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發布時間:2022-03-15 12:32:43

A. 有什麼經典電影簡單介紹

演員:湯姆漢克斯 , 摩根弗里曼,喬治克魯尼,威爾史密斯

B. 求一個適合改編成短篇電影的小故事


C. 想要電影裡面幾個小片段,有啥簡單的方法不要ae pr什麼的,渲染那麼久不實用





D. 求短篇小電影謝謝!😜😜😜😜


E. 有什麼比較簡單的英文電影

《亂世佳人》(1939年出品) 學習:堅強 原著得到很多女性讀者的青睞,而改編影片則同書一樣出色。影片榮獲第12屆奧斯卡七項大獎,這些獎項的任何一個都足以引起人們觀看的慾望。克拉克·蓋博和費雯麗在片中演對手戲,就足以讓4個小時的影片變得不那麼冗長。片中突出的郝思嘉堅強的個性將刻在每一個觀看者的心中。 人生必修的九部英文電影 點擊此處查看更多圖片《簡·愛》(1944年瓊·芳登版) 學習:尊嚴 她說:「……我們站在上帝腳跟前,是平等的——因為我們是平等的!」雖然這是一部很老的片子,但經典名著並不會因歲月流逝而變得黯淡,當初該片影響了一大批知識女性。不美的人也可以有很美的愛情——如果她像簡·愛一樣,愛情會使她變美。

F. 簡短的電影梗概

The Princess Diarie:
Though this story sounds like a cheesy teenage fairy tale attempt, it is something quite the contrary. The 'girl who finds out she is a princess' story, has been most certainly covered, but this makes you forget about it being a fairy tale cliché.
All thanks to Anne Hathaway, who just sizzled as Mia – her cool/ funny tone of voice and personality, just made her picture perfect. It was as is she was just born to play it. In the end, this movie ranked no.19 in the top 20 movie list of the year 2001, grossing more than 100 million at the box office….something which it completely deserved. Julie Andrews, makes a sudden re-appearance as Queen Clarise. Though she does fit perfectly to what the casting director's envisage of the Queen, there is something that does not fit, to make it perfect. However, that does not stop anyone from not enjoying the movie and having fun. Mandy Moore's debut performance…well was HORRIBLE (listen to her cover version of 'Stupid Cupid'- its even worst than her acting)! But because Anne Hathaway's character was brought out with a lot of strength, all these minor faults seemed invisible. Hector Elizondo was equally good as the chauffeur Joe. He had wit and the personality. Heather Matarazzo always plays a freak, and in this case, it is still the same.
This may be a kiddie movie, but I believe it was made for everyone to enjoy it- and it did serve it's purpose. I ENJOYED THIS MOVIE SO MUCH and would make a great recommendation, for anyone who just wants to make movie night fun.


corpse bride
Tim Burton's Corpse Bride carries on in the dark, romantic tradition of Tim Burton's classic films Edward Scissorhands and The Nightmare Before Christmas. Set in a 19th century European village, this stop-motion, animated feature follows the story of Victor (voiced by Johnny Depp), a young man who is whisked away to the underworld and wed to a mysterious Corpse Bride, while his real bride, Victoria, waits bereft in the land of the living. Though life in the Land of the Dead proves to be a lot more colorful than his strict Victorian upbringing, Victor learns that there is nothing in this world, or the next, that can keep him away from his one true love. It's a tale of optimism, romance and a very lively afterlife, told in classic Tim Burton style.

wild child:
Poppy (Roberts) is a spoiled rich Malibu teen who has gone too far after playing an over-the-top prank and making her dad (Quinn) snapped. Thus, deciding to send her to an English boarding school for girls. She is, of course, taken in as an outsider, becoming Harriet's (King), the School Head Girl, greatest nemesis in mere seconds. But the headmistress (Richardson) really would like to help her mend her ways. She bonds with her roommates (Nixon, Temple, Wu and Cocker), after a rough start and they agree to help her get expelled so that she could go back home. Of course, cliché as it may sound, these friendship and a crush on the headmistress' son, Freddie (Pettyfer), give her second thoughts.

13 Going on 30:
On her thirteenth anniversary, the teenager Jenna Rink wishes to be a successful single woman of thirty. Her dream comes true, and on the next day she wakes up older and powerful. However, she becomes disappointed with herself, since she is an awful colleague in her work, she has no friends and no contact with her parents, and her best friend is going to marry another woman, and tries to be thirteen again and rebuilt her life.

Just My Luck:
In Manhattan, Ashley Albright is a lucky woman and very successful in the agency where she works. The clumsy Jake Hardin is an unlucky aspirant manager of the rock band McFly, who is unsuccessfully trying to contact the entrepreneur Damon Phillips to promote his band. When Ashley meets Jake in a masquerade party, they kiss each other, swapping her fortune with his bad luck.

G. 求一個簡短的電影或是動畫片視頻,要求是英語電影和動畫。

《the lost thing》 http://ke..com/view/5181429.htm
《遠在天邊》 http://ke..com/view/5025546.htm


H. 簡單介紹電影一個都不能少

好的理由: 沒有一個明星 很樸素 真實···
道理: 找人要通過電視····貼尋人啟事是沒用的 囧···

I. 看過一段簡短的影評,很久之前了,希望有大神可以說下是哪部電影。




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