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發布時間:2025-01-16 21:21:54

Ⅰ 我最喜歡的電影《冰雪奇緣》英語作文,簡單的!200百字。100懸賞!在線等!盡量不要有錯!謝謝!!

In this winter ,I watched a film ,it called Frozen.It is about two girls--Elsa and Anna.They were very closed when they are young.One day,Elsa hurt Anna with her power carelessly.Then Elsa was scared,and not to touch anyone including Anna.From the film,I learn two things .First,love is important to everyone,for it can make us strong.Second,confidence can make miracle,just like Anna,she was confidant to find Elsa and at last she made it.

Ⅱ 介紹泰坦尼克號電影的英語作文

Titanic is a 1997 American epic romantic disaster film directed, written, co-proced, and co-edited by James Cameron. A fictionalized account of the sinking of the RMS Titanic, it stars Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet as members of different social classes who fall in love aboard the ship ring its ill-fated maiden voyage.

Cameron's inspiration for the film was predicated on his fascination with shipwrecks; he wanted to convey the emotional message of the tragedy, and felt that a love story interspersed with the human loss would be essential to achieving this. Proction on the film began in 1995, when Cameron shot footage of the actual Titanic wreck. The modern scenes were shot on board the Akademik Mstislav Keldysh, which Cameron had used as a base when filming the wreck. A reconstruction of the Titanic was built at Playas de Rosarito, Baja California, and scale models and computer-generated imagery were also used to recreate the sinking. The film was partially funded by Paramount Pictures and 20th Century Fox, and, at the time, was the most expensive film ever made, with an estimated budget of $200 million.

Upon its release on December 19, 1997, the film achieved critical and commercial success. Nominated for fourteen Academy Awards, it won eleven, including the awards for Best Picture and Best Director, tying Ben Hur (1959) for most Oscars won by a single film. With a worldwide gross of over $2 billion, it was the first film to reach the billion dollar mark, remaining the highest-grossing film of all time for twelve years, until Cameron's 2009 film Avatar surpassed its gross in 2010. A 3D version of the film was re-released in theaters (often billed as Titanic 3D) on April 4, 2012, to commemorate the centenary of the sinking of the ship.



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