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發布時間:2023-05-27 06:15:09

A. 西餐廳經理崗位職責



B. 怎樣做好一個西餐廳的經理

---- 餐飲部西餐廳經理工作職責1、負責西餐廳的經營管理,指導西餐廳日常經營工作。熟悉西餐的基本製作方法和西餐服務禮儀。2、積極與賓客溝通,尊重賓客意見。在發生涉外案件或事故時,能正確處理好各種問題和矛盾。3、執行各項工作目標和標准程序,安排員工班次,核准考勤表。4、建立良好的公共關系,善於溝通吸引客源,協碰鍵調有關部門共同發展業務。5、不斷提高員工素滾吵大質,負責培訓服務技能,制定和修改各項考核機制激勵員工工作熱情。6、做好每天客情反映,妥善處理客人投訴。合理安排上崗人員,負責督促員工的上崗工作狀態。7、組織監督每次物品盤點,檢查餐廳設備的狀況,作好維護保養工作,發現問題及時報修。做好餐廳安全防範和防火工作。8、 檢查監督餐具、用具的清潔衛生情況,保證餐廳的環境衛生。節約能源,控制餐廳環境與大豎節能工作之間的關系。

C. 求一段西餐廳經理的日常工作介紹及工作職責,用英文。急用,萬分感謝!!!

Café Manager
When considering to hire or promote a person to café manager, the job comes with a lot of responsibility and requires hard work and dedication. Many café's are small restaurants where they sell a variety of specialty coffee and snacks. A café manager's job description includes making major decisions, directing employees towards common objectives and goals and providing leadership when necessary. They are responsible for the financial evaluation of the café. This includes the monthly assessments, planning the budget along with monitoring the cost of their goods and the sales.

A café manager fills job positions at the right time with people they feel are qualified and right for the positions. This involves determining what staff they require, writing the job description and then recruiting and interviewing people for the position. To be a successful café manager requires the ability to get staff motivated and having exceptional social skills. A manager needs to find a balance between proction and their employee's needs.

Having an advance work plan is also very important for a café manager. Some of the questions they need to be able to answer are, what they need to accomplish, how to achieve this and when and who should they delegate this to. This preparation involves planning goals and putting them in logical order. A café manager needs great organizational skills, excellent communication skills, have the ability and knowledge necessary to solve the problems they may face, supervision skills and teamwork skills. They also need to be extremely knowledgeable on all the procts they sell.

Common work activities include:

Meeting with vendors and salespeople to order various food and supplies from various companies.
Setting a budget for wages, supplies and equipment and other expenses the café will have.
Determining the correct amount to charge for various items on the menu from coffee and beverages through to food items.
Greeting and talking with customers, getting feedback regarding both items offered on the menu and service to the customers.
Managing the accounts payable and receivable systems, contracting for bookkeeping and accounting services or completing these tasks themselves.
Hiring, training, supervising, promoting or firing staff as required. This may also include laying off seasonal staff in some areas.
Advertising and marketing the café, planning new campaigns to attract customers and constantly expanding the client base.



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