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❶ 《弱點》電影英語摘抄有哪些


1、Courage is a hard thing to figure。


2、You can have courage based on a mb idea or mistake。


3、but you're not supposed to question alts。


4、because they make the rules.


5、maybe they know best.


❷ 請高人把它翻譯成英文 這段話出自勵志電影《弱點》

Difficult to express encouragement, you can think of a stupid idea, or make mistakes, but not everyone's problem, also not a coach or a teacher's question. Because they will make his own mistake. They may be more understanding, maybe not. That depends on what kind of person you are, we can't tell. Only in this way, we can see that we can not get easily controlled.
The thing is, values, no one can say that. Give yourself only, cannot always encouraged by others. Sometimes, you even why to do not have any responsibility, can let a person. However, the honor, it is let you decide to do or not do a thing. The key is you is what person, still have even if you want to become.
If you die badgering some think important things, so you can fight, so good, I think it should be so, you should be looking forward to courage and effort to win trophies. Maybe you would do what others say, actually, everyone must.

❸ 求電影《弱點》中邁克爾.奧赫在即將畢業時寫的那篇關於勇氣的論文,英文版的

Courage is a hard thing to figure. You can have courage based on a mb idea or a mistake, but you』re not supposed to question alts, or your coach, or your teacher because they make the rules. Maybe they know best but maybe they don』t.
It all depends on who you are, where you come from. Didn』t at least one of the six hundred guys think about giving up and joining with the other side? I mean, Valley of Death, that』s pretty salty stuff.
That』s why courage is tricky. Should you always do what others tell you to do? Sometimes you might not even know why you』re doing something. I mean, any fool can have courage.
But honor, that』s the real reason you either do something or you don』t. It』s who you want to be. If you die trying for something important then you have both honor and courage and that』s pretty good.I think that』s what the writer was saying; that you should try for courage and hope for honor. And maybe even pray that the people telling you what to do have some, too.

❹ 求電影《弱點》英文版下載鏈接,不要太大


鏈接: https://pan..com/s/1VMu4aNBv8yItxXoOxtR90Q

提取碼: irwg


❺ 電影《弱點》中的一句台詞,是big Mike說的,大意是他媽媽會在不好的事情發生的時候把他的眼睛捂

When I was IittIe and
something awfuI was happening...
...my mama wouId teII me
to cIose my eyes.
She was trying to keep me from
seeing her do drugs or other bad things.
And when she was finished
or the bad things were over...
...she'd say, ''Now when I count to three, you open your eyes.
The past is gone, the worId is a good pIace, and it's aII gonna be okay.''
I want you to do whatever you want.
It is your decision, MichaeI.
It's your Iife.

❻ 急!!!求英文電影《放牛班的春天》和《弱點》里的經典台詞各十句、英漢都要有、謝謝各位、幫個忙塞~


鏈接: https://pan..com/s/1VDmqqdO6z7Q-4bQvHrN0OQ


1949年的法國鄉村,音樂家克萊門特(熱拉爾·朱尼奧 飾)到了一間外號叫「塘低」的男子寄宿學校當助理教師。學校里的學生大部分都是難纏的問題兒童,體罰在這里司空見慣,學校的校長(弗朗索瓦·貝萊昂 飾)只顧自己的前途,殘暴高壓。

性格沉靜的克萊門特嘗試用自己的方法改善這種狀況,他重新創作音樂作品,組織合唱團,決定用音樂的方法來打開學生們封閉的心靈。 然而,事情並不順利,克萊門特發現學生皮埃爾·莫安琦(讓-巴蒂斯特·莫尼耶 飾)擁有非同一般的音樂天賦,但是單親家庭長大的他,性格異常敏感孤僻,怎樣釋放皮埃爾的音樂才能,讓克萊門特頭痛不已;同時,他與皮埃爾母親的感情也漸漸微妙起來。

❼ 電影 弱點 的英語經典台詞 急求~~

「那有可能是任何人的命運,也有可能是我的兒子邁克爾,但幸好不是,我理應謝天謝地,上天想我們生活得好一點。 」






❽ 弱點觀後感 英語50詞 翻譯


This movie is based on Michael lewis's works weakness(The game process)and is the adaptation of the film, which also has a name「protect you」, I think, whether it is named「weakness」or「protect you」, it is a film which contains warmth.

I think a good movie is not in its content and profound, but it can relate to the content of the people, let a person feel warm and most essential things of the society.

Even if you do something with a purpose to at the beginning, but when you get what touches your heart is, you will be desperate to pay, you will be happy from the deep heart, and touched by themselves at the same time. How many times the life can be touched by himself?






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