⑴ 一部電影 有一個五分多鍾的片段 講的關於教育的 記得裡面一句台詞: 教育,請不要讓魚去爬樹
#反思饒舌# -《獻給現代教育體制的訴狀》(中文字幕)
⑵ 外國的一部有四首饒舌歌的電影叫《模特「風」采》
⑶ 有發音難度的,比較饒舌的英文電影台詞
⑷ 公主撕逼饒舌大戰歌詞翻譯全集
網上沒找到 只好自己動手_(:з」∠)_ 【純手打 辛辛苦苦的勞動成果啊喂給個贊】
another princess in my shadow 另一個公主被姐踩在腳下
come to covet my crown 還對姐的皇冠有所企圖
you clowns wanna throw down 你個婊砸自己弄丟了
with the best in gown? 最漂亮的禮服
I'm the legendary story 姐就是傳說
of rags to riches 白手起家的勞模
rhymes sharper than a needle 押韻起來一溜一溜
and I'm giving out stitches 而我的出現顯得你們
like a wilting rose 像個殘花敗柳
You can't step to my flows 你們才跟不上姐的步伐
these girls are trippin' 那群蠢貨摔個狗吃屎
did they cut off their toes? 是割了腳趾不是
I deserve all the praise 你們都該拜倒在姐的裙底
for the foot-fetish craze 像個瘋狂的戀腳癖
I've got itty-bitty kicks 姐挪個碎花步子
but legs for days 就夠他們跑上半天
Let's look at your mentality 看看姐 再看看你
Ferud loves your abnormality 費洛伊德才喜歡你的怪異
the Stickholm Syndrome Story: 斯德哥爾摩癥候群的人生
beauty and the bestiality 美女與野獸
of course you're bitter 你當然啞巴吃黃連
I'm the number one star 姐才是頭牌花旦
pumpkin carriage,perfect marriage 南瓜馬車,如意郎君
no one cares who you are 誰在乎你這傻逼
What's my name? 本宮是誰
(Belle) 貝兒公主
What's it mean? 含義呢
(Beauty) 可人兒
I'm the perfect combination 本宮就是完美化身
of brains and booty 美麗與智慧並存
while I'm gaining knowleage 本宮做學問的時候
you're losing your pumps 你連只鞋都找不到
likes Mrs.Potts I'm serving shots 像個伺候我的茶壺夫人
and dishing out lumps 給我收拾一輩子爛攤子
Cindy's dreaming she's important 還以為自己有多重要
well,somebody should wake her 呵呵 有些人真該醒醒了
this gold-digging trophy wife's 釣金龜婿的傢伙
the royal babymaker 不過皇家的生育機器
fear the nerdy,wordy princess 一看書就頭疼的公主
'cause I'm throwin' more shade 而本宮解決過的麻煩
than the willow tree growing 多過你生母墓前
on your dead mother's grave 參天的大樹
your tale an old as time 你的故事老得掉渣
sets us back fifty years 還得倒數個五十年
do you chores,clean the floors 干你的活去吧 擦你的地去吧
'til a man just appears 眼巴巴等你男人出現吧
you're shallow and obsessed 姐姐 你可真是很傻很天真
with looks and how you're dressed 瞧瞧你那張臉 和過氣的打扮
you wanna live like Gaston? 你想像我家王子過著皇家生活
please be our guest 我倒可以考慮帶你玩玩
oh,I'm the one who's shallow 天了嚕 姐會那麼膚淺
'cause your prince was really hairy? 就因為你有個野人王子
the Beast was in the friend zone 那個禽獸一直呆在歡樂谷
'til he gave you his library 直到他把他的圖書館給了你
your points have no merit 你那點破事有什麼值得炫耀
you're jealous,declare it 你就是羨慕嫉妒恨 聲明一下
like I've always said 就像本宮的名言
if the shoes fits,wear it 那鞋合適 就套腳上
I'm the American dream 我就是美國夢的代表
with a fairy-tale wedding 童話般的婚禮 你羨慕不來
you've got teapots for friends 你就只配拿個茶壺當閨蜜
and I think your man's shedding 誰知道你男人是不是個「快男」
some things are meant to be 有些事註定了的
like love at first sight 就像一見鍾情
bibbidi-bobbidi-booyah 嗶嗶嗶叭叭叭
he was mine before midnight 午夜鍾聲響起前 他就是姐的
A relationship rookie 什麼狗屁愛情
wants to rap about romance? 還想談浪漫
you can't fall in love 跳個舞就愛上了
after just one dance 簡直可笑
my prince saved my life 本宮的王子是本宮救命恩人
and don't be misled 別多想 對於本宮
I want a man in the street 要的就是生活里的紳士
but a beast in the bed 床榻上的大猛牛
your film stars mice and cats 你的爛片 陣容就那些老鼠和貓
with an old,fat fairy 還有個又老又胖的仙女
your silly stroy's shoehorned 你的故事不過是在硬塞
into freakin'"Tom and Jerry" 簡直是盜版 貓和老鼠
you say you wanna party 說什麼想要個派對
next you run off down the halls 接著扭頭就跑
it's like you always choke 每天咳個不停
once you make it to the balls 一旦上了舞會
You think that's funny? 你覺得好笑
here's a history lesson,honey 姐來給你上課歷史
my movie saved the studio 我的電影救了迪士尼
when Walt was out of money 那會沃爾特成了個窮鬼
You followed in my footsteps 你不過是跟隨姐的步伐
without me there's no you 沒有姐 你都不知道在哪
Disney built an empire 迪士尼的帝國
on these tiny glass shoes 全憑姐這雙玻璃鞋
if you're so adored 要是你這么偉大
where's your Academy Award? 就別陪跑奧斯卡
I'm the smart female heroine 本宮才是真正的英雄
that can't be ignored 豈容你忽視
the moral of our quarrel 我跟你的問題只在
and why I've got you beat 你是怎麼被本宮打敗的
it's what's inside that matters 這才是問題的實質
not the size of your feet 誰管你穿多大碼鞋
⑸ 急求亂世佳人(飄)中經典對白的潛台詞分析!!!!
首先 這里是基本的分析http://ke..com/view/26932.htm
然後 這里是裡面的經典對白
⑹ 紫薇和爾康的一段經典饒舌台詞在還珠格格哪句話
紫薇:爾康,不要難過。 爾康:我沒有難過,只要你不難過,我就不難過,紫薇,答應我不要難過。紫薇:爾康,我沒難過,我哪有難過,你不要難過,你看我都不難過了,你也別難過,不要難過,爾康!爾康:好好好,我不難過,可是紫薇,你一定別難過,難過的已經都過去了!紫薇:嗯,我們都不要難過吧!