❶ 電影《出水芙蓉》影片介紹
《出水芙蓉》是劇情片也是音樂片,很多水上芭蕾的場面令人驚嘆,本片的攝影榮獲奧斯卡的彩 *** 最佳攝影獎提名,是後人彩色攝影的典範之一。
Million Dollar Mermaid (1952) Overview
In late nieenth century Australia, Ante Kellerman, a child recovering from polio, yearns to play like other children. Her devoted father Frederick, who owns a music conservatory, gently asks her not to be jealous, but, instead, concentrate on her music. One day, the maid reports that Ante has run away and Frederick finds her swimming in a nearby river. She calms her worried father by telling him that she has taught herself to swim and the exercise has helped her walk without braces. Over the years, Ante continues to grow stronger and soon begins ballet, in addition to her daily swims. With her father's encouragement, she bees a champion and eventually wins the New South Wales Women's Amateur Freestyle cup. Because of economic problems in Australia, Frederick is forced to close the conservatory and aept a teaching position in London. On the voyage to England, the Kellermens meet American promoter James Sullivan, who, with his friend Doc Cronnol, is training "Sidney," a boxing kangaroo. Jimmy is impressed by Ante's abilities and looks, and suggests that she let him manage her professional swimming career. While Ante is amused at the suggestion, Frederick is incensed and chastises Jimmy for the insult. When they arrive in London, Frederick finds that the music school has closed after the death of its owner. Without work, and with their funds dwindling, Ante is forced to pawn most of her swimming trophies. One day, Ante is visited by Jimmy and Doc, who have had bad luck promoting Sidney. Jimmy suggests that Ante do a six-mile swim to Greenwich as a publicity stunt for the act and offers her five pounds. Ante is interested, but suggests that she swim enty-six miles. On the day of the swim, there are no reporters to see her off, but Ante goes into the Thames, with Doc and Jimmy rowing alongside. When the crew of a passing barge see Ante, word spreads of her swim and soon thousands of spectators cheer her on as she passes through London. Frederick, who has read of the swim in the newspaper, also cheers her on and warmly greets his exhausted daughter when she arrives at Greenwich. The next day, Jimmy is flooded with offers for Ante but turns them all down, telling her and Frederick that he knows Alfred Harper, owner of the New York Hippodrome, and proposes building a huge water ballet around Ante. With Jimmy willing to sell Sidney to pay for their passage to America, Frederick and Ante agree to go with him. In New York, Alfred turns down Jimmy's idea because Ante is not known in the U.S., but offers her a job as a showgirl. The disappointed Jimmy urges Ante to take the offer because they are almost broke, but Ante wants to earn enough money to buy Frederick a new conservatory and suggests acpanying Jimmy and Doc to Boston where she will do another marathon swim. In Boston, Ante shocks the prim locals by appearing in a one-piece bathing suit that shows her bare arms and legs and is soon arrested for indecent exposure on Revere Beach. The newspapers are filled with stories about Ante, and Frederick urges her to fight the "medieval" charges. At her trial, Ante convinces the judge that the one-piece bathing suit is necessary for championship swimming and he di *** iss the case when she shows him a suit she has altered to include attached stockings. Publicity about Ante spreads throughout the world and she bees a hit in a swimming and diving carnival show run by Jimmy. The o fall in love, and Jimmy is about to offer her an engagement ring when Ante considers a $500 a week job offer from stuffy Mr. Aldrich, who wants her to begin a dignified lecture tour. After arguing with her over aepting the offer, Jimmy thinks that she will leave him for better things and goes to Florida with Doc to work with a stunt flyer. That evening, Ante turns Aldrich down, but later receives a telegram from Alfred offering her a water ballet at the Hippodrome. Sure that there will also be a job for Jimmy, Ante goes to the carnival, but discovers that he has left without a word. Ante takes the job at the Hippodrome and soon bees the headliner. Ante is still in love with Jimmy, but Frederick, who now leads the Hippodrome orchestra, tells her that Jimmy will only e to her when he feels that he has something to offer. Frederick dies the following season, a crushing blow to Ante. Some time later, Doc asks Ante to s Jimmy from entering a dangerous cross-country flying race with a $50,000 prize. Ante arrives just before Jimmy takes off, but when she sees him kiss a pretty spectator, she bees jealous and the o start to argue. Jimmy refuses to cancel his flight, so Ante has a policeman serve him an injunction, claiming that he absconded with $200 from their carnival show, not knowing that the money was for her engagement ring. Jimmy then di *** issively gives her the ring and leaves in the plane. Alfred, meanwhile, has fallen in love with Ante and wants to marry her, but she will not give him an answer. Although Jimmy's plane goes down, he is not seriously hurt, but the he disappears before the worried Ante can speak with him. At Christmas, Alfred again proposes to Ante, and this time she aepts. They soon leave for Hollywood, where Ante will appear in her first film, Neptune's Daughter . On the train west, they run into Jimmy and Doc, who are trying to sell phony Indian blankets and hoping to get a German shepherd named "Rin Tin Tin" into the movies. Some weeks later, on the last day of filming the movie, Alfred looks forward to the start of his honeymoon with Ante, but is hurt to see that she still has Jimmy's ring. Soon after Ante dives into the water for her last scene, a crack starts to appear on the glass of the huge tank. Despite the desperate signaling of the crew, warning her of danger, Ante is trapped and swept onto the broken glass as the tank bursts. Newspapers around the world report the serious aident and o weeks later, her prognosis is still in doubt. When Alfred sees Jimmy, who has secretly e to the hospital every day, he takes him up to Ante's room. Before they can see her, however, the doctor tells them that she may never walk again. On the doctor's suggestion, both men leave, but Jimmy sneaks back to her room. Seeing Ante's depression, Jimmy urges her on, saying that Alfred is a "terrific guy" and that she can overe her injuries just as she did as a child. Just then Alfred es into the room and, seeing the love that Jimmy and Ante share, wishes them well and gives Jimmy the ring. As Alfred leaves, Jimmy puts the ring on Ante's finger and they kiss.
鍾欣潼 飾 羅嬌
黃聖依 飾 阿玉
馮德倫 飾 霞女
周秀娜 飾 魔鬼隊成員之一
馬閱 飾 魔鬼隊成員之一
穆文婷 飾 魔鬼隊成員之一
田亮 飾 海邊怪客
茜利妹 飾 大花
朱薰 飾 小花
羅慧娟 飾 大肚婆
❷ 出水芙蓉 在線觀看
《出水芙蓉》南火北熱 首映三天票房一路高漲 方力申與阿嬌「劉鎮偉牌」的青春喜劇電影《出水芙蓉》自7月6日在全國院線上映以來,首映三天票房一路走高,僅大地數字院線的全國票房三天就達到將近50萬元,成為該院線本周排行第二名的一匹票房黑馬; 而北京的影院也有很多情侶觀眾不惜頂著酷暑高溫,專程來看《出水芙蓉》。雖然《出水芙蓉》並非動輒投資幾千萬的大片,但該片南火北熱的現象,猶如連日來全國高溫酷暑。該片更像一隻清涼爽口、別有風味的「愛情冰激淋」,為這個盛夏增添一份清涼一份期待。 《出水芙蓉》劉氏無厘頭解密 無厘頭婚姻 影片中融入了很多劉鎮偉奇思妙想的愛情元素,包括香港長洲島的一種淳樸民風:一旦"嫁"給長洲島女人,別說半步離不開長洲島,連家門也別想邁出去一步!片中方力申就不幸被"綁婚"了。 無厘頭游泳隊 長洲島老弱病殘隊--龍婆:80歲;黃聖依:根本不會游水,一落水就溺水;馮德倫:人妖隊員,男人充數女子隊;阿嬌:作為隊長,一開始一直不敢上場,老讓其他隊友上陣。 無厘頭信物 一隻臟兮兮的拖鞋,在這部電影中竟然成了見證愛情的信物?原來,方力申晚上遺落在深巷中一隻拖鞋讓他一下子看到了愛情,是因為想到有一次阿嬌用另一隻拖鞋堵著不讓方力申吻黃聖依,是吃醋的表現,也是愛情的見證。 無厘頭綁架 方力申一個七尺男兒被阿嬌一隻箱子拖到了長洲島。他的經紀人發現了他失蹤,當晚就報了警。長洲島的居民為了幫阿嬌,竟然全島戒備起來,隨時隨地都有阿嬌的街坊以及當地的警員幫助監控一起阻攔方力申離島……
鍾欣桐 -羅嬌(芙蓉隊成員之一) 父母英勇救人遇難後,由長洲街坊養大,深得鄰里疼惜。失戀後,她發現自己擁有超能力,在找情敵報仇之際,誤打誤撞報名參加「出水芙蓉游泳比賽」,繼而綁架游泳明星郭志遠,強迫對方訓練自己,希望勝出比賽,令情敵沒面,男友回心轉意。阿嬌出水芙蓉劇照[1] -郭志遠(飛魚王子) 被稱為「亞洲飛魚」,泳術了得,但為人虛偽,常與經理人在外人面前做戲,答應訓練羅嬌參賽,只為博取宣傳。他在長洲一邊被羅嬌瘋狂糟質,一邊被街坊的真誠和熱情打動,逐漸明白人生不止追名逐利。與羅嬌的一秒鍾浪漫,改變了一生。 -阿玉(芙蓉隊成員之一) 神經質、運動細胞近乎零的林黛玉式人物。因為母親早亡,迷信家族中了咒語,認定自己亦身患重病,不久於人世,所以長年口罩look,氣弱游絲純屬心理作用。她與羅嬌自小是好姐妹,卻因為對郭志遠產生情愫,翻出對羅嬌積壓多年的不滿。 -霞女(愛情精神病) 自從父親意外過世,變成隱蔽青年,但傻又不太傻,經常以女裝打扮,不肯以真面目見人。他代表新一代玩世不恭的人生態度,想愛又不敢愛,永遠旁敲側擊。但心扉一旦打開,又會變身沙膽王,以(手羅)命的索女造型,仗義替老友出賽。 -田亮 -海邊怪客 一位具有非凡的能力,堪稱一位精神領袖的「神秘大人物」,用了一套「大海無量」的理論,在關鍵時刻帶領阿嬌走出心魔。 -魔鬼隊成員之一 周秀娜 《出水芙蓉》香港首映-魔鬼隊成員之一 馬閱 -魔鬼隊成員之一 基本上對手戲是跟羅嬌 屬於壞人 比較對立的這樣子 曾掌摑羅嬌 穆文婷 -魔鬼隊成員之一 朱熏 -小花 茜利妹 -大花 羅慧娟 -大肚婆 《出水芙蓉》中,以阿嬌為首的「芙蓉隊」需與「魔女隊」將斗得你死我活 方立申在戲中與阿嬌和黃聖依有三角戀情
❸ 1944出水芙蓉 男主角穿裙子跳舞是在電影的多少分鍾啊
❹ 出水芙蓉的電影劇情
該片原名為「Mr. Co-Ed」(意為「男女共學」),偏重於強調影片是主演雷德·斯克爾頓的個人滑稽秀,直到米高梅興行第一次內部試映時,米高梅的高層們看了片中泳裝美女們的水上芭蕾表演後,決定把片名改為「Bathing Beauty」 。
❺ 電影《出水芙蓉》影片介紹
導演:默夫雲·萊羅依 北京廣播網社區.EV]y.N;n9P&KG
7RQ#Q%a-Q*uY$WA\8gJ0地區:美國 片長:115分鍾 語言:英語 年份:1952 類型:傳記 / 劇情 / 歌舞 北京廣播網社區 P8V2i5DR-m\i
M#RzU/L y/y0影片評價由美國米高梅影片公司出品,導演喬治.悉尼(II)。主要敘述作曲家史蒂夫因與美麗多情的卡羅琳認識以後,准備結婚,但他的經紀人喬治怕這樣會影響他的「水上盛典」的寫曲,所以僱用女演員瑪麗婭而達到阻止他們結婚的目的。史蒂夫沒辦法只好完成「水上盛典」,最後二人消除誤會,重歸於好。這是一部浪漫的愛情片,無論是在設計、喜劇性的處理上都表現出藝術功力,尤其是結尾處「水上盛典」場面,氣勢宏大壯觀,在其它影片中是很少見到的。
❻ 電影《出水芙蓉》中哪個片段讓你記憶最深
有卓別林主演的《城市之光》《理發師》,還有法國戲劇電影大師路易德費內斯的代表作《虎口脫險》、美國影片《出水芙蓉》、《桂河大橋》、《窈窕奶爸》、《小鬼當家》、《一家之鼠》 ,以及家喻戶曉的日本電影《追捕》和《中國幽默電影集錦》、《美麗人生》等,還有以中國電影《女理發師》、《錦上添花》、《滿意不滿意》、《大李、小李和老李》編排的中國經典喜劇電影集錦 。
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