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❶ 求筷子兄弟的微電影《老男孩》的英文字幕

That is my deep love of people day and night, ah,
How can I express in the end, she will accept me?
May never tell her with words,
I'm doomed to wandering, how to have care,
Dreams are distant, is not it should be abandoned,
Blossom season is the spring ah, where are you.?
Youth as flowing rivers, never came back too late to say goodbye
I not only numb the time when the blood,
Look at the sky scatter flowers,
The most beautiful moment in the withering
Who would remember the world it came,
Blink of an eye in the past, many years into the world, the number of clutch joys and sorrows,
Xian Mu Nanfei once Faces of wild youth,
Ben rush their future figure drifting away,
Where is the future ordinary, ah .. who gave me the answer,
Which was accompanied by my people, where are you now,
I've loved the people, ah, now look like,
Desire to realize you had, now have to do to pay homage to it?
Ideal for any dry years I really never found again,
Looked up the sky galaxy, then with my sinking,
Here's the story you remember.,
Life is like a cruel knife, changed the way we look.
, Did not bloom will wither up, I had a dream ..
If tomorrow, bless you dear

❷ 老男孩這首歌出自哪部電影


❸ 筷子兄弟的微電影都有哪些



❹ 老男孩兒這首歌是哪個電影的


中文名: 11度青春之《老男孩》
外文名: The bright eleven - Old Boys
其它譯名: 老男孩
製片地區: 中國大陸
導演: 肖央
編劇: 肖央
類型: 劇情,喜劇,短片
主演: 肖央,王太利,韓秋池,於蓓蓓,張末,顏隆,宋金岳,賀敬東,李衛東
片長: 42:41
上映時間: 2010-10-28
對白語言: 漢語普通話
色彩: 彩色

片尾筷子兄弟為我們道出了真諦:夢想這東西和經典一樣,永遠不會因為時間而褪色,反而更顯珍貴。影片的結尾的歌曲《老男孩》,掀起了整個影片的高潮,更是引起無數網友在論壇上跪求此曲。 老男孩 演唱:筷子兄弟
作詞:筷子兄弟 作曲:ありがとう-大橋卓彌 那是我日夜思念深深愛著的人吶 I am deep in love with her, thinking of her day and night 到底我該如何表達 But how can I express myself 她會接受我嗎 And will she accept me 也許永遠都不會跟她說出那句話 Maybe I'll never expose my heart to her 註定我要浪跡天涯 For I am always wondering about alone and homeless 怎麼能有牽掛 How can I be on tenterhooks 夢想總是遙不可及 Dreams are but dreams 是不是應該放棄 Maybe I should give up 花開花落又是一季 Flowers bloom and fade again and again 春天啊你在哪裡 But where is the spring for me 老男孩簡譜
青春如同奔流的江河 Youth like a swift current 一去不回來不及道別 Rushing by without saying good-bye 只剩下麻木的我沒有了當年的熱血 Leaving me behind, numb cold spent 看那漫天飄零的花朵 A beautiful flower faded 在最美麗的時刻凋謝 At its prime time in spring 有誰會記得這世界她來過But who cares if it ever lived in this world 轉眼過去多年世間 Turn over the past years world 多少離合悲歡 Witnessing unions and departures, joys and sorrows 曾經志在四方少年 The wondering boy envies the wild goose 羨慕南飛的雁 That flies to his home in the south before winter comes 各自奔前程的身影匆匆漸行漸遠 People go in different directions, away and gone 未來在哪裡平凡 But where is my future, just simple, ordinary days for me 啊誰給我答案 Oh, who can give me the answer 那時陪伴我的人啊你們如今在何方 Where are you, the girl who used to sit by my side 我曾經愛過的人啊現在是什麼模樣 Are you still beautiful and lovely, as the girl in my memory 當初的願望實現了嗎 Have you realized your dreams 事到如今只好祭奠嗎 Maybe we'll let bygones be bygones 任歲月風干理想再也找不回真的我 However hard I may try, I cannot find my true self 抬頭仰望這滿天星河 A million stars are twinkling in the sky, and I try to find out the one 那時候陪伴我的那顆 That used to stay by me, oh my dear companion of yesterday 這里的故事你是否還記得 Do you still remember the time we shared together 生活像一把無情刻刀 Life, like a sculptor's graver, cold and ruthless 改變了我們模樣 has changed our shape 未曾綻放就要枯萎嗎 Will the flower wither before it ever has a chance to bloom 我有過夢想 But I used to have my dream 青春如同奔流的江河 Youth like a swift current 一去不回來不及道別 rushing by without saying goodbye 只剩下麻木的我沒有了當年的熱血 Leaving me behind, numb, cold, spent 看那漫天飄零的花朵 A beautiful flower faded 在最美麗的時刻凋謝 At its prime time in spring 有誰會記得這世界她曾經來過But who cares if it ever lived in this world 當初的願望實現了嗎 Have you realized your dreams 事到如今只好祭奠嗎 Maybe we'll let bygones be bygones 任歲月風干理想再也找不回真的我 However hard I may try, I cannot find my true self 抬頭仰望這滿天星河 A million stars are twinkling in the sky, and I try to find out the one 那時候陪伴我的那顆 That used to stay by me, oh my dear companion of yesterday 這里的故事你是否還記得 Do you still remember the happening here before 如果有明天祝福你親愛的 If tomorrow ever comes, I'll send my best wishes to you, my dear girl 註:筷子兄弟在北京電視台2011網路春晚上演唱《老男孩》時,歌詞有所改動,改動後結果如下: (括弧內為改動後的歌詞) 那是我日夜思念深深愛著的人吶 到底我該如何表達 她會接受我嗎 也許永遠都不會跟她說出那句話 註定我要浪跡天涯 怎麼能有牽掛 夢想總是遙不可及 是不是應該放棄 花開花落又是一季 春天啊你在哪裡 青春如同奔流的江河 一去不回來不及道別 只剩下(平凡)的我沒有了當年的熱血 看那漫天飄零的花朵 在最美麗的時刻凋謝 有誰會記得這世界她來過 轉眼過去多年世間多少離合悲歡 曾經志在四方少年羨慕南飛的雁 各自奔前程的身影匆匆漸行漸遠 未來在哪裡平凡啊誰給我答案 那時陪伴我的人啊你們如今在何方 我曾經愛過的人啊現在是什麼模樣 當初的願望實現了嗎 事到如今只好祭奠嗎 任歲月風干理想再也找不回真的我 抬頭仰望這滿天星河 那時候陪伴我的那顆 這里的故事你是否還記得 生活像一把無情刻刀 改變了我們模樣 未曾綻放就要枯萎嗎 我有過夢想 青春如同奔流的江河 一去不回來不及道別 只剩下(平凡)的我沒有了當年的熱血 看那滿天飄零的花朵 在最美麗的時刻凋謝 有誰會記得這世界它曾經來過 當初的願望實現了嗎 (還在堅持曾經理想嗎 ) 任歲月(匆匆流走心中夢想永不疲倦) 抬頭仰望這滿天星河 那時候陪伴我的那顆 (我們)的故事他(依然)還記得 (今晚的夜空你是最閃亮的)




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