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發布時間:2024-03-27 15:19:09

⑴ 如何能讓孩子邊看電影邊學習英語

1. Choose an interesting movie.

2. Watch a movie that matches your current English level.
3. Repeat short phrases.

有時候,電影里會出現一些很酷的短語。譬如,「sure thing」、「that』s ok」等都是國外常用的。如果孩子們覺得這些短語十分押韻、有趣,爸爸媽媽們就可以鼓勵他們大聲重復朗讀,記住它們!

4. Watch a movie without subtitles.
5. Use media players.

⑵ 哪部英文電影有五六個人對話的片段適於用於課堂模仿

老友記啊 你去找找 正好6個人
我給你找了一段 就是布拉德皮特客串那集809
The One With The Rumor

Written by: Shana Goldberg-Meehan
Transcribed by: Eric Aasen

[Scene: Joey and Rachel's, Joey is reading What to Expect When You』re Expecting as Rachel enters from her bedroom.]

Joey: Hey Rach listen, did you know that ring pregnancy your fingers swell up to twice their size and never go back.

Rachel: (looking at her fingers) Oh my…God! Let me see that! (Grabs the book from him.)

Joey: (laughing) You fall for it every time!

Phoebe: (entering) Hey!

Rachel: Hi!

Phoebe: I brought you my old maternity clothes! (Sets a bag on the counter.)

Rachel: Oh Pheebs that』s so sweet—(Grabs a pair of pants)—Ooh, those are so cute!

Phoebe: Yeah! And look, (Grabs the pants) see how they expand as the baby grows? (There』s a stretchy part in front.) And then after the baby』s born, they』re great for shoplifting melons.

Monica: (entering) Oh good you』re all here. Thanksgiving tomorrow, four o』clock. (To Rachel) Oh, guess who I invited. Remember that guy Will Colbert from high school?

Rachel: No.

Monica: He was in Ross』s class…marching band…kinda overweight? Well, really overweight. I mean I was his thin friend.

Rachel: Wow! I don』t remember him. Honey, are you sure you』re not talking about your imaginary boyfriend.

Monica: No that was Jarred! Wow! I haven』t thought about him in a long time… (Stares off into the distance lost in thought.) (Pause) Anyway, umm Will』s, Will』s here on business and he didn』t have a place to go so I invited him here.

Rachel: Oh that』s nice.

Monica: Oh, and by the way, he』s lost a bunch of weight. I mean he looks goo-ood! Okay, I mean really, really gorgeous! (Joey clears his throat.) I still love Chandler.

Joey: I just want you to say it once in a while.

Monica: All right okay, just so you know, I』m not gonna make a turkey this year.

Joey: What?!

Monica: Well Phoebe doesn』t eat turkey…

Joey: Phoebe!

Phoebe: Turkey』s are beautiful, intelligent animals!

Joey: No they』re not! They』re ugly and stupid and delicious!

Monica: All right! Okay, it』s just Phoebe. Will』s still on a diet, Chandler doesn』t eat Thanksgiving food, and Rachel』s having her aversion to poultry.

Joey: She is?

Rachel: Remember I had to leave the room the other day when you had that roast chicken?

Joey: Yeah. But I thought that was because I put the whole thing on my hand and made it walk across the table.

Monica: Anyway, it just doesn』t seem worth it to make a whole turkey for just three people. Okay? It』s a lot of work.

Joey: But you gotta have turkey on Thanksgiving! I mean, Thanksgiving with no turkey is like-like Fourth of July with no apple pie! Or Friday with no two pizzas!

Monica: All right fine! If it means that much to you! But just—there』s gonna be a ton left over.

Joey: No there won』t! I promise I will finish that turkey!

Monica: All right, you』re telling me you can eat an entire turkey in just one sitting?

Joey: That』s right! 『Cause I』m a Tribbiani! (To Rachel) And this is what we do! I mean we may not be great thinkers or world leaders, we don』t read a lot or run very fast, but damnit! We can eat!

Opening Credits

[Scene: Monica and Chandler's, Chandler is watching football, and it』s actually the right game Green Bay at Detroit (although not this year』s), as Monica is getting everything ready.]

Monica: Hey, isn』t weird to think about how next year at this time they』ll be a little baby at the table? (Chandler turns around in horror.) (Seeing him) Rachel』s! But good to know where you』re at!

Phoebe: (entering) Hey!

Monica: Hey!

Phoebe: Happy Thanksgiving!

Monica: You too!

Phoebe: Anything I can do to help?

Monica: Actually there is. Chandler usually helps me with this, but he』s really into the game so I don』t want to bother him. Could you help me fold these napkins? (Hands her a stack of them.)

Phoebe: Sure!

Monica: I』m gonna go across the hall to check on the yams.

Phoebe: Okay. (She starts folding the napkins in half.)

Monica: No! No! No! No sweetie! No! Not like that! We』re not at a barn dance. You』ve gotta—you wanna fold them like swans. Like I showed you at Christmas time, remember?

Phoebe: Yeah, it all just came screaming back to me. (Monica exits.) (To Chandler) So how』s the game?

Chandler: I have no idea.

Phoebe: What?

Chandler: Yeah! I』m just pretending to watch the game so I don』t have to help out with stuff.

Phoebe: I don』t believe you! That is…brilliant! And Monica has no idea?

Chandler: Nope! Every once and a while I just scream stuff at the TV.

(Monica enters and Chandler screams stuff at the TV.)

Monica: Is your team winning hon?

Chandler: Yeah! Anderson just scored again! (To Phoebe) There』s no Anderson.

Phoebe: Well I want to get in on this. Hey Mon? I don』t think I can help you after all, I didn』t realize this game was on.

Monica: Oh, I didn』t know you liked football.

Phoebe: Well normally I don』t, but y』know…(looks at the TV)…Green Bay is playing.

Monica: You like Green Bay?

Phoebe: Well it』s only like my favorite bay! {Actually, it』s not bad. It just gets a little cold in winter, but in Wisconsin winter only lasts from August to June. J }

(Phoebe joins Chandler on the couch as there is a knock on the door which Monica answers.)

Monica: Hey!

Will: Hey!

(Oh, I should point out that the live studio audience at this point goes absolutely wild. And I had absolutely no idea that this Will character was that popular! Maybe they should make him the seventh friend. Which would work out just fine since he』s already married to one of them. Will is played by some guy named Brad Pitt, I guess he』s some sort of actor.)

Will: Happy Thanksgiving!

Monica: Aww thanks! God Will I』m so glad that you came! You look great! You must』ve lost like…

Will: 150 pounds. Yeah, I』m gonna be in one of those Subway sandwich commercials.

Monica: A pie! (Will brought a pie.)

Will: Oh right. All right, it』s no fat, it』s no sugar, it』s no dairy…it』s no good. Throw it out.

Monica: You wanna meet some people? This is uh; this is my husband Chandler. Chandler, this is Will.

Will: Hey.

Chandler: Oh hey. I』d shake your hand but uh; I』m really into the game. Plus, I think it』d be better for my ego if we didn』t stand right next to each other.

Monica: This is Phoebe.

Phoebe: (nonchalantly glancing) Hey. (Turns back around.) Wow! (Looks up.) Well done.

Monica: (to Will) Wanna give me a hand?

Will: Sure! Monica, I can』t get over how great you look! You look stunning!

Monica: Well you look incredible too! You』re just—you』re so fit!

Chandler: I』m watching the game, but I』m not deaf!

Monica: Oh umm, I meant to tell you, Ross is coming.

Will: Ross is coming. Great! I love Ross!

Monica: Good. And Rachel Green too. (Will stops suddenly.)

Will: Oh.

Monica: Is there a problem?

Will: Nope. Uh, it』s okay. It』s just uh, God I hated her.

Monica: What?

Will: Yeah, I hated her. She was horrible to me in high school. But hey, it was a long time ago, I』m in a good place, it might be actually fun to see her again. You got any cakes or cookies or something? (Starts looking.) No Will no!

Chandler: (To Phoebe) Y』know, it』s been a while since we』ve screamed something. Maybe we should.

Phoebe: Oh okay.

Chandler: Oh come on!

Phoebe: Noooo!! Damn you ref! You burn in hell!!!

(Joey enters eating potato chips.)

Monica: Hey, what are you doing? You gotta save room, you』ve got almost an entire turkey to eat.

Joey: Let me explain to you how the human body works. I have to warm my stomach first. Eatin』 chips is like stretching.

Monica: All right.

Joey: Don』t worry, Tribbianis never get full.

Will: I actually know what you』re talking about. I』m here to tell you something my friend, you can eat and eat and eat but nothing will ever fill that void.

Joey: (To Monica) Who the hell is this guy?

Monica: Will! From high school.

Joey: Oh hey!

Monica: (to Will) Joey.

Will: Hello.

Ross: (entering) Will!

Will: Ross!

Ross: Hey-hey you came! Man you look incredible! Hot stuff! (They hug and Ross realizes what he said.) Hot stuff?

Will: It』s good to see you man.

Ross: Yeah, you too. Man, so-so what are you up to?

Will: I』m a commodities broker.

Ross: Really? Yeah that-that sounds interesting.

Will: Yeah, it』s not. But I』m rich and thin.

Ross: Oh! Man I don』t think I』ve seen you since uh, Lance Davis』 graation party.

Will: That was such a fun night!

Ross: Yeah. It would』ve been good if we had gotten in, but still real fun.

Will: Yeah.

Ross: Yeah.

Will: God we were lame back then. Do you remember how into dinosaurs we were?

Ross: (laughs) Yeah.

Will: So what do you, what do you do now?

Ross: So how long are you in town?

Rachel: (entering, carrying a baking dish) Hi!

Monica: Hey sweetie. Oh good. (Takes the baking dish from her.)

Will: (glaring at Rachel) Rachel Green.

Ross: Aw—oh, that』s right. Are-are you gonna be okay?

Will: Oh, I』ll-I』ll be fine. Just God I hate her Ross! I hate her!

Ross: Will, high school was-was a long time ago.

Will: Look at her standing there with those yams! My two greatest enemies Ross: Rachel Green and complex carbohydrates.

Rachel: (sees Will) Oh my God Monica, who is that?

Monica: That』s Will from high school!

Rachel: Oh! I do not remember him! Wow! He's really got that sexy, smoldering thing going on. (We see Will angrily staring at Rachel.) Oh my God, he』s… Look at the way he』s just staring at me. I think he』s trying to mouth something to me, but I can』t make it out. (Will mouths, "I hate you.")

Monica: Okay, dinner』s ready!

Chandler: Good game!

Phoebe: Yeah.

Chandler: Yeah. Solid effort. Solid effort.

Monica: Oh, so who won?

Phoebe: (simultaneously) Green Bay.

Chandler: (simultaneously) Detroit.

Monica: What?

Phoebe: Well the Lions technically won, but it was a moral victory for the Green Bay…Mermen.

(They sit down at the table and Will goes to talk to Rachel.)

Rachel: Hi! Will, right?

Will: Right.

Rachel: Hi! I』m Rachel Green.

Will: Oh I-I remember you.

Rachel: Really?! Aren』t you sweet! I gotta tell you though, I am, I am having the hardest time placing you. Oh-oh hang on! Did we umm, did we fool around at Lance Davis』 graation party?

Will: You are unbelievable.

Rachel: Thank you!

Monica: (breaking it up) Uh Rachel? Rachel, why don』t you sit here? (Next to Joey) And Will you sit way over there. (The other side of the table.)

(Monica sets something on the table and removes the cover. It kinda looks like turkey.)

Joey: That』s it?! Even if nobody helps me I can eat that no problem. At least give me a challenge!

Monica: (laughs) This is Chandler』s chicken. This is the turkey. (Sets down a huge turkey.)

Joey: (quietly) Oh. How-how big is that?

Monica: About nineteen pounds.

Joey: (To Rachel) It』s like me when I was born.

Rachel: All right, who would uh, like some yams? Will?

Will: Oh, you』d like that wouldn』t ya?

Rachel: What? (Joey starts offering Ross some turkey.) Oh y』know what? Can we please keep the chicken and the turkey and everything on the other side of the table? The smell is just yuck!

Will: (sneeze talks) Typical.

Rachel: I』m sorry. What?

Will: I said it was typical. Typical of you, Rachel Green, Queen Rachel does whatever she wants in little Rachel land. (Does a fake hair flip.)

Joey: (To Monica) Seriously, who is this guy?

Rachel: Umm, I』m sorry. Do you-do you have a problem with me?

Will: I don』t know? Do I? Do I?

Phoebe: I think you do.

Monica: (To Rachel) Apparently you were umm, a little mean to him in high school.

Will: A little mean? You made my life miserable!

Rachel: I』m-I』m—I had no idea. I』m sorry. I…

Will: Well you should be. Screw it! Bring on the yams!

Monica: Oh Will. But you-you』ve worked so hard…

Will: Yams!!!!

Monica: Okay. (Chandler grabs the dish from Monica and hands it to Will who starts dishing out a large helping.)

Rachel: Uh Will umm, I just want to say that I』m real sorry for whatever I-I did to you in high school…

Will: Oh, it wasn』t just me. We had a club!

Rachel: You had a club?!

Will: That』s right, The I Hate Rachel Green Club!

Rachel: Whoa! My God! So what, you all just joined together to hate me?! Who else was in this club?

Will: Me and Ross. (Points at Ross.)
發不下了 另外一半在你的消息里

⑶ 經典的英文教學片有哪些





2. 《少年時代》




3. 《間諜之橋》




4. 《帕丁頓熊2》




5. 《了不起的麥瑟爾夫人》




⑷ 淺談如何利用英文原聲電影提高英語學習

一、引言 原聲英文電影取材廣泛,語言環境直接、地道,以其直觀的手段,營造出輕松愉快的氛圍,給學生提供純正地道的英語口語和使用情景,擴展學生對不同國家的習俗、文化、社會概況的了解,加深學生對西方文化的了解,培養學生的語言交際能力。 二、原聲英文電影對英語學習的促進作用分析 (一)原聲英文電影欣賞可以營造學習地道口語的語言環境。 英語中眾多的語音語調現象如節奏、重讀、弱讀、連讀、失去爆破、不完全爆破、意群等基本的語音現象都大量地出現在電影對白中,這樣,學生在欣賞電影的過程中會自然地習得純正的語音、語調和豐富地道的生活化語言,從而輕松提高英語口語交際能力。 (二)原聲英文電影欣賞能激發學生的學習興趣和學習熱情。 英語教學中英語電影欣賞的運用能將學生的注意力集中起來,把視覺和聽覺調動起來,將單純的言語描述轉變為直觀的語言交流。給學生創造語言環境,將英語學習衍變為一種自然的交流活動,讓他們自覺地參與到英語教學中來,提高了學生的學習興趣和實際運用英語的能力。 (三)原聲英文電影可以培養學生的語言敏感性,提高文學修養。 每部電影都有其不同的語言特色,注意人物語言的運用及其塑造是我們學習英語的方法之一。人物性格的鮮明對照,人物的生動形象和悲劇命運潛移默化地感染著觀眾,揭示了故事的主題,不同身份的人物語言特色鮮明,為我們提供了豐富的語言素材。 三、如何利用原聲英文電影與英語教學實踐相結合 利用英文原聲電影輔助教學,其主要目的是給學生創造語言環境,提高學生的英語應用能力水平,因此,如果只是簡單的播放電影而不進行一些相應的活動,就沒有辦法達到這樣的目的。我們可以採取以下的方法,促進學生自主學習,提高其語言表達能力,同時增加他們的語言知識和增強交際能力。 (一)觀看前要選擇帶有英漢字幕對照的電影。看電影前先進行電影簡介,掌握故事梗概,了解故事背景。這樣當學生看電影時,腦海中有這個電影的大概情節作為參考,就能更好地理解和體會電影中的對話和情節。在觀看前,教師可以適當地根據劇情設計一些問題,讓學生們帶著問題去觀看電影,這樣更便於學生抓住重點。 (二)觀看中教師需要把出現的語言難點列出,有助於學生更好地理解劇情和對白。欣賞電影的同時,注意詞彙的學習,挖掘詞語的深層內涵。不要停留在「就詞論詞」上,教師可以分片斷播放,提前將關鍵詞灌輸給學生,讓同學們把不懂的地方記下來,反復觀看。 (三)角色扮演。要求學生以小組為單位,對印象深刻的片段進行角色扮演(Role—Play),利用電影人物對白,模仿演員的語音語調。這樣既激發了學生們學習的熱情,活躍了課堂氣氛,又可以訓練學生們地道的發音,同時還可以使他們學會許多新的口語表達方式,更高層面地提高他們的語言表達能力。 教師也可以讓學生用簡練的語言復述影片內容或某個情節,或者對電影情節、主題思想、人物特點、語言、文化甚至某句給人印象深刻的台詞等展開自由討論,從而培養學生獨立思考問題並恰當運用英語表達思想的能力。教師還可以讓學生寫影評,不限定題目,評論的內容可以是整部電影,也可以是某個人或某件事情,這樣能使學生更深刻地理解電影、回憶和加深印象,同時還可以提高學生的寫作能力。 (四)應該注意的問題。利用英文原聲電影輔助教學的過程中最應該引起注意的問題是:要避免主次不分。英文原聲電影用於課堂只是為了營造較真實的語言環境,提高學生的興趣,促進學生的語言能力學習,因此關鍵在於學習。教師應認真設置課程,避免將此類課程變成電影觀賞課。另外,教師要引導學生正確認識英文電影中傳達的西方文化和思想,學習積極有意義的部分,摒棄不健康的意識。



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