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㈢ ET(電影)的圖片和經典台詞或對白


Elliot: He's a man from outer space and we're taking him to his spaceship.
Greg: Well, can't he just beam up?
Elliot: This is REALITY, Greg.

E.T.: E.T. phone home.

Elliot: How do you explain school to a higher intelligence?

Michael: Maybe it was an iguana.
Elliot: It was NO iguana.
Michael: You know how they say there are alligators in the sewers?
Gertie: Alligators in the sewers.
Mary: All we're trying to say is, maybe you just probably imagined it.
Elliot: I couldn't have imagined it!
Michael: Maybe it was a pervert or a deformed kid or something.
Gertie: A deformed kid.
Michael: Maybe an elf or a leprechaun?
Elliot: It was nothing like that, penis-breath!

Michael: Maybe an elf or a leprechaun.
Elliot: It was nothing like that, penis breath!

Mary: If you ever see it again, whatever it is, don't catch it, just call me and we'll call somebody and have them take it away.
Gertie: Like the dogcatcher?
Elliot: But they'll give it a lobotomy or do experiments on it or something.

Michael: Maybe he's some animal that wasn't supposed to live. Could be a monkey or an orangutan.
Elliot: A bald monkey?
Gertie: Is he a pig? He sure eats like one.

Elliot: You could be happy here, I could take care of you. I wouldn't let anybody hurt you. We could grow up together, E.T.

Keys: Elliot, that machine, what does it do?
Elliot: The communicator? Is it still working?
Keys: It's doing *something*. What?
Elliot: I really shouldn't tell. He came to me, he came to me.
Keys: Elliot, he came to me too. I've been wishing for this since I was 10 years old, I don't want him to die. What can we do that we're not already doing?
Elliot: He needs to go home, he's calling his people, and I don't know where they are, and he needs to go home.
Keys: Elliot, I don't think he was left here intentionally, but his being here is a miracle, Elliot. It's a miracle and you did the best that anybody could do. I'm glad he met you first.

Michael: [Michael imitating Elliot] I found him, he belongs to me!

Elliot: You must be dead, because I don't know how to feel. I can't feel anything anymore.

Steve: Did your goblin come back?
Michael: Shut up.
Greg: Well, did he?
Elliot: Yeah, he came back. But he's not a goblin. He's a spaceman.
Tyler: Ooh! An Extra-Terrestrial! Where's he from? Uranus? Get it? Your anus?
Greg: He doesn't get it Ty.
Tyler: Get it? Your anus?
Greg: He doesn't get it.
Elliot: You're so immature!
Greg: And you're such a sinus supremus.
Elliot: Zero charisma!
Greg: Sinus supremus!
Elliot: Zero charisma!
Greg: Sinus supremus!
Elliot: Shut up Greg!
Pretty Young Girl: Hi Elliott.
Greg: Sinus supremus!
Elliot: Zero charisma!
Greg: You wimp!

Tyler: Douche bag.

Mary: A pizza? Who said you guys could order a pizza?

Tyler: We made it! Oh shit!

Michael: [as Yoda] "You have absolute power! Eerrp!"

Elliot: What do I do?
Michael: I don't know. You have absolute power, remember?

Elliot: Oh, God!
E.T.: Elliot.
Elliot: What?
E.T.: Elliot! Elliot!
Gertie: I taught him how to talk. He can talk now.
Elliot: Wait. Can you say 'E.T.'? E.T.?
E.T.: E.T.
Elliot: Aha!
E.T.: E.T.! E.T.! E.T.!

Michael: We're all going to die and they're never going to give me my license!

Michael: Where's the playground?
Elliot: It's near the preschool!
Michael: Where's that?
Elliot: I don't know streets! Mom always drives me!
Michael: Son of a bitch.

Elliott: I'm keeping him.

[Mary hits E.T. with the refrigerator door]
Gertie: Here he is.
Mary: [absently] Who?
Gertie: The man from the moon. But I think you've killed him already.

[after E.T. learns how to talk]
Mary: Gertie, I've gotta go pick up Elliot from school.
Gertie: Mama, he can talk!
Mary: [thinking she meant Elliot] Of course he can talk.

Elliot: I'll believe in you all my life.

[last lines]
E.T.: Come...
Elliot: Stay...
E.T.: Ouch.
Elliot: Ouch.
E.T.: I'll... be... right... here.
Elliot: ...bye.

E.T.: Be good.

E.T.: [touching heart, about to leave Elliott forever] Ouuuuch!

[first lines]
Steve: [reading dice] Five.
Michael: Oh, great.
Steve: So you got an arrow right in your chest.

E.T.: [steps on a bathroom scale, it reads 35 lbs]
Elliot: 35 pounds? You're fat!

Elliot: [upon encountering ET, running excitedly into the house] Mom, mom! There's something out at me!
Elliot: [starts chattering noisily to the other boys] What?
Elliot: Quiet!
[they obey, he speaks in a hushed tone]
Elliot: *Nobody* go out there!
Greg: [the boys all spring up excitedly] Ha! Ha! Ha!
[they grab knives]
Mary: Stop you guys, stay right here!
Greg: You stay here, Mom, we'll check it out!
Mary: And put those knives back!
[Elliot grabs her hands and pulls her outside as well]
Mary: Okay, Elliott!

[the boys are telling Elliot to order the pizza]
Tyler: Everything but the little fishies!

E.T.: [saying good-bye to Gertie] Beeeeeee. Gooood.
Gertie: [tearfully] Yes.

[repeated line]
Greg: Something is definitely happening...
Tyler: Shut up, Greg.

Mary: Michael, please do the dishes
Michael: I set and cleared
Elliot: *I* set and cleared
Michael: [quickly] I did breakfast
Gertie: I did breakfast
Mary: [Mary slams a pot down on the sideboard]

Elliot: But, look, you can't tell. Not even mom.
Gertie: Why not?
Elliot: Because grownups can't see him. Only little kids can see him.
Gertie: Give me a break!




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