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發布時間:2024-09-20 01:00:06

Ⅰ 有什麼好的英文電影的十分鍾左右的精彩片段,附上台詞更好。會追加100分

That's it. [完成了]
Can I just,you know,look at it for a minute? [能讓我欣賞下嗎?]
You're an artist,Sid. [你真是個藝術家 Sid]
You're telling me you're just gonna walk out of here [你打算就這么走出門]
and I'm never going to see it again. [我就再也看不到這個傑作了?]
There's a good chance of that,yes. [是的]
Most guys,you know,for the first one, [大部分人剛開始紋身的時候]
they start with something small. [都會先畫些小的東西]
"Mom",girlfriend's initials,something like that. [「媽媽」、女朋友名字縮寫什麼的]
Not you. [而你不是]
You get a full set of sleeves,all in a couple of months. [才幾個月的工夫就做了整個一套]
Takes guys a few years to get the ink you got. [換了別人要做好幾年呢]
I don't have a few years. [我沒有好幾年的工夫]
Wish to hell I did. 我巴不得有
The vault. Open it. 把保險櫃打開
We can't. The branch manager's not here. 不行,分行長不在
Where is he? 他在哪裡?
It's lunchtime.He's at White Castle. 現在是午飯時間,他在白色城堡
White Castle? 白色城堡?
It's a fast food restaurant. 是個快餐廳
those little squ [供應那些方形的漢堡]
I know what it is. [我知道那是什麼]
I'm not playing games. [我不是在玩游戲]
Open it. [打開]
Sir,you have a half a million dollars cash in your bag. [先生,你袋子里已經有50萬美元的現金]
Don't you think it would be better...? [你是不是可以再重新考慮一下]
This is the police. [我們是警察]
You are completely surrounded. [你已被完全包圍]
Put down your weapon. [放下武器]
Put down your weapon now. [馬上放下武器]
Rarely in the case of armed robbery do we hear a plea of no contest. [我們幾乎沒見過武裝搶劫案件中 辯方完全不抗辯]
Are you sure about this,Mr. Scofield? [Scofield先生,你肯定嗎?]

I'm sure,Your Honor. [我肯定,法官大人]
Your Honor,we'd like to recess if we could. [法官大人 我們想請求休庭]
My client's a bit confused at the moment. [我的委託人頭腦有點不清楚]
I'm not,Your Honor. [我沒有,法官大人]
He is, Your Honor. [他有,法官大人]
Perhaps you should heed your representation's advice, [也許你該聽從你律師的意見]
take some additional time to consider your response. [再好好考慮考慮]
I've already done that,Your Honor. [我已經考慮好了 法官大人]
I'll retire to my chambers to determine sentencing. [我會在辦公室里研究究竟該怎麼判]
Court's recessed until 1:30. [現在休庭 下午1點半繼續開庭]
Come on,Let's go. [我們走]

Ⅱ 經典英語電影片段三到五分鍾獨白的配音台詞

《勇敢的心》 WILLIAM WALLACE:「Fight,and you may die.Run,and you''ll live at least a while.

And dying in your beds many years from now.

Would you be willing to trade?

All the days from this day to that,

for one chance,just one chance,

to come back here and tell our enemies

that they may take our lives,

but they''ll never take our Freedom!



Ⅲ 有什麼好的英文電影的十分鍾左右的精彩片段,附上台詞更好。會追加100分

《越獄(第一季)》里的: That's it. [完成了] Can I just,you know,look at it for a minute? [能讓我欣賞下嗎?] You're an artist,Sid. [你真是個藝術家 Sid] You're telling me you're just gonna walk out of here [你打算就這么走出門] and I'm never going to see it again. [我就再也看不到這個傑作了?] There's a good chance of that,yes. [是的] Most guys,you know,for the first one, [大部分人剛開始紋身的時候] they start with something small. [都會先畫些小的東西] "Mom",girlfriend's initials,something like that. [「媽媽」、女朋友名字縮寫什麼的] Not you. [而你不是] You get a full set of sleeves,all in a couple of months. [才幾個月的工夫就做了整個一套] Takes guys a few years to get the ink you got. [換了別人要做好幾年呢] I don't have a few years. [我沒有好幾年的工夫] Wish to hell I did. 我巴不得有 The vault. Open it. 把保險櫃打開 We can't. The branch manager's not here. 不行,分行長不在 Where is he? 他在哪裡? It's lunchtime.He's at White Castle. 現在是午飯時間,他在白色城堡 White Castle? 白色城堡? It's a fast food restaurant. 是個快餐廳 those little squ [供應那些方形的漢堡] I know what it is. [我知道那是什麼] I'm not playing games. [我不是在玩游戲] Open it. [打開] Sir,you have a half a million dollars cash in your bag. [先生,你袋子里已經有50萬美元的現金] Don't you think it would be better...? [你是不是可以再重新考慮一下] This is the police. [我們是警察] You are completely surrounded. [你已被完全包圍] Put down your weapon. [放下武器] Put down your weapon now. [馬上放下武器] Rarely in the case of armed robbery do we hear a plea of no contest. [我們幾乎沒見過武裝搶劫案件中 辯方完全不抗辯] Are you sure about this,Mr. Scofield? [Scofield先生,你肯定嗎?] I'm sure,Your Honor. [我肯定,法官大人] Your Honor,we'd like to recess if we could. [法官大人 我們想請求休庭] My client's a bit confused at the moment. [我的委託人頭腦有點不清楚] I'm not,Your Honor. [我沒有,法官大人] He is, Your Honor. [他有,法官大人] Perhaps you should heed your representation's advice, [也許你該聽從你律師的意見] take some additional time to consider your response. [再好好考慮考慮] I've already done that,Your Honor. [我已經考慮好了 法官大人] I'll retire to my chambers to determine sentencing. [我會在辦公室里研究究竟該怎麼判] Court's recessed until 1:30. [現在休庭 下午1點半繼續開庭] Come on,Let's go. [我們走]



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