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發布時間:2022-03-07 11:04:02

『壹』 大話西遊3微電影《相信愛情》最後播放的那個音樂叫什麼名字


『貳』 有一部微電影用了大話西遊的曲子,叫什麼名字


『叄』 2012年的一部微電影,超感人的!男主角得了絕症,故意假裝出軌''


『肆』 和大話腐女一樣的微電影有哪些


『伍』 大話西遊微電影背景音樂是天使在夜裡哭


『陸』 請問2012賀歲微電影《大話腐女》,女主角第一次手機響了的鈴聲是什麼,英文的,不是MORNING,謝謝!

那個歌叫 if i were a boy

『柒』 微電影《大話腐女》女主角陳妮12:41分鍾的手機鈴聲是什麼

If i were a boy beyonce的

『捌』 2012微電影《大話腐女》,我想知道12分50秒的時候那個鬧鍾鈴聲是什麼。。。以前聽過。。很好

When I hear the bird start singing
I wanna see you
Hoo,hoo,do do do do do...
When I see the leaves start fallin'
I wanna see you
The only thong I'll do
Don't you know
Is to rush and run to you
When I hear the clock start tiching
I start to miss you
Ooh...The only thing I'll do
Is gonna drearn of you
Wanna stay by by by you side
You are my everything
You are my only link
To the angel's wings
Talk about love love and
I can't stop thinking of you
Such a crazy thing
Like snow fallin' in spring
(You know every morning)
When I hear the bird start singing
I wanna see you
Ooh...the only thing I'll do
Is to rush and run to you
When I hear the clock start tiching
I start to miss you
Ooh...The only thing I'll do
Is start to dream of you
I found my angel in my life
I cannot see why
I cannot see why
We can't be in love till we die
Wanna stay by by by you side
You are my everything
You are my only link
To the angel's wings
Talk about love love and
I can't stop thinking of you
Such a crazy thing
Like snow fallin' in spring
One day we'll spread our wings
You and me da,you and me da...
Spread our wings do...do...do...
Wannabe wannabe wanna
I wanna be.be your lover
I'll run to you...ooh...

想問個問題,那個慢慢的女聲低沉的,歌詞是i miss you 的歌是什麼?

『玖』 大話腐女高清完整版下載


『拾』 2012賀歲微電影《大話腐女》【瘋人映像】背景粵語音樂是誰唱的。

大話西遊片尾曲《一生所愛》,這么經典的啊! 盧冠廷唱的



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