
14.What if something had happened to you? What if I couldn't get to you? Whatwould I have done without you? You're my family. You're all I've got.

1.Money is not everything. There's MasterCard.
鈔票不是萬能的, 有時還需要信用卡。
2.One should love animals. They are so tasty.
每個人都應該熱愛動物, 因為它們很好吃。
3.Save water. Shower with your girlfriend.
要節約用水, 盡量和女友一起洗澡。
4.Love the neighbor. But don't get caught.
要用心去愛你的鄰居, 不過不要讓她的老公知道。
5.Behind every successful man, there is a woman. And behind every unsuccessfulman, there are two.
每個成功男人的背後, 都有一個女人. 每個不成功男人的背後, 都有兩個。
6.Every man should marry. After all, happiness is not the only thing in life.
再快樂的單身漢遲早也會結婚, 幸福不是永久的嘛。
7.The wise never marry, and when they marry they become otherwise.
8.Success is a relative term. It brings so many relatives.
成功是一個相關名詞, 他會給你帶來很多不相關的聯系。
9.Love is photogenic. It needs darkness to develop.
愛情就象照片, 需要大量的暗房時間來培養。
10.Children in backseats cause accidents. Accidents in backseats causechildren.
後排座位上的小孩會生出意外, 後排座位上的意外會生出小孩。
11.Your future depends on your dreams. So go to sleep.
現在的夢想決定著你的將來, 所以還是再睡一會吧。
12.There should be a better way to start a day than waking up every morning.
應該有更好的方式開始新一天, 而不是千篇一律的在每個上午都醒來。
13.Hard work never killed anybody. But why take the risk?
14.Work fascinates me. I can look at it for hours!
15.God made relatives; Thank God we can choose our friends.
神決定了誰是你的親戚, 幸運的是在選擇朋友方面他給了你留了餘地。

Ⅳ 有什麼經典的英語電影片段

((兩只老鼠,父與子關系)), 有一天,兒子突然發現體會到,原來自己和自己的族人一直以來都在過著小偷般的生活。。。

Son: Dad, I just realized that actually we are thieves...and what we are stealing is...let's face it, garbage!

Dad: It isn't stealing if no one wants it!

Son: If no one wants it, why are we stealing it?!

Dad: Food is fuel, if you get picky and don't put it into the tank, your engine is gonna die. Now shut up and eat your garbage!!!

Son: But if we have to be thieves, why don't we steal the good stuff in the kitchen, where the food is clean, not poison...

Dad: First of all, we are not thieves. Secondly, stay away from the kitchen, and away from the humans, it's dangerous!

Son: I know I'm suppose to hate the humans, but there's something special about them, they...they don't just survive, they discover, they create...
I'm just thinking that maybe one day we are all going to learn how to cook the food, just like them.
Life is like a box of chocolate, you never know what you will go to get to me ,I'll never forget this !
I wish I could have been there with you. Your were Jenny, I am not a smart man, but I know what is love. ---Forrest Gump.
"Death is a part of life" ----阿甘母親在臨終前對兒子說的話。
"where is my jenny?"------FORREST GUMP 當阿甘喊出這句話,讓我不能控制的掉下眼淚。 至今仍然忘不了。 在這個社會,誰能象阿甘一樣去愛。

2.《亂世佳人》: Tara! Home! I『ll go home, and I『ll think of some way to get him back. After all, tomorrow is another day. ——《亂世佳人》

3.《Titanic》: 《Titanic》中Jack死亡前的對白: Jack: Listen, Rose. You're going to get out of here. You're going to go on. You're going to make lots of babies, and you're going to watch them grow. You' re going to die and old, an old lady in her warm bed, not here, not this night, not like this. Do you understand me?
Rose: I can't feel my body. Jack: Winning that ticket (for Titanic at a poker game) Rose, was the best thing that ever happened to me. It brought me to you, and I'm thankful (crying) you must (shivering) ...you must ... do me this honor. Promise me that you'll survive, that you won't give up, no matter what happens, no matter how hopeless. Promise me, now, Rose, and never let go of that promise, never let go. Rose: I'll never let go, Jack. I'll never let go, I promise. ---------《Titanic》

4.《兄弟連》: I remember my grandson asked me the other day, he said: "Grandpa, were you a hero in the great war?" "No," I replied,」 But I served in a company of heroes." 有一天我的小孫子問我"爺爺,你是大戰中的英雄嗎?我回答:不......但我與英雄 們一同服役。"

5.《勇敢的心》: WILLIAM WALLACE:"Fight, and you may die. Run, and you'll live at least a while. And dying in your beds many years from now. Would you be willing to trade? All the days from this day to that, for one chance, just one chance, to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they'll never take our Freedom! Freedom——" 威廉華萊士:"是啊,如果戰斗,可能會死。如果逃跑,至少還能活。年復一年,直 到壽終正寢。你們!願不願意用這么多苟活的日子去換一個機會,就一個機會!那就是回 來,告訴敵人,他們也許能奪走我們的生命,但是,他們永遠奪不走我們的自由!" "我們的自由!!

6.《偷天陷阱》經典對白: Believe me, I was prepared for everything ,except you ---------Entrapment(偷天陷阱)

7.《四個婚禮和一個葬禮》: I thought that love would last forever: I was wrong.

8.《大話西遊》大話西遊經典對白英文版 :once I let a true love slip away before my eyes, only to find myself regretting when it was too late, nothing in the world can be as painful as this, if the god wound give a chance ,I wound tell the girl I love the girl ,if our love have to be settled a time limit ,I wish it wound be ten hounds of years!

Ⅵ 經典英語電影片段


Ⅶ 電影的一個片段,英語


[first lines] (第一段台詞)
Narrator: On September 3rd 1973, at 6:28pm and 32 seconds, a bluebottle fly capable of 14,670 wing beats a minute landed on Rue St Vincent, Montmartre. At the same moment, on a restaurant terrace nearby, the wind magically made two glasses dance unseen on a tablecloth. Meanwhile, in a 5th-floor flat, 28 Avenue Trudaine, Paris 9, returning from his best friend's funeral, Eugène Colère erased his name from his address book. At the same moment, a sperm with one X chromosome, belonging to Raphaël Poulain, made a dash for an egg in his wife Amandine. Nine months later, Amélie Poulain was born.
畫外音:在1973年9月3日下午6點28分32秒,一隻青蠅以每分鍾能夠扇動14,670次的頻率降落到蒙馬特的Rue St-Vincent。與此同時,在一家餐館樓梯的旁邊,風神奇般的讓兩個杯子在一塊桌布上跳舞。就在這時,28 Avenue Trudaine, Paris 9的一棟五層公寓內,剛從最好的朋友的葬禮回來,尤吉尼·柯里熱從自己的地址簿上把他的名字擦去。還是在這個時候,屬於拉斐爾·波蘭的一個精子,帶著一個X染色體,一頭扎進了她的妻子阿曼迪妮的一個卵子。九個月之後,愛美麗·波蘭出世了。

[last lines] (最後的台詞)
Narrator: September 28th, 1997. It is exactly 11am. At the funfair, near the ghost train, the marshmallow twister is twisting. Meanwhile, on a bench in Villette Square, Félix Lerbier learns there are more links in his brain than atoms in the universe. Meanwhile, at the Sacré Coeur, the nuns are practising their backhand. The temperature is 24°C, humidity 70%, atmospheric pressure 990 millibars.

Amélie: [whispering in theater] I like to look for things no one else catches. I hate the way drivers never look at the road in old movies.
Hipolito, The Writer: Without you, today's emotions would be the scurf of yesterday's.
Narrator: Amélie still seeks solitude. She amuses herself with silly questions about the world below, such as "How many people are having an orgasm right now?"
Amélie: Fifteen.

Narrator: Amelie has one friend, Blubber. Alas the home environment has made Blubber suicidal.
[Pet fish leaps out of fish bowl in an attempt at suicide]

Amélie Poulain: At least you'll never be a vegetable - even artichokes have hearts.

Amélie: [to her father, who is not paying attention] I had two heart attacks, an abortion, did crack... while I was pregnant. Other than that, I'm fine.

[Amélie hands a begger some money] (愛美麗給一個乞丐一些錢)
Beggar: Sorry madam, I don't work on Sundays.

Ⅷ 英語電影經典片段

哈姆萊特to be or not to be的獨白

Ⅸ 世界英語電影片段

《阿甘正傳》都是男性獨白 經典段落很多

Ⅹ 經典英文電影片段

Waterloo Bridge《魂斷藍橋》
Roy: Myra, what do you think we're going to do today?

Myra: Well, I...I...

Roy : Oh, you won't have time for that!

Myra: For what?

Roy : For hesitating.
No more hesitating for you.

Myra: No?

Roy : No.

Myra: Well, what am I going to do instead?

Roy : You're going to get married. Myra: Oh, Roy, you must be mad!

Roy : I know it! Marvelous sensation!

Myra: Oh, Roy, do be sensible.

Roy : Not me!

Myra: But you don't know me!

Roy : Then I'll discover you.
Spend the rest of my life doing it.
Myra: Oh, Roy, this is wartime.
It's... It』s because you're leaving so soon,
because you feel that
you must spend the whole of your life
in forty-eight hours.

Roy : We're going to be married.
It's you.

It'll never be anyone else.
Roy : But how can you tell that?

Now listen, darling.
None of your quibbling!
None of your questioning!
None of your doubts!

This is positive, you see?
This is affirmative, you see?
This is final, you see?

You're going to marry me, you see?

Myra: I see.

Myra:I shall have to get this catch mended.

Kitty:Well I've been telling you.

Myra:It brole open twice yesterday. Oh, Kitt ,what time is it?

Kitty:It's ,eh ,almost 11.

Myra:Mmm, oh.
Myra and Kitty:Good morning Madame.

Madame:Good morning. I came to congratulate you,Myra.

Myra:On what,Madame?

Madame: on being up. Considering that you didn't go to bed until 4,It's remarkable. I have a feeling your performance tonight will give the effect of sleepwalking.

Kitty:It 's the first time Myra's been out,Madame.

Madame:When I made you send the note back to the military gentleman last night,It was you I was trying to protect .I'm fond of the girls who work for me.I don't want them to be camp-followers.

Myra:You don't know him or you wouldn't say that.

Kitty: Can't we have any private lives at all?

Madame:Not when hurt your public life at the theater. I am happy that he didn't stay here a week,otherwise he would have ruined six performances instead of one .If such a thing should happen again with you,or with any of the others,It means inatant dismissal. I will see you at the sheater tonight. If it's not too much trouble.
Myra:Oh, why is she so cruel and hateful……

Kitty:Ah,the cold broomstick,she talks to us alike that. Never mind.

Myra:She spoil everything.

Kitty:Oh, rubbish,You're upset and tired. Why don't you go back to bed?There's no rehearsal today.

Myra:No,I'm not tired. Horrible morning for the chanel crossing. I suppose he's gone now.

Kitty:YE suppose so.

'I loved you. I never shall. That's the truth, Roy. I never shall.'



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