1. 影視劇中,讓你印象深刻的低成本小微電影有哪些
2. 有沒有什麼好看的微電影啊,越多越好,最好是在線的~
《聊天Ⅰ 還有Ⅱ》(深圳市第二職業技術學校的學生拍的。好看)
3. 在好久以前有一部微電影戲名好想叫我的名字叫小微,印象中好像是中大學拍的
4. 小微和阿偉是什麼電影
咨詢記錄 · 回答於2021-12-28
5. 盤點適合小學生的微電影,【免費高清】在線觀看百度網盤資源
劇名:阿特米斯的奇幻歷險 網路網盤下載觀看鏈接:
6. 有什麼好的微電影,四十分鍾以上,騰訊視頻上能搜到的
我看過一個 拾荒少年 自認為非常好!!望採納!
7. 一個五分鍾左右的小微電影,求評 我想,我們還是兄弟 對白/配音 畫面
I think, we're still brothers.
Dialogue / bbing pictures music sound note
A: we are still brothers?
B: do you think? Two people face to face, looking at each other. B turned to leaveorbit
B: he is A, I have been the best brother. Unfortunately, just once... .. B turned around after the facial close-up, dark field light music slow
Caption: I think, we're still brothers.
A: brother, did you hear?
B: what? Say, didn't see lol yet?
A: I depend, you can have a little business, almost graated and heart to play games, work available?
B: No, what worry ah
A: I can tell you, one company to hire, you love to go
B: are you going?
A: must go ah, do you think I like you like it
B: I how? I'm not saying don't go, go and see B in the bedroom playing games, Apushed the door in
The manager of the company C: I have seen you two CV, are good, but this time we are limited, so, I go back to consider, you wait for my call
A: OK, we wait for your call
B: then we went to A B in the office, waiting for the results of the interview, and then leave need an office
A: like here?
B: OK, unwillingly
A: do not install to die, then you have the ability to hire, you come ah! You can Niubi.
B: I guess I don't have that opportunity, they may not want to you.
A: all right, you better than me so much... . two people out from the office, all the waysmall talk, slowly left the track (Figure)
B: brother, you can rest assured that it won't work! Well, these are no problem! Well,the line, the first so that the contact again later after playing basketball A back to the bedroom, at the door heard B call sound. Found B is to call C
A: do these little tricks behind interesting?
B: what did I do? You play basketball, and hit my head on the shelf?
A: if you want to go, say not A pushed the door and entered the bedroom, will be in the hands of the basketball throw on the ground, cold look at B, after two peoplequarrel, A left
A: the original, this is my brother... A a person to leave the music..
A alone in two men stayed together of the place, looking at once two people together of the time music
Caption: two months
B: Hello, who is it?
C: Hello, B? Congratulations, you have been accepted!
B: really?
C: of course, this was accepted and your friend A
B: you don't have to have a quota? B stepped forward, ringtones rang ringtones
C: Oh, is this a while ago, A told me he wanted to quit the recruitment, andrecommended us to you, but we feel that is a rare talent, so I decided to you are hired
B: Well, thank you B think that A said in the bedroom phone words (picture reproction, plus C words)
B: we are still brothers?
A: I think B, or pick up the phone, dial the A telephone, found that A stood behind him.
Two men look, A smiled and put his arm around B's shoulder and went on
8. 有哪些小清新微電影
泰國:《初三大四我愛你》《Yes or No》1,2 《暹羅之戀》《你好,陌生人》《親愛的伽利略》《季節變幻》《下一站說愛你》《音為愛》《荷爾蒙》《小情人》
9. 【合集】微電影大全愛情電影免費,【免費高清】在線觀看百度網盤資源
劇名:兩小無猜 網路網盤下載觀看鏈接:
10. 微電影在線免費觀看網站有哪些