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Ⅰ 求推薦關於生活感悟的好電影,類似《遺願清單》,《和莎莫的500天》

《無法觸碰》(Intouchables)是一部由奧利維·那卡什執導的法國電影,改編自一名法國富翁的自傳《第二次呼吸》,由弗朗索瓦·克魯塞、奧馬·希、安樂妮、 奧黛麗·弗洛特等主演。影片改編自真實的故事。——摘自網路



Ⅱ 美人魚的電影。外國的。只記得一個片段。



Ⅲ 英語電影片段,演講用

Fear can hold you prisoner, hope can set you free. A strong man can save himself, a great man can save another.

Prison life consists of routine, and then more routine.

These walls are kind of funny like that. First you hate them, then you get used to them. Enough time passed, get so you depend on them. That's institutionalized.

I find I'm so excited. I can barely sit still or hold a thought in my head. I think it the excitement only a free man can feel, a free man at the start of a long journey whose conclusion is uncertain. I hope I can make it across the border. I hope to see my friend, and shake his hand. I hope the Pacific is as blue as it has been in my dreams. I hope.

I guess it comes down to a simple choice: get busy living or get busy dying.

There's not a day goes by I don't fell regret. Not because I'm in here, or because you think I should. I look back on the way I was then, a young, stupid kid who committed that terrible crime. I want to talk to him. I want to try and talk some sense to him, tell him the way things are. But I can』t. That kid's long gone and this old man is all that's left. I got to live with that. Rehabilitated? It's just a bullshit word. So you go on and stump your form, sonny, and stop wasting my time. Because to tell you the truth,I don't give a shit.

Some birds aren't meant to be caged, that's all. Their feathers are just too bright...

Ⅳ 你認為的最經典的外國電影並且附上英文介紹和感想

《Star Wars》

THE PHANTOM MENACE(幽靈的威脅,1999)As imminent conflict brews between the powerful Trade Federation and the peaceful planet of Naboo, Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn and his apprentice Obi-Wan Kenobi travel to Naboo to warn the Queen of the galactic fallout which is to follow. Eventually, Naboo is invaded forcing the Jedis to evacuate the planet with the Queen and her court. They travel to the desert planet of Tatooine where they meet a slave boy called Anakin Skywalker who is evidently one with the Force. They enlist his help in fighting the war, while the Jedis confront one of the Dark Jedis behind the invasion, Darth Maul, while his master Darth Sidious continues to lead the invasion as a "phantom" behind the scenes.

ATTACK OF THE CLONES(克隆人的進攻,2002)As now-Senator Padmé Amidala returns to Coruscant to vote on an important Senatorial matter, an assassination attempt on her life prompts the Jedi Council to send Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi and his Padawan Anakin Skywalker to protect her and find out who the assassin is. As this is happening, a rogue Jedi named Count Dooku leads separatists on Geonosis to rebel against the Senate. Supreme Chancellor Palpatine moves for a vote for a Republic Army to protect the Republic, as there has not been a full-scale war since the formation of the Republic. As Obi-Wan's investigations lead him to Kamino, he finds a massive clone army being proced, with a bounty hunter - the last of the Mandalorians - named Jango Fett as the master clone. As he chases the elusive bounty hunter, Jango (and his cloned son Boba) leads Obi Wan to Geonosis, where he meets Count Dooku and finds a startling revelation about the former Jedi. As Anakin is left behind to protect Padmé, his feelings for her grow into something more than friendship. From Naboo to Tatooine, it grows into love for her. But when a tragedy strikes Anakin's life, he begins slipping away from the Light Side of the Force, and perhaps from the Force itself.

REVENGE OF THE SITH(西斯的復仇,2005)A maturing Anakin Skywalker goes to the dark side of The Force and becomes Sith Lord Darth Vader. We experience the transformation in a dark, scary yet thrilling climax. The story here logically sets up the events of Episode IV, the original 1977 Star Wars movie in which Darth Vader goes to war against his own children, Luke and Leia.

A NEW HOPE(新希望,1977):In a distant galaxy eons before the creation of the mythical planet known as Earth, vast civilizations have evolved, and ruling the galaxy is an interstellar Empire created from the ruins of an Old Republic that held sway for generations. It is a time of civil war, as solar systems have broken away from the Empire and are waging a war of rebellion. During a recent battle techical schematics for a gigantic space station, code named The Death Star, have been unearthed by Rebel spies, and a young woman who is a dissident member of the Imperial Senate, under the cover of a diplomatic mission to the planet Alderaan, is trying to smuggle these plans to the Rebellion. But her spacecraft is attacked by a vast warship of the Empire and seized. The dissident Senator is captured, but the plans for the Death Star are nowhere to be found. While soldiers of the Empire search the nearby planet Tatooine, a series of incidents sweeps up a young desert farmer with dreams of being a fighter pilot in the Rebellion, as he winds up with the Death Star plans and also the assistance of an elderly hermit who once served as a warrior of an ancient order whose chosen weapons were powerful energy swords known as light sabers. The pair recruit a cynical interstellar smuggler and his outsized alien copilot with an ancient freighter heavily modified for combat to help them reach Alderaan - but the planet is obliterated and now the foursome must rescue the young woman held prisoner by the Empire and lead an attack by the Rebellion against the Death Star before it can annihilate all hope of restoring freedom to the galaxy.

EMPIRE STRIKES BACK(帝國反擊戰,1980)After receiving a vision from Obi-Wan Kenobi and fleeing the ice world of Hoth with his friends after an Imperial attack, Luke Skywalker travels to the marsh planet of Dagobah, where he is instructed in the ways of the Force by the legendary Jedi master Yoda. Meanwhile, Han Solo and Princess Leia make their way to planet Bespin, where they are greeted by Han's old friend, a shifty gambler named Lando Calrissian. Ambushed by the Empire shortly after their arrival, Han and his friends are imprisoned by Darth Vader. Luke leaves Dagobah to rescue his friends, and is met by Vader and a startling revelation.

RETURN OF THE JEDI(絕地大反攻)Lightsabers sparkle, the Millenium Falcon flashes through hyperspace and creatures from all over the galaxy defy the Imperial Empire, in this stunning third chapter of the "Star Wars" saga. As the rebels prepare to attack the Emperor's awesome new Death Star, Han Solo (Harrison Ford) remains imprisoned by the loathsome outlaw Jabba the Hutt, who has also captured Princess Leia (Carrie Fisher). Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill) rescues his friends, but he will not be a true Jedi Knight until he defeats Darth Vader, who has sworn to win him over to the Dark Side of the Force. With old favorites like Chewbacca, Yoda, R2-D2, C-3PO and Lando Calrissian (Billy Dee Williams), plus the small but stalwart Ewoks.

拍攝第一部星戰時,因篇幅和資金等問題導演盧卡斯不得不把一部劇本分成三部電影,如此在1977年5月25日首先上映了第一部「新希望」。三年之後上映的「帝國反擊戰」也是影迷們眾口一致認為拍得最好的一部,但此時盧卡斯已不再擔任導演一職,而推任製片(據他本人說,他後來發現當製片竟然比當導演還要艱苦)。最後一集「絕地大反攻」曾一度命名為「絕地復仇」(revenge of the Jedi),直至上映前不久才更名為眾所周知的「Return of the Jedi」。至此,星戰三部曲似乎已經完美結束了,但在1999年盧卡斯出人意料的上映了星戰系列的前奏曲——前傳1幽靈的威脅,而這其實是在盧卡斯幾年前就已准備好了的。前傳1上映後盡管得到的評價是褒貶不一,但在25周年之際上映的星戰2——克隆人的進攻則逐漸開始平息了那些個別反對者的士氣,「西斯的復仇」的上映最終射讓每個人都刮目相看,它沒有辜負任何人的期望。就此,星戰六部電影真正的、圓滿的畫上了一個句號。

Ⅳ 求有人生哲理的電影片段,最好5分鍾左右

《El empleo 雇傭人生》,一部西班牙小短片,把現實世界的僱傭關系赤裸裸地表現出來。

1990 (63rd) Creature Comforts - Aardman Animations, Channel 4 - Nick Park
動物悟語Creature Comforts
1991 (64rd) Manipulation - Daniel Greaves
1992 (65th) Mona Lisa Descending a Staircase - Joan C. Gratz
蒙娜麗莎走下樓梯Mona Lisa Descending a Staircase
1993 (66th) The Wrong Trousers - Aardman Animations, BBC - Nick Park
超級無敵掌門狗:褲子錯了 The Wrong Trousers
1994 (67th) Bob's Birthday - Snowden Fine Animation, National Film Board of Canada, Channel 4 - Alison Snowden and David Fine
鮑伯的生日Bob's Birthday
1995 (68th) A Close Shave - Aardman Animations, BBC - Nick Park
超級無敵掌門狗:九死一生 A Close Shave
1996 (69th) Quest - Tyron Montgomery and Thomas Stellmach
1997 (70th) Geri's Game - Pixar - Jan Pinkava
棋逢敵手Geri's Game
1998 (71st) Bunny - Blue Sky Studios - Chris Wedge

奧斯卡最佳動畫短片獎《Peter &
1999 (72nd) The Old Man and the Sea - Aleksandr Petrov
老人與海The Old Man and the Sea
2000 (73rd) Father and Daughter - Michaël Dudok de Wit
父與女Father and Daughter
2001 (74th) For the Birds - Pixar - Ralph Eggleston
鳥!鳥!鳥!For the Birds
2002 (75th) The ChubbChubbs! - Sony Pictures Animation, Columbia - Jacquie Barnbrook, Eric Armstrong and Jeff Wolverton
恰卜恰布The Chubbchubbs!
2003 (76th) Harvie Krumpet - Australian Film Commission, Film Victoria, SBS Independent - Adam Elliot
裸體哈維闖人生Harvie Krumpet
2004 (77th) Ryan - Chris Landreth - National Film Board of Canada
2005 (78th) The Moon and the Son: An Imagined Conversation - John Canemaker
月亮和孩子The Moon and the Son: An Imagined Conversation
2006 (79th) The Danish Poet - Torill Kove - Mikrofilm AS, National Film Board of Canada
丹麥詩人The Danish Poet
2007 (80th) Peter & the Wolf - Se-ma-for, BreakThru Films - Suzie Templeton
彼德與狼Peter & the Wolf
2008 (81st) La Maison en petits cubes - Robot & Oh! Proction - Kunio Katō
2009 (82nd) Logorama - H5, Autour de Minuit Proctions - Nicolas Schmerkin
2010 (83rd) The Lost Thing - Shaun Tan and Andrew Ruhemann
失物招領The Lost Thing
2011 (84th) The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore – Moonbot Studios - William Joyce and Brandon Oldenburg
神奇飛書The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore
2012 (85th) Paperman – John Kahrs

Ⅵ 有哪些著名的美國電影獨白片段

《肖申克的救贖》You know some birds are not meant to be caged, their feathers are just too bright.你知道,有些鳥兒是註定不會被關在牢籠里的,它們的每一片羽毛都閃耀著自由的光輝。There is something inside ,that they can't get to , that they can't touch. That's yours.那是一種內在的東西, 他們到達不了,也無法觸及的,那是你的。

Ⅶ 外國經典電影










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