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『壹』 "自述"用英文怎麼翻譯啊`~名詞形式的

一般情況下可譯為self-description或self-introction;但若用在書名中,則應採取意譯的辦法——比如《雪堂自述》,西方人恐怕除了少數漢學家是對雪堂(羅振玉號)沒什麼印象,則應譯為A Great Scholar Lo Chen-yu's Account of His Own Life and Scholarship。

『貳』 英語電影類型的表達方式及名稱

animated cartoon卡通片
autobiographical film自傳電影
comedy 戲劇
propaganda film宣傳片
silent film 無聲電影
sound film 有聲電影
suspense film 懸念片
telecine 電視電影
vaudeville 輕歌舞劇
drama 劇情片
action 動作片
disaster 災難片
thrill 恐怖片
road 公路片
alt 成人片
film-noir 黑色電影(描寫社會陰暗面的影片)
sci-fi film 科幻片(注意讀音為sai fai)

你好我是英語專業的 這些來自我的雅思詞彙和綜合英語課堂上老師講的內容。

『叄』 電影的英文怎麼拼

movie 或者 film

『肆』 「自傳」英語怎麼寫

自傳 [zì zhuàn]
autobiography memoir
She has just written her autobiography.
Have you read his autobiography?
The story is based mainly on tradition.

autobiography [ˌɔ:tə'ɔgrəfi]
n. 自傳
Enclosed please find a resume, a photo and an autobiography.
Iacocca's autobiography is a best- seller.
Have you read his autobiography?

memoir ['memwɑ:]
n. 傳記,實錄,追思錄
At the end of his career in politics, he retired and wrote his memoirs.
She wrote a memoir of her stay in France.

『伍』 用英語說一種電影類型以及你對這些問題的簡單評論

drama 劇情片
action 動作片
disaster 災難片
thrill 恐怖片
road 公路片
alt 成人片
film-noir 黑色電影(描寫社會陰暗面的影片)
sci-fi film 科幻片
animated cartoon卡通片
autobiographical film自傳電影
comedy 戲劇
propaganda film宣傳片
silent film 無聲電影
sound film 有聲電影
suspense film 懸念片
telecine 電視電影
vaudeville 輕歌舞劇

『陸』 人物傳記類型的電影怎麼說 biography movie

Genre: biography

biography feature film

『柒』 有些電影寫著 前傳,自傳,後傳這三個詞是什麼意思


『捌』 求SmTown的自傳電影I AM的資料!

I AM. - SM家族青春傳記電影(英語:I AM. - SM Town Live World Tour in Madison Square Garden) 是SM Entertainment於2012年5月上映的傳記影片。電影主要以2011年10月SMTOWN於美國「紐約麥迪遜花園廣場」舉行演唱會為背景的紀錄片。

『玖』 自傳英文400字

My autobiography
My name is Chen Junyu, is a boy of Aries, in March 25, 1996, I quietly came to this beautiful world. After 13 years of wind and rain, has experienced many setbacks large and small, and a lot of success, now of I, a tall, quick thinking of me.
Like everyone else, I live in an ordinary family. 4 years old entered the nursery at that time I didn't like school very much, remember once, I in the class, because too want to go home, climb on the door to the kindergarten, ready to go home "hooky", but was teacher "hide" back, this matter has parents will often mention it.
I have a strong character, six years old when the doctor said I amblyopia, my mother spent a hundred dollars to me with a pair of glasses, I refused to wear, every day with Grandpa playing badminton, after more than half a year to check, my eyes was miraculously good up.
In the blink of an eye, I was a primary school, in primary school I had the very big change, I often go to the sword the British Library, go to the bookstore to read, so Chinese achievement has been very good, mathematics is relatively good, is how also not in English the "hum", a, I in the English contest I competition had 49 points, back to home by mother scold a meal, but I've learned my lesson. Some progress.
Now I am ready to hesitate to sixth grader, soon to enter the period of youth, I want to the conditions for performance, and the creation of, add a symbol of advanced youth organization of the Communist Youth League, I will study hard, study hard and lay a solid foundation, in the future to serve the motherland.






『拾』 介紹一下EMINEM的自傳電影《8英里》

故事始於1995年冬天的底特律。在一家名為The Shelter的hip-hop俱樂部里,每到周末樂手們都聚在一起,進行一對一的45秒鍾表演比賽,最後由人群決定誰是此輪的勝出者,進入下一輪直至決出周冠軍。當輪到小吉米·史密斯(埃米納姆飾)上台表演時,他卻卡殼了。 隨後我們進入到吉米的個人生活之中。他在工廠當工人,因與女友分手而丟掉了汽車,不得不重回到拖車里和母親(金·貝辛格飾)以及同母異父的妹妹一起生活。吉米繼續著他的個人奮斗:他不僅要面對被轟下台來的尷尬,還要應付與母親一起住在拖車里生活的現實。與此同時,母親男友的出現,來自生活、工作和朋友的壓力,與一群hip-hop樂手的激烈競爭……所有的這一切,都需要他去面對解決。 故事聚焦於一個年輕人的生活,表現出主人公試圖沖破團體與家庭的束縛,建立自己個性的情感斗爭,以及他勇於用音樂表達憤怒和恐懼,跨越種族與個人的身心障礙,並最終逃離底特律城的生活經歷。 http://ke.soso.com/v5410728.htm?syn=8%E8%8B%B1%E9%87%8C 這里比較詳細,自己去看下啊



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