㈠ 「這部電影何時上映」用英語怎麼說
When is the movie going to be on ?
be on上演,上映的意思。。
㈡ 一部新電影正在上映的3種翻譯方式
A new film is being shown.英語
новый фильм в кинотеатрах.俄語
㈢ 「今天晚上將有一場新電影上映」英語有幾種翻譯
There will be a new movie show on the screen tonight.
This evening a new movie will on.
A new movie is going to be shown tonight.
A new movie will be shown on the screen tonight.
㈣ 「每年有很多不同國家的電影上映」英語怎麼翻譯啊
Every year,there will be many films released from various countries.
上映 用 release 就可以了