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發布時間:2024-05-03 11:35:18

A. 有沒有什麼適合3個男生配音的英文電影,3分鍾左右的。最好是喜劇。

虎口脫險在60分鍾之後旅館那段,或者是開始劇院那段都可以的虎口脫險》(La Grande vadrouille,1966)是一部法國經典超爆笑戰爭喜劇片,由兩位著名的法國喜劇演員布爾維爾(Bourvil)與路易·德·菲耐斯(Louis de Funès)主演。二戰期間,一架英國皇家轟炸機在執行一次名為"鴛鴦茶"的轟炸任務中被德軍防空武器擊中,機上的一名英軍中隊長與兩名士兵被迫跳傘逃生,並約好在德軍佔領的巴黎市內的土耳其浴室見面,他們降落在巴黎的不同地點,得到兩名法國人,一個是油漆匠,另一個是樂隊指揮的幫助,他們結成了生死同盟,與敵人展開了鬥智斗勇的生死游戲。,好多段都可以,

B. 找3個女生配音的英文電影片段 大約6分鍾左右 對白的語速不能太快

埃及王子(The Prince of Egypt)片段
God: With this staff, you shall do my wonders.
God: [whispering] Moses...
Moses: Here I am.
God: Take the sandals from your feet, Moses, for the place on which you stand is holy ground.
Moses: Who are you?
God: I am that I am.
Moses: I don't understand.
God: I am the God of your ancestors, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
Miriam: [disembodied] You are born of my mother Yocheved! You are our brother!
[Moses quickly removes his sandals and throws them behind him]
Moses: What do you want with me?
Moses: I have seen the oppression of my people in Egypt, and have heard their cry.
[sound of screams and cracking whips]
God: So I shall stretch forth my hand, and lead them out of Egypt, into a good land. A land flowing with milk and honey. And so, unto Pharaoh, I shall send... you.
Moses: Me? W-who am I to lead these people? They won't follow me, they won't even listen!
God: I shall be with you, and teach you what to say.
Moses: [disembodied] Let my people go!
Moses: But I was their enemy. I was the prince of Egypt, the son of the man who slaughtered... their *children*! You've chosen the wrong messenger! H-how can I even speak to these people?
[Moses falls to the ground, cowering]
God: [soothing, lifting Moses up] Oh, Moses, I shall be with you when you go to the king of Egypt. But Pharaoh will not listen. So I will stretch forth my hand and smite Egypt with all my wonders! Take the staff in your hand, Moses. With it, *you* shall do *my* wonders.
God: I will be with you.

C. 請問有沒有適合三個女生配音的英語電影啊,只要兩分鍾的片段就行.

Movie Lines

Pride & Prejudice

Mrs. Bennet: How well you dance, Mr. Bingley. My daughter Jane is a splendid dancer, is she not?

Bingley: She is indeed. (to Elizabeth) Your friend Miss Lucas is a most amusing young woman.

Elizabeth: Oh, yes, I adore her.

Mrs. Bennet: It is a pity she's not more handsome.

Elizabeth: Mama!

Mrs. Bennet: Oh, but Lizzie would never admit that she's plain. Of course it's my Jane who's considered the beauty of the county.

Elizabeth & Jane: No, Mama, please!

Mrs. Bennet: When she was 15, a gentleman was so much in love with her, that I was sure he would make her an offer. However, he did write her some very pretty verses.

Elizabeth: And that put paid to it. I wonder who discovered the power of poetry in driving away love.

Darcy: I thought the poetry was the food of love.

Elizabeth: Of a fine, stout love, it may. But if it is only a vague inclination ,I'm convinced one poor sonnet will kill it stone dead.

Darcy: So what do you recommend to encourage affection?

Elizabeth: Dancing. Even if one's partner is barely tolerable.

Jane: Mr Bingley is just what a young man ought to be. Sensible, good-humoured...

Elizabeth: Handsome, conveniently rich...

Jane: You know perfectly well I do not believe marriage should be driven by thoughts of money.

Elizabeth: I agree entirely. Only the deepest love will persuade me into matrimony, which is why I'll end up an old maid.

Jane: Do you really believe he liked me, Lizzie?

Elizabeth: Jane, he danced with you most of the night, and stared at you for the rest of it. But I give you leave to like him. You've liked many a stupider person. You're a great deal too apt to like people in general, you know. All the world is good and agreeable in your eyes.

Jane: Not his friend. I still can't believe what he said about you.

Elizabeth: Mr. Darcy? I could more easily forgive his vanity had he not wounded mine. But no matter, I doubt we shall ever speak again.

D. 求適合三個女生配音用的英文電影片段,10分鍾左右,最好是喜劇或者是感人的,若採納,將給高分

帝企鵝日記 中的那段,網上有現成的視頻
馬達加斯加 裡面很多三人對白
老友記 (這個是電視劇) 也有很多適合的
女生要是稀罕 可以選些動漫 比如貓的報恩之類的 裡面有好多

E. 高分!!求適合三女一男配音用的英文電影片段


人物,斯嘉麗(女) 梅蘭妮(女) 黑人女保姆(女) 阿什利(男)



F. 推薦一部英語電影中的對白 三個人的 大概5到6分鍾的樣子 配音用,急!


G. 適合三個人配音的英文電影,電視劇片段(5min左右),請具體指出來哪一片段

《死亡詩社》(Dead Poets Society),從Neil背誦台詞:But,room,fairy!Here comes Oberon開始,到neil說:I'm trapped. Keating先生說:No,you're not 結束。



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