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發布時間:2023-09-18 21:00:12

❶ 這部電影非常感人,我看了好幾遍 英語翻譯

The movie was quite touching,and I have seen it for several times.
I was touched by a film, which I have seen for several times.
I was so touched by this movie that I have seen it for several times.

注意:感人的表達方式有很多,常用:touch,move的變形,看電影的表達是:see a movie/film

❷ 這部電影太感人了。翻譯成英文

I was touched/moved by this movie.

❸ 英語翻譯句子:我被那部令人感動的電影深深地感動了。

I was deeply moved by that moving movie.

❹ 這個電影很吸引人,情節既感人又有意義所以人們很喜歡。翻譯成英語用love.... because

People love this movie very much because it is attractive and it's plot is touching and meaningful.這不是唯一的翻譯也有其他翻譯表達可以參考

❺ "感人的電影"用英語怎樣翻譯

a moving movie

❻ 用英文描述一個感人的電影場面

The Shawshank Redemption is my favorite film.The most impressing scene is always coming to my mind when I feel upset.

Sean wrote letters to the state officer to ask for a library in prison, however he got only $200 for buying books. Everybody felt it was good but Sean. Sean never forgot his target – a library.

So he continued to write letters until 6 years later an approval finally came – the state government decided to build a real library in Shawshank. When the library is finished, Sean closed the door and played a drama which can heard in the whole prison. Everyone enjoyed the music until the police rushed into the library…

No matter what the fate is, I』ll face it bravely.

❼ 這部電影的情節很感人 用英語怎麼說

The film's plot is very touching



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