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㈠ 韓國電影,三個人在電梯,後面男的牽女的手,然後回想起以前的愛情故事,


㈡ 求推薦適合三個女生配音的英語電影

其實《獅子王》就挺適合的,彭彭、丁滿還有辛巴,正好三個人。還有比如《花木蘭》《阿拉丁》,有一部希拉里達芙的愛情電影對話也挺簡單的,叫《灰姑娘的魔法手機》,有一場校園化妝舞會的戲挺合適的,女主、男主、還有一個女主的朋友也是三個人 。

㈢ 電影《畫皮Ⅲ》中有哪些令你印象深刻的片段


㈣ 幫忙進來推薦個電影,關於三個人愛情的!

1. 閏年
安娜是一名優秀的布景師,男朋友傑里米則是一位出色的心臟科醫生。安娜希望早日與男友步入婚姻的殿堂,卻遲遲等不來男友的求婚。 父親告訴安娜,在愛爾蘭有一個傳統,每個閏年的2月29日,女方都可向男方求婚,安娜的祖母便是如此。本不願採取這種方法的安娜,在收到的男友的耳環(她原以為是訂婚戒指)後,終於決定趁著傑里米在愛爾蘭參加會議期間,向他求婚。安娜踏上了由波士頓前往都柏林(愛爾蘭首都)的旅程。 2月的愛爾蘭,氣候惡劣,使得安娜的求婚之行備受挫折。首先飛機受風暴影響,降落在了威爾士;安娜改乘船後,又因暴雨影響只能在愛爾蘭的一座小鎮丁格爾上岸。為了盡早趕去准備,安娜花費500歐元請小鎮上唯一的司機,也是旅店老闆的德克蘭送她去都柏林。 他們的旅程同樣是事件不斷,城市女孩在鄉下闖出了不少禍事,而原本看不順眼的兩人之間也漸漸摩擦出了火花……在閏年的2月29日這一天,安娜會向誰求婚呢?



㈤ 急求經典歐美電影(愛情類)三人對白

Vicky:Right,Who exactly are you?
Juan antonio:I am Juan Antonio. And you are ..Vicky, and you are Cristina. Right? or is it the other way around?
Vicky:It could be the other way around ...because either of us will do to keep the bed warm. I get it.
Juan antonio:Well, you are both so lovely and beautiful.
Vicky:Yeah, thank you, but we do not fly off to make love ...with whoever invites us to charming little Spanish towns.
Juan antonio:Does she always analyze every inspiration ... until each grain of charm is ..squeezed out of it?
Cristina:I guess I have to say that ...en, what you say, my eyes are green, actually.
Vicky:look, I wouldn't call our reluctance ...to leap at your sexual offer being over-analytical.
If you would care to join us for some ...recognized form of social interaction like a drink, we'd be fine ...but otherwise, I think you should try offering to some other table.
Juan antonio:What offended you about the offer? Surely not, that I find you both beautiful and desirable.
Vicky:Offended me? No, it's very amusing...galling, to be honest, but ...is it my imagination or is it getting a little late?
Cristina:I would love to go to Oviedo.
Vicky: what? Are you kidding? Or?
Cristina:I think it would be so much fun. I think we should go. I'd love to go.
Vicky: Cristina, Can we discuss this some other time?
Juan antonio:When I saw you across the room at the art gallery ... ...I noticed you have ... ...beautiful lips. Very full, very sensual.
Cristina:Thank you.
Vicky:Okay,Okay, I'm s- ,you know ,if you want to go .
Cristina:I can't guarantee the lovemaking--because I happen to be very moody.
Juan antonio:Let's not negotiate like a contract. I came over here with no subterfuge, and presented my best offer. I hope you will disscuss it and give me the pleasure to take you with me to Oviedo.I have the good fortune to borrow my friend's plane. It's just big enough for the three of us and I'm a very good pilot.
Vicky:It sounds very safe.
Juan antonio:Think it over.
Vicky:I hope you're joking about going.
Cristina:Oh, my god,This guy is so interesting.
Vicky:Interesting? Are you kidding? What's so interesting? He wants to get us both into bed. But he'll settle for either. In this case, you.
Cristina:Vicky, I'm a big girl, okay? If I want to sleep with him, I will. If not, I won't.Vicky:Cristina, he's a total stranger. This is impulsive, even for you ... And if I heard right, he was violent with his wife.
Cristina:At least he's not one of those factory-made zombies.you know?I mean, This is a great way to get to know him.
Vicky: no, it's not. I'm not going to Oviedo ... ...with this charmingly candid wife beater. You find his aggressiveness attractive, but I don't. And he's certainly not handsome.
Cristina:I think he's very handsome. He has a great look. I mean, he's really sexy.
Vicky:Well, you would, because you know, you're a neurotic.
Cristina: you have to admire his no-bullshit approach.
Vicky: What are you talking about?it』s all bullshit.I am not going to Oviedo. First off, I never heard of Oviedo. ...I don』t find hin winning, Third ,even if I wasn』t engaged …and was free to have some kind of dalliance with a Spaniard, I wouldn't pick this one.
[talking on her cellphone to Doug]
Vicky: hello, Oh, hi. I can't talk right now. I'm trying to save Cristina from making a potentially fatal mistake. what? No, the usual. I'll call you back. I love you, too.
Cristina: If we go back to the House now, we can just throw some things in a bag and we'll meet him there.look,I took an instant liking to this guy. I mean,He's not one of these cookie-cutter molds. You know, He's creative and artistic.
Vicky: Cookie-cutter mold? Is that what you think of Doug?
Cristina: Doug? Who said anything about Doug?
Vicky: It's ridiculous. You like the way it sounds to pick up and fly off in an airplane.
Cristina: I know. I don't know why I'm so scared, unless I'm scared of myself.
Vicky: It's a mistake, Cristina.

㈥ 韓國電影 三個愛情故事


另外,《我的愛》預告片很好看,主題歌很好聽,給你一個鏈接,聽聽吧,很好聽。http://gb.cri.cn/18991/2007/12/17/[email protected]

㈦ 求經典的三個人的英文電影對白

Ennio Morricone所創作出的經典樂章,讓人們難以忘懷。甚至有人形容閉上眼睛開這部電影就像聽一場音樂會一樣過癮。不管是新奇浪漫愛情主題的Playing Love,還是在風浪中隨波飛舞的Magic Waltz,抑或是爵士鼻祖彈奏的那首充滿挑釁的The Crave,還有1900精彩炫目的Enring Movement,大師老莫的才華在華彩飛揚的樂章中展現無遺。
「Take a piano. The keys begin, the keys end. You know there are eightyeight of them, nobody can tell you any different. They are not infinite. You are infinite. And on these keys the music that you can make is infinite. I like that. That I can live by.」——這是我認為整部電影中最經典的台詞,因為這句話最可以體現1900的心靈世界,他將鋼琴和音樂視為生命,或者說他就是鋼琴,鋼琴就是他。他從一出生就在船上,他沒有下過船,沒有到過陸地,因此他對陸地沒有期盼、沒有好奇。然而當他心愛的姑娘出現時,他為了愛決定下船,他說了這樣一段話:「Its voice.It's like ...a big scream,telling you that life is immense.Once you've finally heard it then you will really know what you have to do to go on living.I could stay here forever.The ocean would never tell me a thing.But if I get off,live on landfor a couple of years,then I'd be normal,just like the others.And then,maybe one day I will make it to the coast,look up,see the ocean and hear it scream.本以為,他意識到了生活的無邊與美好,本以為,他體會到了海所不能帶給他的東西,本以為,他會如他所說的那樣義無反顧的下船去,可是,到最後關頭,他還是反悔了,他到底是不會也不能離開,他不會出賣鋼琴,因為那是他的命!

㈧ 求一部經典的英文電影片段 三個人演的5分鍾左右


㈨ 找一電影 我不知道名字 是香港電影 3個人的愛情故事 其中有個女孩很胖 她撿到一個BP機


CALL 機的失主常 CALL她,莉莉在好奇心驅使下,打了電話給失主,沒想到就和這位失主在電話里交上了朋友,沒見過面的兩個人,以電話相談甚歡,彼此對對方存有愛情夢幻,但是莉莉因為身材過胖始終不敢去見他,因此下定決心減肥.兩星期過去,胖妹減肥失敗,在失主百般要求之下,胖妹還是鼓起勇氣去見他.但當兩人見面之後,剛剛來了的愛情,卻因為兩人長相而悄然夢碎….



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